Insert Project Name
Stage 0 Business Case Date: 17 January 2018
Insert Project Name
Release: Draft/Final
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Stage 0 Business Case History
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1.Purpose of Document
3.1.Project Drivers and High Level Issues
3.2.High Level Metrics
4.1.Included in Scope
4.2.Not included in Scope
6.1.Initiatives which depend on this project are:
6.2.This project depends on:
8.Contribution to Strategic Objectives
9.Potential Costs and Options for Project (Optional)
10.Costs and Timescales to Develop the Stage 1 Business Case
11.Risks of not doing the Project
11.1.The key risks of not doing the project are:
11.2.The key project risks are:
Stage 0 Business Case
Text in red italic – provides explanation for the particular section or acts as guidance text
1.Purpose of Document
This Stage 0 Business Case contains information that describes the justification for setting up and continuing the development of a Stage 1 detailed Business Case for a XXX project. The Business Case is to be submitted to the Ways of Working Portfolio Board and if accepted, a more detailed Stage 1 Business Case will be developed.
If the Stage 1 Business Case is approved then the project can move into the implementation phase and delivery the following:
- xxx
- xxx
As the scope of the requirements identified in the objectives are potentially wide, this Stage 0 business case requests resource to carry out a requirements analysis, to survey other comparator universities’ current practices………and to examine whether to develop in-house or to procure a commercial system and thence to develop a fully costed Stage 1 Business Case.
Add background information to the project; including the strategic importance of the project i.e. what processes it will improve; the current set up at Bristol and the future proposed set up if possible.
3.1.Project Drivers and High Level Issues
Describe the primary need for the project as well as the high level issues in this area.
3.2.High Level Metrics
If possible include figures pertaining to this area of business e.g. number of unique users, number of application forms, number of calls made, number of internal staff or student’s involved etc, revenue.
4.1.Included in Scope
Provide an outline of what the project will include.
4.2.Not included in Scope
Provide information about what will not be included in the project.
This section could change and/ become more detailed when preparing the Stage 1 Business Case.
List the people who will be involved in the development of the Stage 1 Business Case, include details of the project sponsor and any other resource required.
List the people who will be consulted during the development of the Stage 1 Business Case.
6.1.Initiatives which depend on this project are:
Are there any existing or future projects which will need this work to happen in order to progress?
6.2.This project depends on:
Are there any existing or future projects which may hinder the progress of this project if not delivered on time?
Does this project depend on engagement from certain areas of the university or external factors?
The anticipated benefits of the proposed project are listed below:
8.Contribution to Strategic Objectives
If possible describe which strategic objectives from the 2016 Vision and Strategy (see details in )will be contributed to by this project. Does it just contribute to one or more of the six broad headings (below) or does it relate to one or more specific actions below them? In what way is it expected to contribute to the objective and to what extent?
Broad Headings:
- Education and the student experience
- Research, innovation and partnerships
- You, our staff and our ways of working
- Internationalisation and global relations
- Physical and digital infrastructure
- Sustainability
9.Potential Costs and Options for Project (Optional)
If possible provide information about the potential options and indicative costs attached to those options, if the project were to be implemented. This could be based on data from another institution, request for quotation from supplier and/or estimated resource requirements from internal departments. Also, is the project likely to include a software procurement and are any indicative (‘ball park’) figures known at this stage regarding the likely cost?
10.Costs and Timescales to Develop the Stage 1 Business Case
Costs will be based on the (listed) resource requirements, and the time period that each resource is required for, in order to develop the Stage 1 Business Case.Costs would normally include resources for:
- Business Analysis
- Technical Appraisal
- Web Appraisal (if required – default is Yes)
11.Risks of not doing the Project
Risks are potential threats to the University that may occur but have not yet happened. Risk management will monitor the identified risks and take any remedial action should the risk happen.
The key risks of not doing the project are:
11.1.The key risks of not doing the project are:
- List risks
11.2.The key project risks are:
- List risks
Appendix 1 – Finance Template (template available)
Appendix 2 – Equality and Diversity considerations
This appendix should contain the assessment of any Equality and Diversity considerations, if any are known at this point. There is a briefing paper in the following directory describing the elements that should be considered:
H:\strategic-projects\BA Procedures and Templates\1. Business Cases and requirements\5. Equality and Diversity
Appendix 3 – Privacy and information security considerations
This appendix should contain the assessment of any Privacy and Information Security considerations, if any are known at this point. If there has been a Privacy Impact Assessment performed then the outcomes of that assessment should be outlined here.
Appendix 4 – Sustainability considerations
This appendix should contain the assessment of any Sustainability considerations, if any are known at this point. It may be possible to do an initial Sustainability Impact Analysis to judge how sustainable the project is likely to be (though this is not essential at this stage:
+ve / -veEnvironmental / e.g. Energy savings
Transport savings
Paper savings / e.g. Additional Energy costs
Transport costs
Paper costs
Social / Benefits to:
-Local Community / Potential issues and adverse effects for:
-Local Community
Economic / Potential increases to revenues
Reduction of financial risk
Future cost savings / Software costs (initial and ongoing)
Storage costs
Additional staff costs
Once the analysis is done it should be considered what actions would minimise the negative column and increase the positive column and those actions could be recorded in this appendix.
FileName: Stage 0 Business Case_Oct 17Page 1