Constitution of the Parish Pastoral Council
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
Amended March 2004
Amended February 2006
Amended February 2008
Amended Sept. 2008
Amended March 2017
Prepared for Approval by the
2016-2017 Parish Pastoral Council
Approved: ______
Father Joseph Culotta
Date: ______
Constitution of the Parish Pastoral Council
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
Table of Contents
1.1The Parish Pastoral Council models a unified focal point for the Parish to advise the Pastor in meeting the spiritual and temporal needs of the Parish.
2.1 The responsibilities of the Parish Pastoral Council include the items below:
2.1.1Investigating the most effective and efficient means to meet the Mission of the Parish.
2.1.2Inspiring support for the Parish’s Mission, with full use of and respect for the current structures and organizations within the Parish.
2.1.3Advising the Pastor in spiritual and temporal matters affecting the Parish.
2.1.4Assisting Parish activities in a way that serves the best interests of all.
2.1.5Encouraging the participation of Parishioners in the spiritual life of the Church.
2.1.6Modeling a forum for constructive dialogue among Parishioners.
2.1.7Encouraging a Catholic presence in the local community.
2.1.8Supporting the programs and activities recommended by the Bishop.
3.1Member Qualifications- Parish Pastoral Council members shall meet the qualifications below:
3.1.1Must be mature, faithful, registered members of the Parish.
3.1.2Must regularly attend Mass in the Parish.
3.1.3Must have a keen desire to help, and a commitment to prayer and action.
3.1.4Must exhibit the ability to listen, become informed, reflect, express themselves with care, communicate, work with others, compromise, adapt quickly to new challenges, and receive training.
3.1.5Must have a willingness to participate on committees as needed.
3.1.6Must be the only member in a household or immediate family serving on the Council.
3.1.7Must not be a member of the professional staff of the Parish.
3.1.8Must be able to respect the need for confidentiality when situations deem it necessary.
3.1.9Must have the ability to make the expected time commitment.
3.2 Categories of Membership
3.2.1The Parish Pastoral Council consists of up to 12 members selected in one of two ways: by discernment process or by appointment. Pastoral Council members serve staggered terms to ensure that there shall be a mix of experienced members on the Council each year.
3.2.2 The Pastor, at his discretion, may appoint anAssociate Pastor and/or a Deacon to serve on the council as ex-officio members.
3.3 Discernment Process
3.3.1Six Parish Pastoral Council members are selected by discernment process as described in Section 3.6.
Up to six Parish Pastoral Council members may be appointed by the Pastor. This appointment is made to enhance diversity within the Council and to ensure that all segments of the Parish are represented on the Council.
3.4 Responsibilities of Members
3.4.1 The members of Saint Mark the Evangelist Pastoral Council listen to the needs and concerns of the Parishioners and bring them to the Pastoral Council meetings when appropriate. They offer advice and counsel to the Pastor. When recommendations are to be given to the Pastor, this is done after a time of prayerful discernment.
3.4.2Provide oversight of the Parish Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is reviewed annually and kept current. Ensure the principles of the Strategic Plan are being applied and implemented. When the present Strategic Plan is about to expire, forms an adhoc committee whose responsibilities is to develop a new and current Strategic Plan.
3.4.3Provide interactionwith the Parish Finance Council. input to the Finance Council for budget planning. and approve the Parish budget submitted by the Finance Council.
3.4.4 Provide interaction with Parish Committees.
3.4.5Respecting the principle of subsidiarity, the Pastoral Council serves as a resource to all Parish committees.
3.4.6Assess the committees to ensure they are faithful to their charge.
3.4.7Establish ad-hoc or permanent committees, as needed, in support of the principles of the Strategic Plan.
3.4.8Provide Parish Communication. information is communicated to the Parish respecting the obligation of transparency to foster greater participation.
3.5 Term Limits
3.5.1Council members selected by discernment process or by appointment serve a 3-year term. A Council member may not be appointed or decided by the discernment process to serve on the Council for more than two full consecutive terms.
3.5.2The term of the chairperson shall be limited to two consecutive years.
3.6 Provisions for the Discernment Process
3.6.1Provide Schedule of Discernment Process. Discernment processes occur no later than the last Sunday in May of each year, at which time two Parish Pastoral Council members are determined to replace the two members whose terms end during that year.
3.6.2Discernment Process is as shown below: In the Spring of each year the Parish Pastoral Council shallestablish the schedule for the Discernment Process. In the Spring, the discernment process will obtain names of parishionersrecommended from the Parish to serve on the Council. With the advice and consent of the Pastor, names of nominees who meet the requirements will be invited to participate. Two Discernment sessions will take place in the Spring. The first discernment session will be an orientation meeting with all nominees. The second discernment meeting will be the decision meeting in which the nominees will reflect as a group on their candidacies and will select two among them to be on the Pastoral Council. The selection of new Council members will be affirmed by the Pastor and announced to the Pastoral Council and the Parish.
3.7 Vacancies
3.7.1Replacing an Unexpected Vacancy
When a vacancy arises, the Pastor appoints a replacement to fill the vacant term of the Appointee.
3.7.2Term of Replacement
If the replacement completes the term of the vacancy for which he or she was appointed, he or she is eligible for subsequent discernment or appointmentin accordance with Section 3.6.
4.1 Specific Roles within the Parish Pastoral Council
4.1.1President- The Pastor presides at Parish Pastoral Council Meetings.
4.1.2Chairperson- The Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson convenes and chairs the Council meetings.The Chairperson, with the advice and consent of the Pastor, prepares an agenda for Parish Pastoral Council meetings.
4.1.3Vice-Chairperson- The Vice-Chairperson conducts the Parish Pastoral Council meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.
4.1.4Secretary- The Secretary is responsible for taking minutes of Parish Pastoral Council meetings and submitting them for Pastor approval. Approved minutes are provided to the office for the permanentrecord.
4.1.5Executive Committee- The Pastor has the option to form an Executive Committee as needed.
4.2 Election of Officers
4.2.1 The Chairperson is selected at the last meeting of the term of the current council. The remaining officers will be selected by the new council when they convene at the start of the next term.
4.3 Meetings
4.3.1Regular Meetings
Regular Parish Pastoral Council meetings shall be held at least 9 times a year. These meetings always begin and end in prayer. In addition, Parish Pastoral Council members are expected to attend the annual Day of Reflection. The Parish Pastoral Council schedules regular meetings and publicizes those dates to the Parish.
4.3.2Special Meetings
The Pastor, as President, may call a special meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council. The Chairperson and/or the Executive Committee, with the consent of the Pastor, may also call special meetings of the Parish Pastoral Council.
4.3.3Parishioner Attendance
Parishioners and Parish staff are welcome to attend and observe open meetings. The Parish Pastoral Council has the option to hold closed-door meetings when appropriate.
Parish Pastoral Council members or Parishioners may suggest agenda items to the Chairperson prior to a meeting. During the meeting, any Council member may suggest additional items for the agenda to be discussed at that meeting or at a future one.
4.3.5 Consensus
All recommendations of the Pastoral Council are made in the spirit of consensus.
5.1 This constitution may be amended by consensus by the members of thePastoral Council with 30 day written prior notice and subsequent approval by the Pastor. All amendments to this constitution must be consistent with Canon 536. Cannon Law 536 states” #1-If the diocesan bishop judges it opportune after he has heard from the presbyteral council, a pastoral council is to be established in each parish, over which the pastor presides and in which the Christian faithful, together with those who share pastoral care by virtue of their office in the parish, assist in fostering pastoral activity. #2. A pastoral council possesses a consultative vote only and is governed by the norms established by the diocesan bishop.”