Youth Sports Volunteer Coach Application
Please check: ______Head Coach ______Assistant Coach
Please circle the grade level you are applying to coach: 4/5 6 7/8
Name: ______
First Middle Last
Address: ______
Street City State Zip
Home Ph: ______E-mail: ______
Cell Ph: ______
Child’s Name: ______Child’s School: ______
Preferred practice day(s), pick 2
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayDays unavailable
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayPreferred practice time: 6-7:30 p.m. 7:30-9 p.m.
(please circle one)
If signing up as a Head coach, please complete the following if you have an Asst in mind:
Asst Coach Name: ______Child’s Name: ______
Ph: ______Child’s School: ______
If you have coached HV Rec Volleyball in the past, please skip to #6
#1 Please list / describe any coaching and teaching experience or training.
#2 Please write a few sentences regarding your philosophy on coaching youth sports.
#3 Reason for wanting to volunteer?
#4 What interests you about this position?
#5 List any formal training you have received in first aid.
#6 Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime?
If yes please explain details.
#7 Have you ever been involved in an incident involving child abuse or neglect?
If yes please explain details.
#8 Have you completed the CDC Concussions in Youth Sports training for our department? Yes____ No____
· If no, please visit their website at:
Complete the “Youth Sports Training” video and attach a copy of the certificate to your coaches application. HVRec strongly believes in the benefits of participation in organized sports. Participation in sports has proven to build self-esteem, promote teamwork, develop the body as well as the mind, and is an integral part of the maturation process. Therefore, the HVRec mission is to provide a youth sports program oriented toward providing a healthy recreational and social learning experience for children, with emphasis being placed on fun and sportsmanship rather than competitive attitudes.
Signing or initialing below indicates that you will uphold the HVRec youth sports Philosophy.
Signature / DateYou will be contacted after registration for your sport closes.
Please complete and turn into HVRec via one of the following options. Fax: 248-676-8453,
E-mail to ,or mail / hand-deliver to: 2029 N. Milford Rd., Highland 48357.
For Office Use Only:Date Received in HVRCE Office: / Date Processed:
Accepted : / Yes: / No: