Social Studies & History

Source Based Questions

Levels of Response Mark Scheme

Skill : Inference

Types of Questions / LORMS
·  What does this source say about water in Israel? EYA. [5] / ·  L1 Repeats information from source [1]
·  L2 Inference, unsupported [2]
·  L3 Inference, supported by details from source [3-4]
·  L4 Use of contextual knowledge as support [4-5]
Award 4m for 1 detail and additional mark for another
·  What does this source tell you about the UN peacekeeping efforts? EYA.[5] / ·  L1 Repeats information from source
·  L2 Inferences, unsupported [2-3]
Award 2m for 1 inference and 3m for 2 inferences
·  L3 Inferences, explained / supported [4-5]
Award 4m for I supported and explained inference and 5m for 2.
·  What can you learn from this source about relations between workers and managers? EYA [5] / ·  L1 Repeats information from source [1]
·  L2 Inference, unsupported [2-3]
Award 2m for 1 inference from 1 source.
Award 3m for 2 inferences from 2 sources.
·  L3 Inferences, supported from other sources AND/OR contextual knowledge [4-5]
Award 4m for 1 inference supported by source
Award 5m for 2 inferences supported by source
·  Why do you think the author in Source A made this comment about the Tunku? EYA. [5] / ·  L1 Repeats information from source [1]
·  L2 Inference on purpose and/or contents, unsupported [2-3]
Award 2m for 1 inference on purpose or comment by author.
Award 3m for inferences on purpose and comment by author, unsupported.
·  L3 Inferences on contents and/or purpose, supported [4-5]
Award 4m for 1 inference on contents or purpose, supported by source details.
Award 5m for inferences on contents and purpose, supported by source details.

Skill: Compare and Contrast

Types of Questions / LORMS
·  How do the 2 sources differ? EYA [5] / ·  L1 Answers repeat information, no matching [1]
·  L2 Answers which bring out differences in content [2-3]
2m for 1 difference, and an additional mark for further details
·  L3 Answers point out the difference in tone and/or purpose [4-5]
4m for 1 difference in tone and/or purpose, and an additional mark for further details
·  How similar are these 2 sources? EYA [6] / ·  L1 Similarity in source type AND/OR difference in provenance [1]
Award 1m for similarity in source type and an additional mark for difference in provenance
·  L2 Similarity AND/OR difference in content , unsupported [2]
·  L3 Similarity AND/OR Difference in content, supported [3]
Award 3m for general answers about difference and/or similarity in content.
·  L4 Both elements of L3 [3-4]
3m for weak answers on both sides.
4m for good details on both sides.
·  L4 Similarity OR difference in tone/purpose, supported [5-6]
·  How similar is Source B to Source C? EYA. [7] / ·  L1 Similarity in topic/provenance [1]
·  L2 Similarity AND/OR difference in content, unsupported [2-3]
2m for similarity OR difference unsupported
3m for similarity AND difference, unsupported
·  L3 Similarity OR difference in content, supported [3-4]
3m for 1 similarity or 1 difference supported
an additional mark for another similarity or difference supported
·  L4 Both elements of L3 [5-6]
5m for 1 similarity and 1 difference supported
6m for 2 similarities and 1 difference or
6m for 1 similarity and 2 differences
·  L5 Answers point out similarities in tone and/or purpose, supported [7]
·  How different are the two sources? EYA. [6] / ·  L1 Similarity in topic [1]
·  L2 Similarity AND/OR difference in content, unsupported [2-3]
2m for 1 similarity or 1 difference
3m for 1 similarity and 1 difference
·  L3 Similarity AND/OR difference in content, supported [3-4]
3m for 1 similarity or 1 difference
4m for 1 similarity and 1 difference
·  L4 Differences in tone and/or purpose, supported [5-6]
5m for difference in tone and/or purpose, supported
additional mark for further details
·  How different are these 2 sources? EYA. [7] / ·  L1 Answers bring out similarity AND/OR difference in provenance or answers bring out similarity and / or difference in content, unsupported [1-2]
Award 1m for 1 similarity or 1 difference.
Award 2m for 1 similarity and 1 difference.
·  L2 Answers bring out similarity OR difference in content ,supported [3-4]
Award 3m for 1 similarity / difference.
Award an additional mark for further supporting details.
·  L3 Answers bring out similarity AND difference in content [5-6]
Award 5m for 1 similarity and difference, supported.
Award an additional mark for further supporting details.
·  L4 Difference in tone / purpose[6-7]
Award 6m for difference in tone / purpose, and an additional mark for supporting details.
·  In what ways are these 2 sources similar? EYA. [6] / ·  L1 Similarity in topic/provenance [1]
·  L2 Similarities in content, unsupported [2]
Award 2m for 1 similarity and an additional mark for another, to a maximum of 4m
·  L3 Similarities in content, supported [3-4]
Award 4m for an explained similarity.
Award 5m for 2 explained similarities or further details.
·  L4 Similarity in purpose/tone , explained , supported [5-6]
5m for 1 supported difference in tone and/or purpose.
6m for further supporting details for either one or both
·  In what ways are the sources different? EYA. [6] / ·  L1 Difference in provenance [1]
·  L2 Differences in content, unsupported [2]
2m for 1 or more unsupported difference in content.
·  L3 Differences in content, supported [3-4]
Award 4m for an explained similarity.
Award 5m for 2 explained similarities or further details.
·  L3 Difference in tone and/or purpose, supported [5-6]
5m for 1 supported difference in tone and/or purpose.
6m for further supporting details for either one or both.

Skill: Reliability of source

Types of Questions / LORMS
·  Is this source reliable as evidence of the feelings and position of Singapore leaders on separation? EYA. [6] / ·  L1 Yes and/or No based on typicality [1]
·  L2 Yes and/or No - answers based on surface information of source, unsupported [2]
·  L3 Yes and/or No - Answers based on contents of source, supported [3]
·  L4 L3 + cross reference to other sources / contextual knowledge [4-6]
4m for 1 cross reference to 1 source or contextual knowledge
5m for 2 cross references to 2 sources or contextual knowledge
and an additional mark for supporting details, up to a maximum of 6m
·  Do you think this source is fair towards the IRA? EYA. [6] / ·  L1 Yes and/or No - Answers based on provenance AND/OR contextual knowledge without reference to source [1]
1m for use of provenance or contextual knowledge alone
·  L2 Yes and/or No - Answers based on content of source, unsupported [2]
·  L3 Yes and/or No - Answers based on content of source, supported [3-4]
3m for 1 inference, supported.
4m for 2 or more details surfaced, supported.
·  L4 L3 + answers cross refer content of source to contextual knowledge [5-6]
5m for 1 cross reference to contextual knowledge
6m for 2 cross reference to contextual knowledge
·  Does this source prove that Britain ‘s NHS led to abuse? EYA. [5]
·  Does this source prove that the Swiss army does not contribute to national unity? EYA. [5] / ·  L1 Yes and/or No - Answers based on provenance / typicality [1]
·  L2 Yes and/or No - Answers based on contents, unsupported [2]
·  L3 Yes and/or No - Answers based on content, supported [3-4]
3m for 1 inference, supported and 4m for 2 inferences or further details.
·  L4 L3 + answers make cross reference to other sources to confirm OR challenge what Source says [5]
·  Can you believe what this says about the UN peacekeeper efforts? EYA. [6] / ·  L1 Yes and/or No - Answers based on typicality [1]
·  L2 Yes and/or No - Answers based on provenance and/or contents, unsupported [2]
·  L3 Yes and/or No - Answers question content of source, supported [3-4]
4m for 1 inference + additional mark for supporting details
·  L4 L3 + Answers cross refer to other sources [5-6]
5m or L3 + cross refer to one other source or contextual knowledge, and additional mark for further details.
·  Do you believe what this says about Japanese companies treating their employees well? EYA. [6] / ·  L1 Assertion based on provenance [1]
·  L2 Surface details from source, unsupported / Typicality [2]
·  L3 Assertion based on contents of source, supported [3-4]
3m for 1 explanation on assertion, supported. Additional mark for further details or support.
·  L4 L3 + Assertion based on cross reference to other sources [4-5]
4m for 1 cross reference and 5m for 2 or more cross references
·  L5 Questions motive of source, supported [6]
·  Can you believe what this source says about public consultation in the government decision making process? EYA. [5] / ·  L1 Repeats information from source [1]
·  L2 Yes and/or no; answers based on provenance [2]
·  L3 Yes and/or + answers based on contents of source, supported [3]
·  L4 L3 + Cross refers to other sources / Background information / contextual knowledge [4-5]
4m for 1 cross reference
5m for further cross reference, to a maximum of 5m
·  Does Source B prove that Protestant and Catholic teenagers who attend a mixed school are less hostile towards each other’s community? EYA. [6] / ·  L1 Yes and/or - Answers based on provenance alone/unsupported assertion based on source[1]
·  L2 Yes and/or No - Answers based on typicality [2]
·  L3 Yes and/or No - Answers based on content, supported [3-4]
3m for 1 detail surfaced
4m for 2 or more details surfaced
·  L4 L3 + Answers based on cross-refer to other sources or contextual knowledge
5m for 1 cross reference made
6m for further supporting details/cross references
·  Do you believe what Source A says about public opinion towards changes in the Japanese pension scheme? EYA. / ·  L1 Assertion based on details inferred from source [1-2]
1m for 1 inferred detail
2m for further supporting details
·  L2 Assertion based on typicality [3]
·  L3 Cross reference to other sources / background information to confirm OR challenge what Source A says [4-6]
4m for 1 cross reference
5m for further cross references / supporting details to a maximum of 7m

Skill: Utility of source

Types of Questions / LORMS
·  How far do these 2 sources help you understand Singapore’s separation from Malaysia in 1965? EYA.[6] / ·  L1 General answer on whether helpful OR not helpful, unsupported or no reference to source [1]
·  L2 Both elements of source being helpful and not helpful [2]
·  L3 Explanation of how sources are helpful OR not helpful, with supporting source details only [3-4]
3m to a valid explanation of 1 source
4m for explaining 2 sources
·  L4 Both elements of L3, supported by source details and cross refer to other sources or contextual knowledge [4-5]
4m for using 1 source
5m for using 2 sources
·  L4 L3 + explicit consideration of 'how far' [6]
·  How useful are these 3 sources to your understanding of the role of the Swiss army? EYA. [7]
·  How useful are these 2 sources to your understanding of the water issue in Jordan? EYA. [7] / ·  L1 General comments on Useful OR Not Useful, unsupported [1]
·  L2 Both elements of L1, unsupported [2]
·  L3 Useful OR not useful, supported by sources' details [3-4]
3m for 1 explanation
4m for 2 explanations
·  L4 Useful AND Not Useful, supported by sources' details + cross reference to contextual knowledge [5-6]
5m for an explanation of useful and not useful
6 m for additional reasons on both aspects
·  L5 L4 + Makes judgement about the extent of usefulness of sources/explicit consideration of 'how useful' [7]
·  Is Source D of any use to your understanding of the Kashmir issue? EYA. [6] / ·  L1 Answers based on provenance [1]
·  L2 Yes, uncritical acceptance of source [2]
·  L3 No, detects bias in source [3-4]
3m for 1 detail from the source
4m for further details from the source
·  L4 Explains the extent of usefulness by cross-referencing to background information / other relevant source / contextual knowledge [5-6]
5m for cross reference to 1 source / background information / contextual knowledge
6m for another cross reference

Skill: Making Judgements

Types of questions / LORMS
·  Do all the sources show that the separation was a painful decision for both Singapore and Malaysia? EYA. [7] / ·  L1 Typicality [1]
·  L2 Disagrees and/or agrees and identifies which sources, unsupported [2-3]
2m for identifying 1 source
3m for identifying 2 sources or more
·  L3 Disagrees and/or agrees and explains, with supporting details [4-6]
4m for support from 1-2 sources
5m from 3 sources
6m from all sources [4-5]
·  L4 L3 + cross reference to contextual knowledge [7]
·  How far do these sources show that Switzerland must have an army? EYA. [7] / ·  L1 Describes the role of the army, without referring to sources/assertion without reference to source [1]
·  L2 Agrees OR Disagrees using source details [2-3]
2m for supporting details from 1 source
3m for supporting details from 2 sources or more or all
·  L3 Both elements of L2 i.e. Explains agreement AND disagreement, supported [4-6]
4m for 1 explained agreement and disagreement from 1 source each
5m for explained agreement from 2 sources and 1 explained disagreement from 1 source [vice versa]
6m for explained agreement from 3 sources and explained disagreement from 2 sources [vice versa]
·  L3 + Explicit consideration of ‘how far ‘ based on cross reference to contextual knowledge [7]
·  Do all the sources agree that the government is serious about getting public feedback? EYA. [7] / ·  L1 Identifies sources which agree AND/OR disagree [1-2]
1m for identifying 1 source which agrees or disagrees
2m for identifying 1 source which agrees and 1 source which disagrees
·  L2 Agrees AND/OR disagrees using source details [2-3]
2m for support from 1 source
3m for support from other sources
·  L3 Both elements of L2, supported [4-6]
4m for an explained agreement and an explained disagreement from 1 source on each side
5m for an explained agreement from 2 sources and an explained disagreement from 1 source/or an explained agreement form 1 source and an explained disagreement from 2 sources
6m for an explained agreement and an explained disagreement from 2 sources on each side
L4 L3 + cross reference to contextual knowledge [7]

Skill: Drawing conclusions

Types of Questions / LORMS
·  Does this source show that all members of the British Army in Northern Ireland are on good terms with the Catholics? EYA. [6]
(Photograph analysis) / ·  L1 Uncritical acceptance of photograph [1]
·  L2 Doubts reliability , no use of context to explain doubt [2]
·  L3 Yes and/or No - Answers based on typicality, supported [3-4]
3m for identification of 1 typicality
4m for identification of 2 typicality
·  L4 Yes and/or No - answers inferred from photograph + cross reference to other sources/contextual knowledge [4-5]
4m for 1 inference using source details + cross reference to contextual knowledge
5m for further details / cross references

·  L5 L4 + Propaganda purpose, explained [6]

·  Does the source show that Jordan is deprived of its share of water? EYA. [7] / ·  L1 Agrees OR disagrees and identifies sources [1-2]
1m for 1 source identified
2m for 2 sources identified
·  L2 Agrees OR disagrees, using source details [3-5]
3m for assertions supported by details from 1 source
4m for assertions supported by details from 2 sources
5m for assertions supported by details from 3 sources
·  L3 Both elements of L2 [5-7]
5m for reference to 1 source that agrees AND 1 source that disagrees
6m for reference to 2 sources that agree AND 1 source that disagrees OR 1 source that agrees AND 2 sources that disagree
7m for reference to 2 sources that agree AND 2 sources that disagree
·  Does all the sources show that UN plays an important role in peacekeeping? EYA. [8] / ·  L1 Agrees OR disagrees and identifies which sources [1-2]
1m for identifying 1 source and additional mark for another
·  L2 Agrees OR disagrees , explained [3-5]
3m for an explanation of 1 source, an additional mark for another to a maximum of 5m
·  L3 Both elements of L2 [6-8]
6m for an explanation of 1 source from both sides
7m for an explanation of 1 source from both sides, and another source from either side
8m for an explanation of 2 sources from both sides

Skill: Evaluating source