Appendix J: Functional Specifications
Functional Specifications For Peaking Generation
a)Functional Specifications
i)Air emission permit limits, if applicable, that allow a minimum of 4000 operating hours per year.
ii)Ability to provide Automatic Generation Control (AGC) so that the unit can be dispatched for regulation including minute-to-minute variation and load following.
iii)Desired capability to start from zero load and reach grid synchronization at full load in 10 minutes or less to meet CAISO’s criteria for Non-Spinning Reserve. If unable to meet this capability, please specify in Appendix F.
iv)Capability to complete a shutdown and restart cycle in less than one hour and perform three start-stop cycles per day with no maintenance penalty. Start-based maintenance may be considered in lieu of no maintenance penalty.
v)Minimum run time – 15 minutes or less per start.
b)Combustion Turbine & Generator
i)To be of proven design with large number of units in operation and experiencing high reliability track record while operating on a 60 hertz grid.
ii)Designed with inlet air mechanical chilling or evaporative cooling/fogging capabilities. Vendor to provide power augmentation options and associated capital and expense costs. Adequate evaporative cooling/fogging water supply and storage for 7 days of continuous operation, or proof of adequate backup supply. Water quality within recommended OEM specifications.
iii)Two 100% capacity evaporative cooling/fogging supply pumps.
iv)Electric turning gear with pneumatic back up desired.
v)On line water wash and drain system installed with all valves easily accessible for routine maintenance.
vi)Generator not constructed using global VPI (vacuum pressure impregnation) process.
vii)Closed air cooled generator or hydrogen cooled generator with automatic purge system.
viii)Generator and controls designed to meet all WECC operating requirements.
ix)Adequately sized lube oil system and generator seal oil system complete with emergency D.C. lube oil and seal oil pumps.
x)100% redundancy on CEMS sample and monitoring equipment and equipment accessible for maintenance.
c)Reciprocating Engines
i)To be of proven design with large number of units in operation and experiencing high reliability track record while operating on a 60 hertz grid.
ii)Maximum engine speed of 500 rpm
iii)Engine designed to operate with natural gas fuel. If distillate pilot fuel is required, a minimum of 4 day on-site storage shall be provided.
iv)Required engine preheating and prelubrication equipment supplied for fast startups
v)Common base frame mounted on the foundation by steel springs for engine and generator and flexible coupling between engine and generator
vi)Starting air system and starting air storage for rapid, sequential starting of all engines.
vii)Two independent, interconnected compressed air systems for starting air and control and instrumentation air.
viii)On-line wash system of turbocharger
ix)Engine cooling and oil cooling shall be two independent separate cooling systems
x)Closed air-cooled generator
xi)Generator not constructed using global VPI (vacuum pressure impregnation) process.
xii)Generator and controls designed to meet all WECC operating requirements.
xiii)100% redundancy on CEMS sample and monitoring equipment and equipment accessible for maintenance.
d)Plant Control System
i)Current, proven technology control systems, data acquisition systems and operator interface systems available. Designed to be fully operable from a remote location and requiring minimal local operator surveillance.
ii)Redundancy designed into plant data acquisition and control. At a minimum, the system must be designed so that no single control system failure event can cause a unit trip or reduction in load.
iii)Full UPS with battery back up able to sustain plant D.C. system a minimum of 3 hours under conditions when the plant has lost all sources of off-site A.C. power. (Battery bank and charge system designed to support two full load trips within 3 hour duration. Batteries to have 20 year life.)
e)Gas Conditioning Station
i)Station designed to deliver fuel at the quantity, pressure and quality required to meet OEM specifications, including duct burner/power augmentation operation.
ii)Electric driven gas compressors if required.
iii)Ability to change out filters and dryers on line with no supply restrictions.
iv)All valves and components designed and located for access for routine maintenance.
v)Cathodic protection on gas pipeline to meet PG&E gas interconnection requirements or AGA as applicable.
f)Waste Water Treatment System
i)Designed to process and treat all waste streams in accordance with approved discharge permit requirements.
g)Plant Fire Suppression/Protection System
i)All buildings, structures and equipment alarmed into the control room and protected in accordance with California building code, OSHA, Fire Marshal and insurance requirements.
ii)Two 100% redundant fire water supply sources; one electric driven pump and one diesel driven pump. If connected to a municipal water system, one pump is adequate.
iii)Adequate numbers of hydrants and portable fire protection devices (extinguishers) identified and installed throughout the plant.
i)On line condition monitoring system (oil and gas analyzer) for each main bank.
ii)The main step-up transformers shall be rated with a capacity that allows full output of the unit through the operating range of power factors and voltages at all ambient temperatures at the site. The rated capacity of the transformers shall be stated for a 65C average winding temperature rise over 40C ambient.
iii)The connection between the generators and the transformers shall be made via isolated or non-segregated phase bus, as appropriate.
iv)Designed to IEEE and ANSI standards.
i)Station Power
i)Plant designed to provide back up power automatic transfer in the event of loss of plant.
ii)Plant designed to run down safely to stop condition with no damage to equipment in the event of loss of auxiliary power.
iii)High voltage bus configuration designed to support routine maintenance activities (e.g. main bank insulator washes, switchyard work, etc.).
j)Electrical Switchgear and Breakers
i)All breakers designed to eliminate arc flashing personnel hazards in accordance with NFPA standards.
ii)All breakers and switchgear designed and located for safe operation (e.g. proper identification, indicating lamps, mechanical racking devices).
i)All gas fuel and electric use meters designed, calibrated and installed to conform with required standards.
l)Plant Drawings
i)All plant drawings including; civil, construction, electrical, P&ID and as-built shall be made available in hardcopy and electronically within six months of the plant’s commercial operation date.
m)Exterior Equipment
i)All outdoor equipment and materials designed and installed consistent with expected use and environmental conditions (e.g. moisture & dust controls, cooling and ventilation, heat tracing and insulation for electrical motors, cabinets/load centers, sample, trap and chemical feed lines, etc.)
n)Property, Buildings and Roads
i)Centralized structures consisting of adequately sized local control room and associated storage facility in close proximity to the power block.
ii)Building structures sized appropriately for remote plant operation.
iii)All HVAC and ventilation systems throughout the plant sized and installed appropriately for climate and dust control.
iv)All buildings, structures and equipment designed and built to required seismic specifications.
v)All road surfaces designed and paved to allow for proper drainage and to allow transportation of heavy equipment and materials throughout the plant.
vi)Adequate space and location made available for temporary PG&E trailer during plant construction/commissioning.
i)Plant automated and designed to be operated with no more than the specified number of employees as determined in the plant pro forma.
ii)All valves and valve actuators shall be accessible for operation and maintenance.
iii)All plant equipment and facilities materials shall be designed and built to U.S. codes and standards.
iv)All 100% redundant plant equipment (pumps and motors) shall be fully isolatable to facilitate maintenance repairs or replacement.
v)Project construction contractor shall be accepted and approved by PG&E.
vi)Plant noise levels within permit specifications under all operating conditions.
vii)Emergency lighting shall be provided in all areas of operation.
viii)Overhead cranes or paved access and pads for mobile cranes with sufficient capacity for all overhaul activities. The general arrangement must be designed to allow for removal and replacement of all plant equipment.
ix)Site elevation graded to above 100 year flood level.
x)Make up water source(s) of adequate supply and quality.
xi)Ability to change inlet air filters during on line operation with no curtailment.
xii)Hoisting crane (small) on the air inlet to move filters and perform maintenance.
xiii)Ability to change out dryer elements and filters on line with no plant curtailments.
xiv)If “zero discharge” permitted, system will be adequately designed and automated to minimize labor burden of plant staff.
xv)If “zero discharge” permitted, vendor will provide a source of waste processing heat while the plant is offline, or a mobile wastewater processing capability.
xvi)100% redundancy for all critical chemical treatment and waste water processing pumps, motors and compressors.
xvii)Adequate chemical storage for 30 days of operation.
xviii)Plant property lines identified and fenced with appropriate signage.
xix)Hazardous waste storage and handling area sized for safety and ease of shipping.
Functional Specifications For Shaping Generation
a)Functional Specifications
i)Ability to turn-down to 55% of full baseload or lower.
ii)Automatic Generation Control (AGC) and load following over the full turn-down range (55% to 100%).
iii)Maximum allowable hot-start time of 90 minutes including all pre-ignition purges and other permissives.
iv)Maximum allowable cold-start time of 4.5 hours.
v)Minimum downtime between combustion turbine restarts of 60 minutes.
vi)Minimum ramp rate of 7% of guaranteed capacity per minute per combustion turbine.
vii)Ability to complete a hot shutdown to hot re-start cycle in less than three hours.
viii)300 annual starts including approximately 25 cold starts.
ix)Minimum Run Time – 4 hours or less per start.
x)Ability to meet all air emissions criteria at startup, shut-down, and for all operating loads.
b)Combustion Turbine & Generator
i)To be of proven design with large number of units in operation and experiencing high reliability track record.
ii)Designed with automated steam power augmentation.
iii)Designed with inlet evaporative cooling/fogging capabilities.
iv)Electric turning gear with pneumatic back up desired.
v)Generator not constructed using global VPI (vacuum pressure impregnation) process.
vi)Closed air cooled or hydrogen cooled generator with automatic purge system.
vii)Bulk hydrogen storage sufficiently sized for six generator purges and fills.
viii)Bulk carbon dioxide storage sufficiently sized for six generator purges.
ix)Generator and controls designed to be able to meet all WECC operating requirements.
x)Adequately sized lube oil and seal oil systems complete with emergency D.C. oil pumps.
xi)Adequate evaporative cooling water supply and storage for ten continuous days of operation, or proof of adequate backup supply. Water quality within recommended OEM specifications.
xii)Online water wash and drain system installed with all valves easily accessible for routine maintenance.
c)Reciprocating Engines
i)To be of proven design with large number of units in operation and experiencing high reliability track record while operating on a 60 hertz grid.
ii)Designed to be started and operated with either natural gas or distillate fuel
iii)Engine designed to operate with natural gas fuel. If distillate pilot fuel is required, a minimum of 4 day on-site storage shall be provided.
iv)Common base frame mounted on the foundation for engine by steel springs and generator and flexible coupling between engine and generator
v)Starting air system and starting air storage for rapdi, sequential starting of all engineers.
vi)Two independent, interconnected compressed air systems for starting air and control and instrumentation air
vii)On-line wash system of turbocharger
viii)Designed to allow on-line maintenance of fuel and oil filters
ix)Engine cooling and oil cooling shall be two independent separate cooling systems
x)Closed air-cooled generator
xi)Generator not constructed using global VPI (vacuum pressure impregnation) process.
xii)Generator and controls designed to meet all WECC operating requirements.
xiii)100% redundancy on CEMS sample and monitoring equipment and equipment accessible for maintenance
d)HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator)
i)Steam headers and tubes designed and constructed with materials suitable for 300 start up cycles per year and 30 year life cycle.
ii)Chemical injection points and blowdown drains configured to allow control of steam and boiler water chemistry within HRSG and steam turbine OEM specifications and within EPRI guidelines.
iii)If applicable, duct burner fuel isolation valves installed and purge system readily accessible.
iv)Automatic steam drain and sky vent valves controllable locally and/or from control room.
v)Drain and vent manual isolation stop valves in place and accessible for routine maintenance.
vi)Drains and vents adequately sized to meet both HRSG and steam turbine heat up specifications.
vii)HRSG steam isolation valves installed to allow for tube bundle hydro testing and chemical cleanings.
viii)All safety and relief valves accessible for routine maintenance.
ix)100% redundancy on CEMS sample and monitoring equipment and equipment accessible for maintenance.
x)Adequate 19% aqueous ammonia bulk storage for 30 days of operation.
xi)Two 100% capacity ammonia delivery pumps and two ammonia injection fans/pumps.
xii)Adequate number of manual valves for full isolation of both ammonia storage and delivery systems.
xiii)Steam pipe hangers designed (lockable) to accommodate hydro testing.
xiv)Automated stack dampers desired.
xv)Steam bypass system to condenser sized to provide for 100% bypass at maximum generating capacity with loss of steam turbine.
e)Steam Turbine Generator
i)To be of proven design with large number of units in operation and experiencing high reliability track record.
ii)Steam control and shutoff valves designed to meet OEM performance criteria.
iii)All warm up drain valves and steam traps properly sized and located to accommodate steam turbine OEM start up, shutdown and on line operating criteria.
iv)Overhead gantry crane designed and located to remove large steam turbine & generator parts. Desired to also be able to remove large combustion turbine and generator parts.
v)Electric turning gear with pneumatic back up desired.
vi)Electronic and mechanical overspeed protection.
vii)Generator not constructed using global VPI (vacuum pressure impregnation) process.
viii)Generator and controls designed to be able to meet all WECC operating requirements.
f)Plant Control System
i)Current, proven technology control systems, data acquisition systems and operator interface systems available.
ii)Control system with the capability of day-ahead programming for key events (i.e. turning over unit to CAISO remote dispatch).
iii)The plant shall be operable from the control room by a single operator under all normal conditions from minimum to full load. Startups and shutdown may require an operator in the field.
iv)100% redundancy with all operator and engineer work stations and operator interface consoles.
v)Vendor to specify the amount of redundancy to be designed into plant data acquisition and control. At a minimum, the system must be designed so that no single control system failure event can cause a unit trip or reduction in load.
vi)Full UPS with battery back up able to sustain plant D.C. system a minimum of 3 hours. (Battery bank and charge system designed to support two full load trips within a 3 hour duration. Batteries to have 20 year life.)
g)Condensate & Feedwater Systems
(1)Titanium condenser tubes and tube sheet with appropriate isolation and cathodic protection system.
(2)Split condenser waterboxes with inlet and outlet entry doors adequately sized and located for routine maintenance. Inlet condenser tube sheet base designed to support ease of entry for routine cleaning (configured to help catch debris and not allow it to fall back into inlet piping).
(3)Ability to remove one condenser half from service for maintenance with minimal steam turbine generator curtailment.
(4)Condenser designed and sized with an automatic steam bypass system able to prevent a combustion turbine and/or HRSG trip after loss of the steam turbine. Condenser shall be designed to exceed HEI tube support requirements for bypass operation. The system shall be fully automatic with no operator actions required.