Christ Church

Church of EnglandJunior School

Job Description

Job Title: School Secretary KS3

Line Manager: Business Manager


Purpose of Job

Maintain the efficient running of the school office, provide an administrative service to the Headteacher and staff, and assist pupils and parents with any enquiries.


School Roll of approximately 250 KS2 pupils.

No directly subordinate staff.

Income from pupils for sales and trips

First Aid Cover

SIMS Administration

Principal Accountabilities

Administration of all pupil related data. Administration of School Meals and liaison with kitchen staff. Administration of School Census. Routine administration of post and e-mails. Regular liaison with Education Welfare Officers and school FLO. Administration duties relating to school Tuck Shop and school uniform.

Additional Accountabilities

a) Provide a secretarial and administrative service to the Headteacher and other staff. Acting a personal assistant to the Headteacher, keeping a diary and making arrangements. Carry out general office duties in order to free the Headteacher and other staff to concentrate on curricular issues.

b)Provide a first point of contact for pupils and parents at Reception, deal with any problems or refer them on as appropriate. Undertake general Reception duties.

c)Assist the Business Manager with the Personnel function, passing details of staff absence, appointments or terminations.

d)Complete Government and Local Authority reports as and when required.

e)Maintain and update all pupil database files, documents, correspondence and DfES forms, including forms for other agencies, to assist the Headteacher and other staff.

f)Collate and monitor application for admissions, including new intake of pupils; provide prospective parents with information on the school; enter new intake onto pupil database, ensuring that the necessary procedures are complied with.

g)Complete relevant forms for pupils leaving the school; update the pupil database and send pupils’ files to the relevant secondary schools to ensure that procedures are complied with.

h)Monitor pupil attendance and liaise with Learning Mentors regarding home visits.

i)Cover in the absence of other office colleagues to ensure the efficient running of the school office is maintained.

j)Design, update and produce school publications and the prospectus, in a way that enhances the image of the school.

k)Ensure that Governors are updated with any newsletters or documents as required, dealing via the Clerk where applicable.

l)Process orders for provisions for clubs and refreshments and keep a record for Business Manager.

m)Process, induct and monitor new volunteers.

n)Monitor and administer programme of pupil attendance.

o)Assist with keeping the website and School Facebook up to date and relevant, checking regularly that documents on the website are up to date and relevant.

p)Liaise with printers or providers of publicity for the school and school brochure.

q)Any other administrative tasks that the Senior Leadership Team require relating to the general running of the School.

Job Context

The post holder is expected to:-

  • Conduct the role in a professional and organised manner
  • Comply with guidelines for Child Protection
  • Be entrusted with matters of confidentiality
  • Undertake training necessary within the role
  • Participate in yearly Performance Management Reviews


Agreed by …………………………… Approved by ……………………….

Post Holder Line Manager

Authorised by ………………………. Date ……………………………

Head Teacher

Job Description EJ March 2016