Ezekiel 8 and 9 - Then and Now
Ezekiel 8-11:23
Daniel 12:11-12: [Refer to: “The Abomination That Lays Waste”]
John 14:29-30: Messiah had been telling His disciples that He had to go away, but He had also given them the benefits of His doing so--they would be filled with the Spirit of Yahuweh to indwell them. The Spirit would teach them all that He had said, convict them of sin, lead them in righteousness, and warn them how to avoid judgment. Messiah Yahushua concludes with this: “And now I have told you before it takes place, that when it does take place you shall believe. I shall no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he possesses nothing at all of Me.”
A lovely Australian friend of mine e-mailed me and asked an awesome question about Ezekiel 8-11:23 and the timing in Daniel 12:11-12, which I discussed in “The Abomination That Lays Waste”/November 21, 2014:
“I understand why Abba’s Presence left the temple (Ezekiel chapter 8), but if He left and never returned, how do we count 1290 days from His departure until the abomination that lays waste sits on the Temple Mount? (Daniel 11:11-12) Did He return at some time, like 1947/48 or 1967? If His Presence has returned, then something equally as bad as Ezekiel 8 must happen in these last days to cause Him to leave again for the final 1290 plus 45 days before Messiah’s return.”
Her bottom line conclusions are right. I want to expound on this to clarify why, after Abba did come back in Acts 2 into “temples not made with hands,” why He has to repeat His Ezekiel 8-11:23 pattern once again now, before the “Day of Yahuweh,” and the return of Messiah Yahushua.
I want to encourage you to read, or re-read “The Abomination That Lays Waste,” so that you follow me in understanding why the Creator of the universe has to once again depart from His creation, from the Temple Mount, from East Jerusalem, and from those who are not loyal to Him among His people, in order to prepare for the coming of His Son.
To repeat important information: Prophecy is so often on two or three levels. You must read Scripture in context with the Spirit to teach you, for often a comma separates prophecy for the day in which the prophet lives fromprophecy for our day. For example, Jeremiah, writing about 2,500 years ago, prophesied of his day--about the destruction of Solomon’s Temple, which happened in 586 BCE by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. But in Jeremiah 25, he not only prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, but also prophesies regarding end-time Babylon (America) and what they will do to help destroy His people.The Jeremiah 25 prophesy regarding end-time Babylon is expanded in detail in Jeremiah 50 and 51 about what happens “in that day and at that time,” a Messianic timing expression. [Refer to: “Jeremiah 25”/July 18, 2014 and Scriptures in “End-Time Babylon”/2006]
In Scriptural prophecy there are certain phrases to observe, which identify the past and the present, like “latter days,” “last days,” “that day,” “the day of Yahuweh,” or “in that day and at that time.”The “latter days,” etc., refers to the time of the last generation before the return of Messiah, or 1947/1948. (Matthew 24:29-34) [For clarity, refer to the last two pages of “The Day of Yahuweh”/November 14, 2014]
In Ezekiel 8, Yahuweh shows Ezekielsome of the abominations committed by the Jewish priesthood on the Temple Mount in the days before Nebuchadnezzar totally destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, and took the people there to Babylon for 70 years. Yahuweh raised up prophets to warn the people for a long time, but almost none of the people would listen. It is identically the same today! People are hearing warnings from faithful watchmen and prophets, but choosing to go about their business as if nothing was going to happen.
The priests went along with the idolatry and abominations of sun god worship. In fact, the sun god worship was led by priestson the Temple Mount. What they did is being practiced in various forms by most of earth’s nearly 7 billion people on earth today, also within Christianity and Judaism. [Refer to: “Berkat Hahama – The Blessing of the Sun – Pagan Abomination Pointing to the Day of Judgment, or Justifiably Righteous?” 2008]
As I write, judgment is imminent. Yahuweh is no longer tolerating the “images of jealousy” set up by His people that provoke Him to great anger. We know what brought the judgment in 586 BCE. But, the question asked by my Australian friend is a good question that deserves an answer. We can read from Ezekiel 8:1 - 11:23 what caused two-stage departure back then. The same exact things are about to bringdown His judgment now.
As I have written in several articles since August of 2012, He has to withdraw once again from earth to allow the enemy to do the judging of His people once more.
Yahuweh called Nebuchadnezzar “My servant.” Are Muslim terrorists in Israel, and now also abounding in America, Europe, and the U.K. also His servants?It is obvious that they are servants of Satan. But, who controls Satan? Are the elite Satanists, leaders of powerful western countries and their allies, also His servants? Yes, they are. Yahuweh controls all, and uses all for His purposes to bring division between His people and Satan’s people, and to punish those who have rebelled against Him. (Matthew 10:34-39)
Matthew 23: Yahushua Messiah lambasted the religious leaders of His day in Jerusalem for their departure from the nature, ways, thinking, and commands of His Father. Today, the rabbis are descendants of these Pharisees. In Messiah’s day the religious leaders were puppets of Rome. Today, many top rabbinic leaders are puppets of the Jesuit Vatican, and its Illuminati leadership. Sadly, I have seen pictures of famous rabbis of Israel giving Illuminati hand signs. Speaking past and present: There are Arab Communists, Arab Nazis, Arab Masons, and Arab Illuminists. There are Jewish Communists, Jewish Nazis, Jewish Masons controlling Israel, and Jewish Illuminists, and many are respected as religious leaders today.
To understand the stark truth in this arena, please refer to: “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome,” before you think I’ve gone anti-Semitic. Nothing could be further from the truth about me! I’ve been in Israel nearly 50 times, and Jerusalem around 90 times, always staying in the Old City so that I can be with the people--rejoice with them, pray with them, pray for them, and proclaim His Word over them. I only expose what is keeping people a prisoner of the things their Elohim hates!
In Ezekiel 8, we see that He began withdrawing--PART I. In approximately 587 BCE, He could no longer stand being included in the worship of the sun god, which worship ended up in the Roman Catholic Church and today is still in a beleaguered Protestantism. So quietly without fanfare, His Spirit lifted off of the Ark and went to “stand” at the north gate of the Temple complex, where sat the “image of jealousy.” What is this “image” of jealousy – the image that caused righteous jealousy to rise in Yahuweh?
As written in the Book of Maccabees, the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Ephiphanes came into Israel to force Greek politics, culture, and religion on the Jewish people. He slaughtered a pig on the altar in the outer court of the Temple. He also put a statue of Zeus on the Ark, thus defiling the Most Set-Apart Place in the Temple. But, Yahuweh was not there anymore, nor was the original Ark built for the tabernacle of Moses. Only a replica of the original was there. His Presence had long sense departed. Yet, still, Antiochus defiled the place where the Presence of Yahuweh had once been manifested so powerfully among His people.
In Greek/Roman paganism, Zeus took the place of Yahuweh and his son, Apollo, took the place of Yahushua. Today the world is openly calling for the return of these two gods to rule the earth.
Revelation 9:1-11 relates of the unleashing of Apollo/Apollyon, king of the Nephillim who had been bound in Tartaros (a pit in the underworld) since the Flood, along with the other pre-Flood Nephilim, onto the earth once again.
Yahuweh has heard, and has responded as He did in 587/586. He has let these demonic gods know that they, and their leader, have a short time to do their will on earth, and then He will send Yahushua, and they will be cast into the lake of fire forever. (I Peter 2:4-9; Revelation 12:7-17)
Notice the progression of Yahuweh’s departure. First He moves just to the north of where the priests were worshipping the sun at the spring equinox, and the women were honoring the god Tammuz in their 40 days of what became the Catholic “Lent.” Yahuweh stood by that abomination – image of jealousy: an obelisk, pillar--symbol of Ba’al’s phallus. “You shall not make a pillar.” (Deuteronomy 16:22) These things caused Yahuweh to be jealous. (Exodus 20:5; 34:12-14)
You notice in Catholicism, in Islam, in Washington DC, in Hindu temples, etc. --all around the pagan world--pillars and obelisks abound. They are almost always near some type of rounded dome. The obelisks representthe phallus of Osiris/Nimrod/Apollo, and the domes represent the womb of Isis that is enlarged and ready to bring forth the son of the sun-god – a reincarnated son of Nimrod—known in the Christian world as “antichrist.”
The largest “image of jealousy” in the world is the Washington Monument … and straight down in front of it is the U.S. capitol domed “womb.”The Vatican has a huge domed ceiling, and just in front of it is an ancient Egyptian obelisk. Do your own research on this – it’s a mind-blower.
But, then, America was founded to reincarnate and return Nimrod to power over the entire world--the goal of the Illuminati, Masons, elite families of Europe, and plans of Satan going back thousands of years. Nimrod built Babylon, from which he ruled the known earth after the Flood. End-time Babylon, America, was dedicated to bring this Masonic god back to life.
[Refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny”/January 25, 2009]
Yahuwehcame off of the Ark, and stood by the “image of jealousy” by the north gate. Today, the north gate is the main Muslim entrance from the Arab Quarter. No one can enter the north gate except Muslims.
Yahuwehpaused there to see if anyone would notice. No one noticed! They even tried to include Him in their sun god worship, by “putting the branch to His nose,” as they did to their noses, to shield their eyes from the rising sun over the Mount of Olives (the origin of Easter sunrise services). Then He moved silently to the top of the Mount of Olives directly in front of them. They did not notice! He waited. He watched His children defiling themselves with Satan worship. He grieved. His heart was broken. He did not want to leave! But, He had to leave so that His servant Nebuchadnezzar could come and execute His judgment for Him.
Ezekiel 9 tells of a man in a linen garment, a righteous servant of Elohim, who went forth to mark all those who sighed and cried for the abominations done in Jerusalem by these religious leaders and their followers. “The mark,”
His YHWH, was on their foreheads for protection and identification. At the same time, six other men came through the north gate with weapons in their hands. Yahuweh sent them out to slaughter everyone in Jerusalem, except for those with the mark of the Father’s Name in their forehead. (Revelation 3:12; 7:1-8; 14:1-5; 22:3-5). The Orthodox Jews say this prophecy has not happened yet. But, who comes through the north gate from the Arab Quarter today? Only Muslims can come through – and at present they are maiming, seriously injuring, police and Jews, on the Temple Mount. Where is the man with the inkhorn? He’s there, too! Who was it that showed Ezekiel this vision of our day, and talked him through it in detail? (Ezekiel 8:1-3)
Yahuweh looked on and saw that no one repented, no one even missed Him, so He departed, withdrawing His Spirit from all except the few who were marked with His bulla--His seal of identification.
That identical scenario is happening right now. His departure began its first stage in late July/early August of 2012, following the London Olympics, which were dedicated to calling for Apollo to return (Revelation 9:11, 11:8, 17:7, II Thessalonians 2:3– “destroyer”: “Apollyon”, “Apollo”, “apolia”)
I wrote four articles from July 22nd to August 17, 2012, on what He showed me about the Olympics. Articles #1 and #2 exposed the evil intent of what was planned. Article #3 is my report: “The Declaration Assignment.” Article #4 is: “What Really Happened at the Olympics – The Bottom Line That Fine-Tunes Timing.” I don’t make such stark statements as I did above for any type of sensationalism. I shun such things. I only make prophetic statements if I have His solid foundation underneath me. When I say the first stage of His departure was in late July, early August of 2012 I mean it--I was on site in Rome, then on the Isle of Patmos to deliver His messages. I was on assignment for Him. I have been under orders from my Master for a long time as His servant. Those of you who understand working with Him, know what I mean.
He has not rushed out. But, His warnings have gone forth since the late 1980s at least, and increased all through the 1990s. He has been slowly moving, watching His people, calling to those who would listen, drawing the few unto Himself, under His tallit, into His secret place to tell His secrets to His servants. But, now, as we are in 2015 on His calendar, His departurehas moved into its second stage. This is why so many who were once believing and serving Yahuweh and Yahuweh have become dulled and useless to the Kingdom, loving this present world, and becoming more and more defiant towards obeying Yahuweh in favor of serving “self.”
It is rarethat people are Spirit-taught, and desire only to hear from Yahuweh as they open the portal of their re-born spirit to His realm. Few are allowing Yahuweh’s Spirit to control their lives. Few trust Him for their needs. The jezebel spirit is covering the earth in men, women, and children – craving power over others, no matter who gets hurt. The “I am god” spirit is ruling people, and anyone who speaks Truth becomes a victim of abuse. (Isaiah 59:14-15; Amos 5:10)
Before the Flood, Yahuweh had to leave earth, except for continuing with one family, and especially one man – Noah. He protected the pure seed of Adam, Seth, Enoch, and Methuselah. Today, He will protect the pure seed once again – this time not just physical seed (DNA), but mental and spiritual seed, the Word of Yahuweh that He has sown into His beloved set-apart ones.
Genesis 6:3: “The Spirit of Elohim shall not always strive with man, but man will be given 120 years.”
He was not talking about it taking Noah and his son 120 years to build the ark! Oh the foolishness of human “logic.”Only by understanding Abba’s nature, ways, and thinking, by reading Scripture in context, with understanding of how the ancient Hebrews thought and conducted their lives in their culture, and understanding the meanings of Biblical Hebrew, can anyone understood much of what the Scriptures really say to us today.
So, again I stress that you ask the Spirit of Yahuweh to teach you the Word, and also do your own studying to learn the context and meaning of the Scriptures from their ancient roots.
Abba’s cycles of 7-years X 7 = 49 years, the 50th being a Jubilee year. (Leviticus 25:8-13) His method of counting time is in 7 day periods, 7 month periods, and 7 year periods. The 120 “years” refers to Jubilee years: 120 X 50 = 6,000 years. During this time, His “striving” with man would include His patiently calling mankind to repentance, to faith in Him for salvation,to obedience to His Covenant, and the drawing together of a family who would be like Him, to dwell with Him for eternity.
Six is the number of man. Once the 6,000 years were finished from Creation, He would begin withdrawing as He did in the days of Noah, so that judgment upon mankind, demonic hybrids, Nephilim, and the pollution of the earth itself by DNA mixing of species would be ended. Notice that Noah was 600 years old when he entered the ark! (Genesis 7:6)
II Peter 3:8: “Beloved ones, let this one thing not be hidden from you, that with Yahuweh one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”Psalm 90:4: “For a thousand years in Your eyes is like yesterday that is past...”
I have quotes from people who lived over 2,000 years ago and up to the time of the Reformation who said that Messiah would come, or Messiah came, at the 4,000th millennium mark from Creation, and will return at the beginning of the 7th millennium.