2006 Ann B. Davis – The Tenth Anniversary

Tossups for SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday

by Andrew Boardman, Mike DeRan, Jamie Frank and Dan Blake

FIRST PERIOD – Fifty-or-nothing bonuses in effect

1).The only person ever to play himself on any incarnation of Star Trek,he contributed to the Pink Floyd(*) song "Keep Talking". In cartoon form, he hired by the Fairly Oddparents' Remy to prove 2+2=5 and joined Nichelle Nichols, Gary Gygax, and Al Gore as part of the team to save the space-time continuum on Futurama. For 10 points--who was also punched Principal Skinner before saving Lisa with his wheelchair, in addition to writing A Brief History of Time?

Answer:Stephen (William) Hawking

2).In part because of his love of trash talk, he is in second place on the NBA's all-time list for technical fouls. Having made the cover of Sports Illustrated in 1990 (*) as "the nation's best player" while at Oregon State, he has won a pair of gold medals for the U.S. in 1996 and 2000. His cousin bestowed his nickname upon him during the 1993 Western Conference Finals for his defensive efforts, claiming he was holding fellow NoCal native Kevin Johnson "like a baseball in a glove". For 10 points--name this point guard who currently plays for the Miami Heat.

Answer:Gary (Dwayne) Payton

3).Mentioned by name in the 2005 Supreme Court decision MGM vs. Grokster, they took that name from a Virginia Woolf description of middle class people in The Mark on the Wall. Their second album, The Lonesome Crowded West in 1997, (*) was a minor successthat allowed the band to sign to Epic, producing the 2000 release of the critically acclaimed The Moon and Antarctica. Their greatest success, however, came with the release of Good News for People Who Love Bad News in 2004. For 10 points--name this band whose singles include "Ocean Breathes Salty" and "Float On".

Answer:Modest Mouse

4).Filmed in IMAX 3-D and completed using footage of over 40 dives in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,(*) it sought to explore some of the harshest environments on the planet and mused on what extra-terrestrial life might be like in non-Earth sea environments. One of the directors had previously gone underwater in a 1997 Oscar winner. For 10 points--name this documentary, directed by James Cameron and Steven Quale, whose premise is the discovering extraordinary life forms right here on earth.

Answer:Aliens of the Deep

5).Donnie Darko feels regret that he did not get this game for Christmas. To begin this game, up to four players choose from a pink, green, (*) orange or yellow character, named Harry, Happy, Homer and Henry. Though the twenty marbles in the game are meant to be released one at a time, in the advanced version they all are used at once, creating even more chaos. For 10 points--3-6 year olds, and maybe some older folks, may be entertained by slamming at what Hasbro game featuring underfed African herbivorous mammals.

Answer:Hungry Hungry Hippos

6).Its regular Friday night columnists are currently Mark Shields and David Brooks, though Paul Gigot occasionally steps in. A collaboration of three non-commercial stations (*), its current name came about after the former co-host, who first teamed up with the continuing host in 1973 to cover Watergate, retired in 1996. Home of the silent Honor Roll for fallen military personnel in Iraq, it offers in-depth analysis of top news stories for 60 minutes. For 10 points--name is this program found weeknights on PBS.

Answer:NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (accept The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour before "co-host"

7).This magazine is published in Seattle, Washington by co-editors and co-founders Grant Alden and Peter Blackstock.(*) It is issued bimonthly and was originally founded in 1995 as a quarterly devoted to covering the growing alternative country music scene. For 10 points--name this publication which takes its name from the 1990 album of the same name by Uncle Tupelo as well as a Carter family song from the 1930s.

Answer:No Depression

SECOND PERIOD – Unlimited guessing on completed tossups

8).After seeing it, Bernie Williams asked, "What's next, alligator pits?" Giants' trainer Stan Conte suggested a good follow-up would be putting land mines in the outfield.(*) The site of Lance Berkman robbing Rob Mackowiak of an extra-base hit with a circus catch and a Craig Biggio face-plant, it begins 406 feet from home plate. A flagpole sits in the middle of it, and its incline is 30 degrees. For 10 points--name this unusual outfield configuration in Minute Maid Park named after the president of the Astros?

Answer:Tal's Hill

9).Anthony Edwards makes a token appearance, having vaulted to stardom the previous year in Top Gun. Most of the action is set around the run down Fort Lauderdale (*) area lodging known as the Hotel Coral Essex, though some sabotage of the neon sign would make the location's name seem more at home in the red light district. Building on the efforts of the Tri-Lambs three years earlier, for 10 points, name this 1987 film starring Curtis Armstrong as Booger and Robert Carradine as Lewis Skolnick.

Answer:Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise

10). This film opens with the main character saying in voiceover, "The war had all but ground to a halt in the blink of an eye."(*) Subject to a copyright infringement lawsuit by White Wolf for similarities to its World of Darkness series, it was originally pitched as "Romeo and Juliet for vampires and werewolves". Directed by Len Wiseman, it stars Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen, Scott Speedman, and Len's future wife, Kate Beckinsale as the death-dealer Selene. For 10 points--name this 2003 science fiction film about a war between vampires and werewolves, called Lycans in the film.


11).These creatures hatch from tiny eggs after traveling millions of light-years through cyberspace to learn what life is like on Earth.(*) With proper care and feeding, they quickly grow into lovely virtual pets in a wide variety or shapes and personalities, although they will always one day return to their home planet. First produced by the Japanese company Bandai in 1996, For 10 points--name these creatures whose name comes from Japanese for "egg" and "affection".


12).He is a failed actor and freely admits that a squirrel army is overrated, though it is probably the reason the state took away his license to practice (*) taxidermy. He is just a man with a saw, and with the help of his "brain trust", he tries to get blonde doctor to go out with him. This may have actually come close to happening when he was given a baby blue suit made him visually pleasing and approachable instead of feared. For 10 points--this describes what Scrubs character played by Neil Flynn, named solely for his profession.

Answer:The Janitor

13).After graduating from the U.S. Air Force Academy, he went on to work as a marine engineer. Standing 6 foot 3 and living out of a converted airplane hangar(*) with his huge car collection,his adventures include stopping a madman from blocking the Mississippi River with a boat and stopping rogue Nazis from breaking off the Ross Ice Shelf. For 10 points--give the name of this Clive Cussler legend who recently made his second big screen appearance in Sahara.

Answer:Dirk Pitt

14).Many of its inhabitants were created for the program The Children's Corner, and this location was occasionally visited by Betty Templeton-Jones of Southwood, (*) visiting her friend Lady Elaine Fairchilde, the cranky curator of the Museum-Go-Round. For 10 points--Daniel Striped Tiger, X the Owl, and Henrietta Pussycat all reside in what locale on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, ruled by King Friday XIII and his wife Sara Saturday?

Answer:The Land of Make-Believe

THIRD PERIOD – No special rules in effect

15).The last track on this album starts out "Not half bad for this ol' KY girl…Here's the story of my life. Listen close, I'll tell it twice." (*) The only track on this 2004 album not written by the artist was "Little Red Shoes" as it won the Grammy in 2005 for Best Country Album. Among its notable tracks include "Miss being Mrs.", a paean to the artist's lost husband Doo, and "Portland, Oregon", a duet with producer Jack White. For 10 points--name this comeback album for Loretta Lynn.

Answer:Van Lear Rose

16).YEAR AND SCHOOL REQUIRED: Matt Sylvester's three pointer with 5.1 seconds left ended the undefeated run at 29 straight wins, allowing Ohio State to win by one. Winning the Braggin' Rights Game over Missouri (*) in December, they were ironically located further away from the in-state Chicago Regional than Sweet 16 opponent Wisconsin-Milwaukee, whom they beat to set up an epic overtime game against Arizona. For 10 points--name this men's basketball team who lost in the NCAA Championship game to North Carolina.

Answer:2004-2005 University of Illinois Fightin' Illini

17).Born Roberta Joan Anderson, she stated that 2002's Travelouge will be her final recorded work, describingthe current state of the music industry as a "cesspool". (*) A companion of the Order of Canada, she personally has done the cover art on her albums through painting or photography. Known for her self-inflicted smoky voice, she was discovered by David Crosby while performing in a New York City bar. For 10 points--name this musical artist whose songs include "Little Green", "Coyote", and "Big Yellow Taxi".

Answer:Joni Mitchell

18).The only player to lead the NFL four consecutive seasons in yards from scrimmage, a knee injury cause him to fall to the 40th overall pick in the 1988(*) NFL Draft. In his final season in 2000, he scored only one reception touchdown for Miami, but earlier in his career, he scored four Super Bowl touchdowns. Those touchdowns are sometimes overlooked, however, for the more famous blunder during Super Bowl XXVI (26) when he missed a key series looking for a helmet. For 10 points--name this five-time Pro Bowl back helped lead the Bills to four straight Super Bowls in the early 1990s.

Answer:Thurman Thomas

19).Before hitting it big, this L.A. based rock band performed at Kibitz room of Canter's Delicatessen every Tuesday night.(*) Once the opening act for 10,000 Maniacs and Toad the Wet Sprocket, their 2005 album Rebel, Sweetheart reached the Top 40 album chart without a supporting single. Their second album, 1996's Bringing Down the Horse, reached #4 with support from the #1 hit One Headlight. For 10 points--name this rock band, fronted by Bob Dylan's youngest son, Jakob Dylan.

Answer:The Wallflowers

20).This 2005 film follows a manwho after being dumped by his latest girlfriend, played by Julie Delpy, receives a pink letter in the mail. (*) This leads him to take his Taurus cross-country in search of a 19 year-old son he did not know he had. Frances Conroy, Jessica Lange, Tilda Swinton, and Sharon Stone all play Don Johnston's ex-lovers in--for 10 points--this 2005 Cannes Grand Prix winnerthat director Jim Jarmusch wrote the main character with the film's star, Bill Murray, in mind.

Answer:Broken Flowers

21).The Brazilian term for it is Chitãozinho e Xororó, in reference to the singers who started using it in Brazil while in French, it is called nuque longue which means "long neck". Hebrew refers to it as vilon, which means "curtain", (*) while the Dutch term is matje, meaning "little carpet". The German term is vokuhila, a portmanteau for vorne kurz, hinten lang. Known in Canada as "hockey hair"--for 10 points--what is the American term for the hairstyle which is described as "business in front, party in the back."

Answer:The Mullet


22).In an opening sequence of this 2005 film, the main character is shown to be reading a novel titled "First Impressions" (*). The actress who played the heroine was almost refused the part by director Joe Wright, for being too attractive. Howie Day's 2005 hit "Collide" wasanachronistically featured in the film's trailer while Donald Sutherland and Brenda Blythen play the Bennet parents. For 10 points--name this film with Jena Malone and Keira Knightely -- an adaptation of the Jane Austen classic.

Answer:Pride and Prejudice

23).Driving Chevrolets, as most teams do, they are represented by car numbers 5, 48, 25, and 24.(*) Their main sponsors include Kellogg, DuPont, GMAC, and Lowe's with the drivers Brian Vickers, Jimmy Johnson, and more famously, Kyle Busch and Jeff Gordon. Tragically, an aviation accident carrying members of the team killed ten people, including the son of the founders. For 10 points--name this NASCAR team owned in part by Jeff Gordon and namesake married couple Rick and Mary.

Answer:Hendrick Motorsports

2006 Ann B. Davis – The Tenth Anniversary

Bonuses for SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday

by Andrew Boardman, Mike DeRan, Jamie Frank and Dan Blake

1).Many songs by Coldplay are often featured in movie soundtracks. For 10 points each, name these films whose soundtrack features a track from their 2000 album Parachutes.

(10) "Sparks" is played in a scene where both the love-interests think about each other and opt not to go to the other's bedroom in this summer 2005 comedy hit.

Answer:Wedding Crashers

(10) "Don't Panic" is the first track on the soundtrack of this 2004 film thatwas written, directed, and starred in by the same man who arranged its soundtrack.

Answer:Garden State

(10) "Don't Panic" was also used in this 2002 movie said to be loosely based on J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye".

Answer:Igby Goes Down

2). Many people are familiar with the characters of Maria and Captain on Trapp in the 1965 film The Sound of Music. But what about the Von Trapp children? For 5 points each, name any six of the seven Von Trapp Children. You have 10 seconds

Answers: Leisl, Friedrich, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta, Gretl. (accept any 6)

3).Given a description of an impossible sports maneuver successfully attempted in a movie, give its name, for 10 points each.

(10) Named after the formation in which the players take as they skate down the ice, it had mixed results against Iceland in The Mighty Ducks 2.

Answer:Flying V

(10) It involves affixing more boards to a high dive apparatus and jumping between them. It involves several flips eventually ending in a dive, accomplished only by Thornton Mellon.

Answer:Triple Lindy

(10) Seen in Little Giants and named for one of the results of the 1898 Treaty of Paris, the center holds the ball, begins to run,and throws it over his head while being tackled, as does every subsequent player to get the ball.

Answer:The Annexation of Puerto Rico

4).It's time to tune in to the newest TV channel – B&A – short for Before and After. Given two shows or video series, combine their titles for 10 points each.

(10) Drunk girls take their shirts off camera for wildlife photographer Marty Stouffer.

Answer:Girls Gone Wild America

(10) The Cunninghams and Arthur F. leave Milwaukee to move to Salem, where they discover Marlena is pregnant with Roman's child, but kept it from John, and later Marlena gets amnesia.

Answer:Happy Days of our Lives

(10) Members of the Midnight Society sit around the campfire and tell scary stories of Jessica Alba trying to stop crime in post-technological apocalypse Seattle.

Answer:Are You Afraid of the Dark Angel

5).For 10 points each--name the Lord of the Rings video game from a description.

(10) You command the free people and the Minions of Sauron. The game has been ridiculed because of uneven play between good and evil and the weakness of the game's AI.

Answer:Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring

(10) More dynamic than War of the Ring this real time strategy game allows you to play as 4 separate armies, Mordor, Gondor, Isengard, and Rohan

Answer:Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth

(10) Taking its name from the time period in The Lord of the Rings, you develop your character and their skills to fight with or against the more established characters like Gimli or Aragorn.

Answer:Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

6).Name these things related to Kanye [KAHN-ye] West for 10 points each:

(10) This track from Late Registrationfeaturing Jamie Foxx has been nominated for a Grammy for Best Record.

Answer:"Gold Digger"

(10) This song, the first single from The College Dropout, was recorded just weeks after a car accident while West's mouth was still wired shut.

Answer:"Through the Wire"

(10) West gave headaches to TV producers when this family of TV networks, which had to cut away from his "George Bush doesn't care about black people" speech.

Answer:NBC Universal (accept CNBC, MSNBC, Bravo, USA or Trio)