Assignment #1. February 12, 2001

Nane ______Student ID ______

Assignment #1

Cover Sheet

Instructions: Your first assignment is to prepare a research paper taken from Office 2000 textbook. Fill in the above information and attach this page to the front of your assignment. You should have 3 printouts to attach. Using Header Function, place your last name on the upper right-hand corner of each page you attach. This assignment is due at the beginning of class on February 12, 2001.
  1. Perform the activities below and refer to "Preparing a Research Paper" on page WD2.57 and WD2.58. Your printout should contain the following features.

a)  Set all margins to one inch.

b)  Adjust line spacing to double.

c)  Create a header to number pages.

d)  Set font size to 12 point New Times Roman.

e)  Type the name and course information at the left margin. Instead of Anne Thornton, please put your name, similarly the page number should have your last name instead of Thornton. Change Ms. Baxter to Dr. Chisamore, English 105 to BA 3351 and the date to February 12, 2001.

f)  Center and type the title.

g)  First-line indent all paragraphs in the paper.

h)  Type the research paper in Figure 2-74a, and 2-74b.

i)  At the end of the body of the paper, insert a manual page break.

j)  Create the works cited page (Figure 2-74c)

k)  Check spelling

l)  At the end of the paper, type the number of words in the research paper

m)  Print the research paper and attach to this instruction page.

  1. Perform the activities below and refer to "Preparing a Research Paper with Footnotes" on page WD2.59 and WD2.61.

a)  Set all margins to one inch.

b)  Adjust line spacing to double.

c)  Create a header to number pages.

d)  Set font size to 12 point New Times Roman.

e)  Type the name and course information at the left margin as you did in number 1.

f)  Center and type the title.

g)  First-line indent all paragraphs in the paper.

h)  Type the research paper in Figure 2-75a, and 2-75b.

i)  At the end of the body of the paper, insert a manual page break.

j)  Create the works cited page WD 2.61, 3a, 3b and 3c

k)  Check spelling

l)  At the end of the paper, type the number of words in the research paper, include footnotes in your word count.

m)  Print the research paper and attach to this instruction page.

  1. Perform the following tasks to modify the research paper created in number 2 above.

a)  Use Word to find a synonym of the word “eventually” found in the second paragraph. Underline the new word.

b)  Change all occurrences of the word, “artificial,” to the word, “simulated.” Underline all of the new words.

c)  In the second footnote, change the word, “link,” to the word, “connect.” Underline the new word.

d)  Convert footnotes to endnotes. You have learned that endnotes appear at the end of a document. Hint: Use Help to learn about converting footnotes to endnotes.

e)  Modify the Endnote text style to 12-point font, double-spaced text with a first-line indent. Insert a page break so the endnotes are placed on a separate numbered page. Center the title, “Endnotes,” double-spaced above the notes.

f)  Change the format of the note reference marks from Arabic numbers (1., 2., etc.) to capital letters (A., B., etc.) Hint: Use Help to learn about changing the number format of note reference marks.

g)  Print the revised research paper and attach to these instruction sheets.

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