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Workplace Skills Assessment Program competition.

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. To be effective, meeting goals must be ______.


  1. achievable
  2. independent from each other
  3. random
  1. A widely used financial planning tool for meetings is the ______.


  1. policy
  2. standard
  3. goal
  1. ______are used to ensure that the quality of work accomplished at a business meeting is acceptable.

A.Organizational charts

  1. Goals
  2. Standards
  3. Schedules
  1. The advantage of having policies to guide decisions at meetings is that ______.

A.there will never be problems

  1. decisions will be consistent
  2. managers will not have to involve employees in decisions
  3. the meeting will conclude within the specified time allotment

5.______contains the list of steps to be followed when performing meeting functions.

A.The decision-making process

  1. A procedure
  2. A goal
  3. The management function

6.A long-range plan of action for a company or organization is called a(n):

A.Complete Plan

B.Risk Management Plan

C.Oversight Plan

D.Strategic Plan

7.This type of plan develops and applies an organized system of policies, procedures, and tools that enables an organization to reduce costs, leverage overall spending, and provide optimum service levels:

A.Sarbanes-Oxley Plan

B.Strategic Meetings Management Plan

C.Return of Investment

D.Stakeholders Plan

8.When an employee is responsible to another person in the organization for completing a meeting task, he or she is said to be ______.

A.a manager

  1. productive
  2. accountable
  3. an authority

9.When an employee regularly receives instructions from more than one manager at a meeting, there is a problem with ______.

A.span of control

  1. unity of command
  2. policies and procedures
  3. standards

10.A group of people who cooperate at a meeting to achieve a common goal is ______.

A.a work team

  1. a department
  2. management
  3. a quality circle

11.Participants at a meeting resist change because ______. occurs suddenly

  1. people are not prepared for the change
  2. reasons for the change are not clear
  3. all of the above

12.Which of the following is nota type of standard commonly used in business meeting planning?


  1. Accounting
  2. Quantity
  3. Cost

13.The variance report given at a meeting identifies differences between ______.

A.current performance and the standard

  1. management and employee needs
  2. quantity and quality standards
  3. revenues and expenses

14.Leaders have ambition and persistence in reaching goals at meetings; they are self-starters who plan what they want to do and then do it. This leadership trait is called ______.


  1. courage
  2. judgment
  3. stability

15.Managers usually find greater employee respect and support for meeting rules when ______.

A.the rules are applied only to serious problems

  1. each individual is treated differently
  2. employees help to develop the rules
  3. rules are set by management

16.The management function responsible for arranging meeting resources to complete work is ______.


  1. organizing
  2. implementing
  3. controlling

17.A person ______duties at a meeting when they give the responsibilities to other people.


  1. outsources
  2. manages
  3. reassigns

18.A(n) ______lists the items to be covered during a meeting.


  1. minutes
  2. itinerary
  3. outline

19.______is the area of meeting planning that allows participants to confirm their attendance at an event.


  1. Organization
  2. Promotion
  3. Planning

20.Audio-visual equipment at hotels and convention centers is ______.

A.usually included in the price of the conference rooms

  1. usually a separate expense charged by the outsourced company
  2. usually bought by the organization hosting the meeting
  3. automatically included in the conference agreement

21.A conference for 200 people that lasts threedays and twonights is best suited for ______.

A.a convention center

  1. a hotel
  2. a conference center
  3. an arena

22.Complimentary VIP hotel rooms granted for a conference are usually based upon the number of ______.

A.hotel reservations

  1. conference exhibitors
  2. catering events scheduled for the meeting
  3. conference attendees

23.Event/conference programs would probably notinclude ______. of the facility

  1. speaker biographies
  2. financial sponsors for the event
  3. political viewpoints

24.Which of the following is not a source of revenue for an event?

A.Registration fees

  1. Event sponsors
  2. Surcharge on meal events
  3. Conference gifts

25.Microphones, sound system, and projection equipment are the responsibilities of the ______department.


  1. reservations
  2. audio visual
  3. promotions

26.Communication at a meeting is ______.

A.passing along factual data

  1. sending information to another person
  2. a two-way process of sharing information
  3. shouting a request across a noisy room

27. What is the best way to communicate detailed information?

A.Written letter

B.Phone Call


D.Text Message

28. What is the fastest way to communicate minor details and answer brief questions?

A.Phone Call

B.Face-to-Face Meeting

C.Written Letter


29.A closed-corporate culture meeting is characterized by ______.

A.problem-solving at all levels

  1. top-down decision making
  2. risk-taking
  3. creativity and supportiveness

30.Employees who receive downward-flowing information at meetings where feedback is encouraged are working in ______. authoritarian culture

  1. a closed culture
  2. a formal culture
  3. an open culture

31.It has been estimated that 80 percent of poor management decisions made at meetings can be traced to ______.

A.lack of experience

  1. inaccurate data
  2. corruption
  3. ineffective communication

32.The meeting problem-solving method in which group members write down and evaluate ideas to be shared with the group is called ______.


  1. networking
  2. nominal group technique
  3. self-directed work team

33.A disadvantage of brainstorming during a meeting is that ______.

A.many wild and impractical ideas are generated

  1. most participants are reluctant to present ideas
  2. ideas are notjudged while brainstorming is goingon
  3. it is not effective when truly creative solutions are required

34. Which statement is true about conflicts at a meeting?

A.Conflicts usually do not challenge employees and stimulate new ideas.

  1. Conflicts can become obstacles to job performance.
  2. Conflicts do not usually lead to healthy discussions.
  3. Conflicts that are not resolved usually lead to long-term problems.

35.Which good-listening rule is the one on which all others depend?

A.Ask questions

  1. Stop talking
  2. Listen to understand, not to oppose
  3. Hold your temper

36.The most effective way to compliment an employee for work well done is to ______.

A.send an e-mail

  1. send an e-card
  2. use oral, then written communication
  3. give the compliment during a staff meeting

37.Successful meetings involve the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources. This process is referred to as ______.

  1. implementation
  2. planning
  3. supervision

38.The function being performed when a manager is carrying out plans and helping employees work effectively is ______.


  1. organizing
  2. implementing
  3. budgeting

39.One of the discussion items at the company meeting indicated that the organization is spending much time correcting errors and redoing work. This indicated that supervisors are not effective at ______.

A.quality control

  1. time management
  2. communication
  3. evaluation

40.A sign or indication that something appears to be a problem is ______. alternative

  1. a symptom
  2. a solution
  3. a problem-solving process

41.Who would be involved in decision-making for a business?

A.Only executives

  1. Mid-managers and executives
  2. Only supervisors
  3. All levels of managers

42.The final step in the decision-making process is to ______.

A.analyze the solutions

  1. determine possible solutions
  2. identify the problem
  3. select the best solution

43.Once a problem has been identified at the business meeting, a manager should ______.

A.solve it

  1. list the possible solutions
  2. make a decision
  3. analyze the problem

44.The ability to influence individuals and groups to achieve organizational goals at a meeting is ______.

  1. effective human relations
  2. an autocratic style
  3. leadership

45. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes through study, observation or emulation is called:



C.professional development

D.continuing education

46. The theory which suggests that people learn best in pleasant surroundings is called:

A.The Law of Exercise

B.The Law of Effect

C.The Law of Readiness

D.The Law of Relativity

47.The type of leader who is usually the most efficient at meetings is ______.


  1. democratic
  2. open
  3. situational

48.A democratic leader at a meeting ______.

A.makes all of the decisions

  1. allows each employee to decide how work will be done
  2. encourages shared decision-making
  3. does not make decisions

49.A strategic planning meeting ______.

A.involves short-term planning

  1. determines how work will be done and who will do it
  2. provides broad goals and direction for the entire business
  3. determines a short, specific statement of purpose and directions for the business

50.The business operational plan is reviewed at a meeting. Which of the following is not an example of an operational plan?

A.Setting monthly production levels

  1. Planning inventory levels
  2. Developing a department budget
  3. Revising the mission statement for the business