Instructional Tools------Name
Mrs. Howard
Animal Quick Book---
Standard Areas: Please indicate the performance levels.Mathematics Level Cultural Aware. & Expression L.
Technology Level Life Skills Level
Social Science Level Career Skills Level
Writing Level 4 Science Level 2
Reading Level / Balanced Instructional Model:
Please check which strand(s).
Practical Application
Real-Life Connection / Please indicate the product:
Animal Quick Book
Please describe the audience:
Process Standard(s):
SC 2.5 gathers information on topic
SC 2.10 distinguishes between opinion and fact
SC 2.12 writes reports &/or gives oral presentations
Content Standard(s):
SC 2.24 understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, & diversity of living things
SC 2.25 understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their environment
WR 3.13 revises writing for detail and clarity
WR 3.19 proofreads writing for legibility, spelling, CAPS, PUNCT, & complete sentences.
WR 3.23 Lists titles and authors of books and other material when used as references in written work / Personal/Social/Career/Service Standard(s):
PS 3.2 demonstrates good study skills
Essential Questions:
What needs to happen in order to keep a species from becoming extinct? What are two reasons for an animal to die? If an animal were taken away from its habitat, what can happen to it? What does your animal use it’s body parts for? How would the animal’s life change if it lost it’s hearing? / Essential Vocabulary:
Life cycle, organ, function, senses, habitat, environment, predators, characteristics, organisms, affect, humidity, sources, resources, research, differences
Students research the following topics, then write rough draft of it (including introduction, body, conclusion). Next, teacher conference. Finally, final draft that includes text and picture.
1---description of what it looks like
2---5 body parts and functions
3---list four characteristics of all living things (survival needs)
4---animals’ five senses and why they’re important
5---animal’s habitat and why it lives there
6---animal’s lifecycle
7---food chain (tie into without plants, my animal would die)
8---carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore---what your animal eats
9---predators---what are your animal’s predators and how does it protect itself
10---animal’s home
11---resource page & title page
12---put pages together in a report format
Read reports aloud! J Time to celebrate!!!!!!! / Materials and Resources: encyclopedia, computer with internet access, resource books, quick pages, report covers, paper to guide research
Animal Quick Book
Traits/Targets ê / -- Emerging / Ö Developing / + Proficient / * AdvancedCS 3.2
Demonstrates good study skills / *not completed
*lost info & didn’t redo research
*did not clean up work area two+ days / *late
*redo because lost info
*did not clean up work area one day / *completed on time
*organized-didn’t lose anything
*responsibility-cleaned up work area daily / *completed early
*knew where everything was
*reminded others to clean up
SC 2.05 Gathers information on topic / *gathered info. in 5 or less areas
*used one resource / *gathered info. in all areas---only opinions stated in some pages
*used two resources / *gathered info. in all areas---facts & opinions
*used two resources / *proficient
*helped others locate information
SC 2.1 asks and answers questions / KWL chart incomplete in two or more sections / One section of the KWL chart incomplete / KWL Chart completed / Inquires about animal outside of the classroom---asks others for additional info.
SC 2.10
Distinguishes between fact and opinion / *cannot identify fact & opinion sentences
*facts rarely used / *has difficulty identifying fact & opinion sentences
*facts not included in all pages / *can identify fact & opinion sentences in report
*included facts in all pages / *can identify fact & opinion sentences
AND explain why
SC 2.24 understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, & diversity of living things / identified 2 or less of the following:
*what animal needs in order to survive
*five senses of animal
*5 body parts & function of those parts
*life cycle / identified 3 of the following:
*what animal needs in order to survive
*five senses of animal
*5 body parts & function of those parts
*life cycle / identified all of the following:
*what animal needs in order to survive
*five senses of animal
*5 body parts & function of those parts
*life cycle / identified all of the following
added supporting details
SC 2.25 understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their environment / *food chain incomplete
*did not identify relationship of plants to their animals
*did not identify any type of habitat / *food chain illustrated using 2 organisms
*identifies relationship of plants to their animals
*incorrectly identifies animal’s habitat / *food chain illustrated using 3 organisms
*identifies relationship of plants to their animals
*identifies animal’s habitat / *food chain illustrated using 4+
*explains relationship of plants to their animals
*explains why they live in that habitat
WR 4.2 write legibly in cursive & manuscript / Have a difficulty time reading writing either manuscript or final draft / *write legibly in manuscript during rough draft
*write legibly in cursive during final draft / *write legibly in manuscript during rough draft
*write legibly in cursive during final draft / Very easy to read their writing both in manuscript and cursive
WR 4.5
Proofreads & corrects grammar, sentence & paragraph structure, punt, CAPS, spelling and usage in finished written work / *5 sentences does not make sense*5 or more capital and punctuation mistakes.
*5 or more sentences does not have a subject/verb agreement
*5 or more fry words not spelled correctly. / *3-4 sentences does not make sense
*3-4 capital and punctuation mistakes.
*3-4 sentences does not have a subject/verb agreement
*3-4 fry words not spelled correctly. / *1-2 sentences does not make sense
*1-2 capital and punctuation mistakes.
*1-2 sentences does not have subject/verb agreement
*1-2 fry words not spelled correctly. / *all sentences make sense
*no capital or punctuation mistakes.
*All sentences have correct subject/verb agreement
* All fry words are spelled correctly
WR 4.6
revises writing to improve the progression of ideas & details / *no lead sentence
*4 or more sentences does not support the topic
*story is out of order
*sentences jump from topic to topic
*most sentences begin the same way / *lead sentence is confusing as to what the paragraph is going to be about
*2-3 sentences does not support the topic
*beginning, middle & end are in order
*2 sentences out of order
*some sentences begin differently / *lead sentence clearly tells what the paragraph will be about
*only one sentence does not support the topic
*beginning, middle & end are in order
*one sentence out of order
*most sentences begin differently / *lead sentence catches the reader’s attention
*all sentences support the topic
*clear beginning, middle & end
*organization is excellent
*story has words that build fluency
WR 4.9 cite 1 source using MLA / *does not cite source used for research / *cites 1 source used for research, but not in MLA format / *correctly cites 1 source used for research using MLA format / *can explain all parts needed for MLA format
Hannah Howard/Unalakleet School