Honors Students,

NCHC Conference – We are now accepting draft proposals for the National Collegiate Honors Council Conference which will take place in Seattle, Washington October 12-16, 2016.Students can propose papers for the Student Poster sessions, Master Classes, Roundtables, or Forum on Diversity. Please read the guidelines closely and submit your proposal to Dr. Hangen at by March 1st so that we can help you get it in shape to submit to NCHC by March 28th. If your proposal is accepted, the Honors Program will pay for your travel, lodging, and meals for the conference.

  • The guidelines can be found here:
  • Please email Dr. Hangen if you have any questions AFTER you have read the guidelines. We look forward to reading your proposals.

Web Documents – This is to let you know that the Student Resources page on the Honors website not only has links to download the General Meeting Info, but we have begun archiving the weekly announcements that we send out. Some weeks we will not send out announcements if nothing new has happened, but you can always visit that page to check on upcoming events, deadlines, and announcements.

E. Board Applications - This is a reminder that the HonorsProgram ExecutiveBoardis still accepting applications until tomorrow. Ifyou are interested in applying, please download the application form sent by Keith on February 3, fill it out, and email it along with your resume to JJ Fritsch () by Wednesday, February 17th.

Senior Thesis Deadlines - The deadlines for sponsors, readers and students are:

February 19th, 2016 – Seniors must fill out the questionnaire by this date to ensure the ability to present at the Symposium.

March 15, 2016– By March 15th, the project should be completed and assessed by the sponsors and readers. The parameters for assessment will be determined exclusively by the sponsors and readers. We will contact faculty to see if they feel that the project has met the goals initially set. Students are not required to send their research or project to us.

April 6, 2016– The Honors Symposium will be April 6th from 2-6 pm. It is here that students will either present their research orally or in poster form.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We hope you have a great semester and we look forward to seeing you soon.
