The RAC Region I teleconference was held on Thursday 09/01/11. The following individuals participated.

Camille Crichton-Sumners (Chair)New Jersey DOT

Allison Hardt (Vice-Chair)Maryland DOT

Gary FrederickNY DOT

Mike BoniniPenn DOT

Steve PepinMass. DOT

Dinny OliveiraConn DOT

Glenn RobertsNew Hampshire DOT

Jennifer FitchVTrans

Wendy KippVTrans

Bill CarrDistrict of Columbia

Mike SockRIDOT

Martin ParkerDDOT

Diane LerouxQuebec

Chris JollyFHWA- Vermont

After Roll Call was taken and the agenda was adopted, minutes from 7/26/11 RAC 1 meeting held during the national RAC/TRB were approved.

Old Business:

Discussion of several topics referenced in 8/17/11 e-mail from RAC leadership which included 5 attachments- FFATA Act questions; agenda for Annual TRB RAC meeting; 8/11/11 Leadership notes/ RAC/CUTC Liaison Group notes from 7/25/11 meeting; announcement of successful RAC/CUTC partnership session at the Annual TRB meeting.

This info. was in Camille’s 8/30/11 e-mail to RAC 1.

Discussion included. NCHRP problem statements due 9/15. Online registration is available for annual TRB meeting. 3 new RFP’s for SHRP 2 have been issued- looking for volunteer states. AASHTO TIG Technology Nomination and Solicitation deadline is 9/16/11- Dale is now Region 1 rep. on the Executive Committee. Looking to get the region more involved so let Dale know if you would like to submit something.

SCOR positions are available- if interested let Camille know. Glen is currently a member and his term is up in the fall of 2012. The annual meeting is in March. The Chair and Vice Chair of RAC 1 are invited to attend the SCOR meeting.

Discussed the various RAC Task Force’s and schedules. Administration; Collaboration & Coordination; Knowledge Management; PM&Q; and Value of Research. S. Pepin gave update/activities of Admin. Task Force- help conduct business of RAC, update bylaws, SCOR Strategic plans, currently looking for 1 page description of how DOT Research programs are organized. M. Bonini discussed Knowledge Management Task Force- establish knowledge networks, improve how knowledge is used. Let Mike know if you are interested in participating on Task force. Dale is the new Chair of the Value of Research Task Force.

New Business:

Survey has been completed by RAC 1 member states regarding regional goals and what folks are interested in (Completed survey attached to Camille’s 8/30/11 e-mail regarding 9/1/11 conference call.

Follow up discussion of what was presented at the 7/2011 Annual meeting. RAC 1 looking to produce a regional high value research document utilizing the one page summaries already requested for the High Value Research document prepared for the annual meeting. Discussed what this document should look like- include specific projects, newsletter format, produce a document that highlight research success’s for CEO’s to use. This should also be mentioned during the Leadership call so that other regions may consider the same and see if there is a way it can be done at the same time the “The Value of Research” Document is prepared.

RAC 1 is looking to increase involvement in all AASHTO RAC Task Forces. Looking for volunteers to take the lead. Dale will be able to help out through the Value of Research Task Force. Some may be reluctant to participate due to travel restrictions. Other opportunities to engage participation should be considered.

Are people updating TRID/RIP? Some states need help with this. Knowledge Management (TKN) Task Force may help.

2012 AASHTO RAC/TRB meeting to be held in Vermont. Planning is on schedule. Information is on website. Vt. is looking for sponsors and will start working with AASHTO planner. Anyone interested in helping Mike B. plan agenda or assist with other areas of planning please let us know.

Skip Paul looking for 1 page summary on DOT Research Programs. Look for e-mail form Skip.

Next Call 10/6/11