Factory Shoals Middle School

8th Grade Career Management Course Syllabus

Daryl Holman M.Ed.

(770) 651-5000

Course Name:

Career Management

Course Description:

The goal of this course is to promote essential knowledge, skills and attitudes students need to make key decisions about career options, high school curricular offerings relating to a pathway of their choice, as well as, postsecondary and workforce opportunities. Instructional focus will address interpersonal skills, management skills, employability skills, self-awareness, educational and career planning.

In this course, middle school students will increase student awareness of resources available to support educational and career planning. Students will develop a personalized individual Peach State Pathways: Education and Career Plan, explore management skills, and investigate employability skills.

Course Objectives and CTAE Performance Standards:

MSCM8-1: Students will develop and demonstrate positive interpersonal skills.

MSCM8-2: Students will develop management skills that lead to academic and career success.

MSCM8-3: Students will examine and demonstrate an understanding of employability skills to enhance career success.

MSCM8-4: Students will personalize a self-selected Pathway that meets educational and career goals.

Required Materials:

Students will be using Internet resources and in-class reproducible, consumable materials throughout the school year. No textbooks are required for this class. Students must have writing utensils, paper, a three-ring folder, and agenda brought to class daily. Please check your child’s agenda daily as it is used to relay messages home to the parent/guardian. Please also check the Parent Portal system at least once every 2 weeks for updated class grades. Please be sure to sign the Internet access permission page in your child’s agenda so they will not be restricted from utilizing websites when we are working on projects.

Weighting Scale:Grading Scale:

Career Folder40%A = 100 - 90

Projects25%B = 89 - 80

Tests and Quizzes15%C = 79 - 74

Final Exam10%D = 73 - 70

Participation10%F = 69 and below

Missing assignments, classwork activities/handouts and project instructions can be found on my teacher section of the school website and in a makeup notebook located in my classroom. Students are responsible for making up all work within a reasonable amount of time when they have an excused absence or on a fieldtrip. All missing work or late work will have 5 points per day deducted for every day the work is late. Final deadlines for missing work are posted on the board and website.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have about your child’s academic and social progress. Please view your child’s agenda daily, as I will use it to communicate with you. I will also contact you via phone calls, progress reports and notes. Together, we can make this a great year for you and your child!


I have read the course syllabus, and have discussed the expectations and course requirements that you have set forth for your class.

Student’s Name (please print):Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (please print)


Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Contact Numbers: Home: ______Cell: ______Work: ______Email: ______