Table S1. Genes that have been associated with asthma- or atopy-related traits in at least one studyX. Genes are ordered by their chromosomal position.
Gene* / Chromosomal location‡ / Variation surveyed / Phenotype / Association? / Population / # cases/# controls / Interaction / Reference
CLCA1 / 1p22 / Haplotypes / Childhood asthma
Adult asthma / yes
yes / Japanese / 384/672
480/672 / 1
VCAM1 / 1p21 / -1594 T/C / Atopy (SPT) / yes / Hutterites / 271/330 / 2
GSTM1 / 1p13 / +/null / Total IgE
airway reactivity / no / Northern European / 71/102
127/44 / 3
Asthma / yes / Russian / 109/90 / 4
Lung function growth / yes / U.S. / 1940Q / 5
AD / no / Russian / 126/99 / GxG / 6
Asthma / yes / Iranian / 85/85 / 7
Total IgE, SPT / yes / Russian / 100Q / 8
FEV1, FVC / yes / British / 418Q / 9
Asthma / yes / Turkish / 101/103 / 10
Asthma / no / Taiwanese / 82/184 / 11
Asthma / no / German / 3099P / GxE / 12
CHIA / 1p13 / Lys17Arg, rs3818822 / Asthma / yes / German / 322/270 (565) / 13
Haplotypes / Asthma / yes / German / 322/270 (565) / 13
DAP3 / 1q22 / -20632 G/T / Adult asthma / yes / Japanese / 322/571 / 14
SELP / 1q24 / Val640Leu / BHR
Atopy (SPT) / yes
yes / Hutterites / 137/372
269/323 / 2
COX2 / 1q31 / -765 G/C / Asthma in women
Aspirin-intolerant asthma / yes
no / Polish / 203/312
112/547 / 15
Asthma, asthma severity
Aspirin-intolerant asthma / no
no / Australian / 322/254/88/
58/512 / 16
IL10 / 1q32 / -571C/A / Elevated total IgE in asthmatics / yes / U.S. / 47Q / 17
Asthma / no / Japanese / 585/343 / 18
Eosinophil counts / yes / Caucasian / unspecified / 19
Atopic asthma / no / Icelandic / 94/94 / 20
BHR / yes
yes / Hutterites / 65/366
134/366 / 2
Asthma / yes / North Indians / 273/307 / 21
Asthma / yes / Taiwanese / 117/47 / 22
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
-1082 A/G / Asthma / yes / North Indian / 273/307, 164F / 21
AD / no / German / 94/214 / 24
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
4299 T/C (3’UTR) / FEV1 in asthmatic children / yes / Caucasian / 518F,Q / 25
Haplotypes / Eosinophils and total IgE in asthmatics / yes / Finnish / 245Q / 26
FEV1, total IgE in asthmatic children / yes / Caucasian / 518Q / 25
Asthma / yes / North Indian / 256/292, 164F / 21
Total IgE in AD patients / yes / Korean / 334Q / 27
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
AGT / 1q42 / M235T / Atopic diseases (asthma, AD or rhinitis) / yes / Czech / 231/141 / 28
Asthma / no / Japanese / 119/208 / 29
CHRM3 / 1q43 / Haplotypes / SPT cockroaches / yes / Hutterites / unspecified / 30
ACP1 / 2p25 / *A/*B / Atopy (SPT), allergic disorders / yes / Italian / 49P / 31
Total IgE / yes
yes / British
Italian / 299Q
124Q / 32
Asthma, total IgE / yes / Chinese / 120/116 / 33
KCNS3 / 2p24 / rs1031771, rs1031772, haplotypes / BHR / yes / Chinese / 87/297
141/147 / 34
IL1RL1 / 2q11 / -26999 G/A,
-27639 A/G / AD / yes / Japanese / 452/636 / 35
IL1A / 2q13 / 4845 G/T / Atopy (SPT) / yes / Finish / 245/405 / 36
Allergic rhinitis / yes / Finnish / 56/349 / 37
Nasal polyposis in asthmatics / yes / Finnish / 245P / 38
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
IL1B / 2q13 / -511C/T / Asthma (in males) / yes / Finish / 245/405 / 39
Asthma / no / Taiwanese / 117/47 / 22
Allergic rhinitis / yes / Finnish / 56/349 / 37
AD / no / German / 94/214 / 24
Nasal polyposis in asthmatics / no / Finnish / 245P / 38
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
3953C/T / AD / no / British / 113/114 / 40
IL1RN / 2q13 / VNTR intron 2 / Non-atopic asthma / yes / Japanese / 100/100 / 41
Asthma / no / Taiwanese / 117/47 / 22
Allergic rhinitis / yes / Finnish / 56/349 / 37
AD / no / German / 94/214 / 24
Multiple SNPs, haplotypes / Asthma / yes
yes / German/Swedish
Italian / 127T
127T / 42
IL1A/IL1B/IL1RN / Haplotypes / Atopy (SPT) / yes / Finnish / 405P / 43
DPP10 / 2q14 / Multiple SNPs, haplotypes / Asthma
Atopy (SPT), asthma
Asthma severity / yes
yes / Australian, British
British / 244T
129/49/92 / 44
HNMT / 2q22 / Thr105Ile / Asthma / yes / Caucasian / 192/237 / 45
Atopic asthma / no / Japanese / 100/100 / 46
Asthma, BHR / no / German / 85/515
176/515 / 47
STAT4 / 2q22 / 90089 T/C / Specific IgE to house dust mite in asthmatics / yes / Korean / 502Q / 48
haplotypes / Specific IgE to house dust mite in asthmatics / yes / Korean / 502Q / 48
Asthma, total IgE / no / Finnish / 120T / 49
CTLA4 / 2q33 / -318C/T / Asthma
Total IgE
Specific IgE / no
no / German / 55/205
189/71 / 50
Atopic asthma / no / Japanese / 120/200 / 51
Elevated IgE in asthmatics / yes / Japanese / 339Q / 52
Asthma severity / yes / Korean / 27/61 / 53
Atopy (SPT) / yes / Hutterites / 261/320 / 2
Cord blood IgE / no / Taiwanese / 644P / 54
49A/G / Asthma
Total IgE
Specific IgE / no
no / German / 55/205
189/71 / 50
Atopic asthma / no / Japanese / 120/200 / 51
Elevated IgE in asthmatics / no / Japanese / 339Q / 52
Total IgE / yes / Dutch / 359Q / 55
BHR / yes / Korean / 45Q / 53
Cord blood IgE in females / yes / Taiwanese / 644P / 54
Total IgE, allergic rhinitis in females / yes / Taiwanese / 1333P / 56
Multiple SNPs / Total IgE, allergy, asthma, lung fuction / yes / European / 364T / 57
-1147C/T / BHR, asthma / yes / Dutch / 200/201 / 55
(AT)n 3’UTR / Total IgE / yes / Dutch / 318Q / 55
ICOS / 2q33 / -1413 G/A, -693 G/A / Atopy (SPT),
total IgE / yes
yes / Hutterites / 311/439
638Q / 58
IL8RA / 2q35 / M31R, R335C / Childhood asthma / yes / German / 130/454 / 59
IL5RA / 3p26 / -80 G/A / Atopy (SPT) / yes / Hutterites / 258/326 / 2
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
-5993 A/G,
-480_482delGGT / Asthma / yes / Korean / 422/165 / 60
CCR3 / 3p21 / 51T/C / Asthma / yes / British / 142/92 / 61
Asthma / no / Japanese / 210/181 / 61
AD / no / Japanese / 201/182 / 62
CCR5 / 3p21 / Δ32 / Asthma / yes / British / 415P / 63
Atopy (SPT) / no
no / Australian, British / 104T
217T / 64
Atopy (doctor´s diagnosis) / no / Hungarian / 121/295 / 65
Asthma / no / Canadian / 233/148 / 66
Atopy (SPT or specific IgE) / no
no / Hungarian / 118/303
145/303 / 67
Asthma / yes
no / English
German / 46/109
39/167 / 68
Childhood asthma / yes / British / 77/550 / 69
Atopic asthma / yes / Indian / 215/367 / 70
TLR9 / 3p21 / -1237C/T / Asthma / yes / European American / 70/140 / 71
Asthma / no / African American / 102/80 / 71
1635G/A / Asthma, total IgE / no / Japanese / 137T, 133/190 / 72
Multiple SNPs, haplotypes / Total IgE, specific IgE / no / German / 303Q / 73
TLR10 / 4p14 / 1031 G/A
2322 A/G / Asthma
Asthma, BHR / yes
yes / European American
North American / 517/519
unspecifiedF / 74
TLR6 / 4p13 / Ser249Pro / Asthma / yes / African American / 56/97 / 75
Childhood asthma / yes / German / 132/212 / 76
MUC7 / 4q13 / VNTR / Asthma / yes / European / 93/69 / 77
IL8 / 4q13 / -251 A/T, 781 C/T, 1633 C/T, 2767 A/T / Asthma / yes / German / 231/270 / 78
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
PGDS / 4q22 / Intron 2 11A/C / Asthma / yes / Japanese / 144T / 79
IL15 / 4q31 / Haplotypes / Asthma / yes / German / 231/270 / 80
EDNRA / 4q31 / His323His / RAST
Atopy (elevated total IgE or specific IgE) / yes
yes / British / 190/110
201/99 / 81
Atopy (elevated total IgE or specific IgE) / no
no / Japanese / 134/66
130/70 / 81
TLR2 / 4q31 / -16934 A/T / Asthma in children of farmers / yes / Austrian/German / 609P / GxE / 82
Arg753Glu / Severe AD / yes / German / 78/39 / 83
-191 G/A, 597 T/C, 1350 T/C / Asthma, total IgE / no / Japanese / 137T, 133/190 / 72
IRF2 / 4q35 / Haplotypes / AD / yes / Japanese / 49T / 84
IL3 / 5q23 / Ser27Pro / Asthma, atopy / yes / Korean / 550/171 / 23
CSF2 / 5q23 / Ile117Thr / Atopic asthma / yes / Swiss / 135/157 / 85
Atopic asthma / no / Icelandic / 94/94 / 20
AD / yes / Canadian / unspecified / 86
Atopy (SPT) / yes
yes / Hutterites / 66/372
265/330 / 2
545G/A / Childhood asthma / yes / Canadian / unspecified / 86
3606T/C / AD
Atopy (unspecified) / yes
yes / Canadian / unspecified / 86
-1916T/C / AD / yes / British / 113/114 / 40
IRF1 / 5q23 / (GT)n intron 7 / Atopic asthma / yes / Japanese / 158/218 / 87
IL5 / 5q23 / -746 T/C / FEV 25-75% in asthmatics / yes / Korean / 240Q / GxG / 88
Blood eosinophilia in AD / yes / Japanese / 451Q / 89
IL13 / 5q23 / -1112C/T / Allergic asthma / yes / Dutch / 101/107 / 90
Atopic asthma / no / Icelandic / 94/94 / 20
Asthma, BHR, SPT / yes / Dutch / 184/184 / 91
AD / no / Japanese / 185/102 / 92
Inhalation allergy
Atopy / yes / Scandinavian / 140/104
238/104 / 93
Allergic rhinitis, total IgE / no / Japanese / 188/87 / 94
Asthma or atopy / yes / African American / 61/157 / 95
Total IgE / yes / German / 823P / 96
Gln130Arg / Total IgE
AD / yes
yes / German / 100/111
187/98 / 97
Total IgE / yes / U.S. white
West German
East German / 286Q
592Q / 98
Asthma / yes / British
Japanese / 150/150
100/100 / 99
Atopy (SPT) / no
no / Hutterites / 71T
311T / 100
Total and specific IgE / yes / Chinese / 211Q / 101
Atopic asthma / no / Icelandic / 94/94 / 20
Asthma, total IgE / no / Costa Rican / 83T / 102
AD / yes / Japanese / 185/102 / 92
Atopy (grouped phenotype, including eosinophils, total IgE, SPT) / yes / North American / 666T / 103
Atopy (SPT), AD / yes / Canadian / 288P / 104
Total IgE in atopics, asthma / yes / German / 228/270 / 105
Total IgE at year 1 / yes / European American / 207P / 106
Total IgE in allergic rhinitis patients / yes / Japanese / 188Q / 94
Total IgE / yes / German / 823P / 96
IL4 / 5q23 / -589C/T / Total IgE / yes / U.S. / 44Q / 107
Specific IgE HDM
Atopic asthma / yes
no / Australian
British / 1004P
124/59 / 108
AD / yes / Japanese / 88/215 / 109
Asthma / yes / Japanese / 97/215 / 110
FEV1 / yes / Caucasian / 682Q / 111
Atopy (SPT) / no
no / Hutterites / 71T
311T / 100
Childhood asthma
Rhinitis / yes
yes / Canadian / 11/269
61/219 / 112
Childhood asthma / no / Japanese / 100/100 / 113
Asthma severity / yes / Canadian / 157/90/143§ / 114
Asthma / no / Kuwaiti / 84/47 / 115
Atopic asthma / no / Icelandic / 94/94 / 20
AD / no / Australian / 101T / 116
AD / no / Japanese / 302/122 / 117
Extrinsic AD / yes / German / 60/40 / 118
Allergic asthma / no / Chinese / unspecified / 119
Total IgE, allergic diseases / no / Taiwanese / 1333P / 56
Asthma / yes / British / 337T / 120
Asthma, total IgE in skin test pos. individuals / yes / German / 1120P / 121
Total IgE / yes / U.S. white / 233/245 / 122
Asthma / no (invariant) / Indian / 171/128 / 123
Atopy (SPT), total IgE / no / Polish / 98/87 / 124
Atopic asthma, BHR / no / Korean / 196/100 / GxG / 125
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
Total IgE / no / German / 823P / 96
+33C/T / Total IgE in asthmatics / yes / Japanese / 120Q / 126
AD / no / Australian / 101T / 116
Asthma / no / British / 337T / 120
Asthma, total IgE in skin test pos. individuals / yes / German / 1120P / 121
Total IgE / yes / U.S. white / 233/245 / 122
Asthma / no (invariant) / Indian / 171/128 / 123
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
VE6523 / Asthma, total IgE in skin test pos. individuals / yes / German / 1120P / 121
3017G/T / Total IgE, asthma / yes / U.S. white
African American
Hispanic / 233/245
116/130 / 122
(GT)n intron 2 / Asthma / yes / Tunisian / 145/160 / 127
(CA)n intron 2 / Asthma / yes / Indian / 171/128 / 123
STRP intron 2 / Atopy / no / Spanish / 76/85 / 128
Haplotypes / Asthma / yes / Japanese / 144T / 129
Asthma / yes / British / 328T / 120
Total IgE / yes / U.S. white
African American / 233/245
168/269 / 122
Asthma, atopy / no / Korean / 550/171 / 23
Haplotypes IL4/IL13 / Asthma / yes / Japanese / 144T / 129
Atopy (SPT), AD / yes / Canadian / 288P / 104
CD14 / 5q31 / -159C/T / Total IgE, sCD14 levels / yes / U.S. white / 481Q / 130
Total IgE in RAST- individuals
Atopy (elevated total IgE or RAST) / yes
no / British
Japanese / 150/150
100/100 / 131
SPT / yes / Hutterites / 311T / 100
Total IgE
SPT / yes
yes / Dutch / 317Q / 132
Atopic asthma / no / Icelandic / 94/94 / 20
Atopy (SPT and specific IgE and elevated total IgE) / no
no / Spanish Gypsies / 31/53 / 133
Allergic rhinitis
Total IgE and specific IgE / no
no / German / 84/119
>77/119 / 134
Atopy (SPT) / yes / Hutterites / 259/319 / 2
Asthma / no / Caucasian / 182/270 / 135
SPT positivity in allergic patients / yes / Czech / 101/37 / 136
Non-atopic asthma
Food allergy / yes
yes / U.S. white / 47/61
77/61 / 137
Total IgE in asthmatics / yes / Chinese / 258Q / 138
Early-onset atopy (SPT), early-onset BHR / yes / Australian / 305P / 139
Asthma / no / Finnish / 115P / 140
Atopic asthma, total IgE / yes / Indian / 187/227 / 141
Specific IgE (Derm pter) in allergic rhinitis / yes / Japanese / 81/78 / 142
AD / yes / Caucasian / 10/20 / 143
Asthma, asthma severity / yes / Barbados / 327F / GxE / 144
AD, total IgE / yes / U.S. white / 344P / 145
Asthma, asthma severity / no / Australian / 264/225/79/443 / 146
Asthma, total IgE / no / Mexican
Puerto Rican / 259F
362F / GxE / 147
-810 A/C / Asthma severity (pre-FEV1) / yes / Mexican / 259F / GxE / 147