2015 Call for Proposals for Programmatic Funding

Deadline: February27, 2015



Manchester Community College Foundation advances the academic, economic and personal growth of diverse populations by securing funding to assist the college in achieving its mission and goals through support of programs, scholarships and equipment.

What We Do

Since 1968, MCC Foundation has supported the college’s strategic initiatives via funding for student scholarships, college programs and equipment. Financial needs cannot be met by state dollars alone; MCC needs private partners to ensure access, excellence and relevance to our community is sustained.Through its fundraising and outreach, MCC Foundation is building a network of community support and promoting increased public understanding of the college as a regional resource and economic contributor.

MCC Foundation offers grants to the MCC community to stimulate innovation and fund projects that will enhance the student experience inside or outside the classroom and improve our community.Below is the application for funding for the 2015 calendar year.

Application Process
The application consists of a cover sheet and proposal narrative (1,000 words or less) which must include:
  1. Brief overview of the proposed project
  2. Description of how the project supports MCC’s strategic goalsand/or capital campaign
  3. Amount requested and timeline for fund expenditures, as well as overall project budget
  4. Description of the resources required to implement the project (human, institutional and financial)
  1. Timeline for completion
  2. Anticipated outcomes and project evaluation plan;if previously funded, include past metrics
  3. Sustainability of the project including associated and recurring costs and maintenance
  4. Application approval from the appropriate supervisor and dean

Priority will be given to projects that feature one or more of the following characteristics:
  • Program supports initiatives included in the capital campaign plan and budget
  • Innovative: project represents a creative way to address the goals outlined in the college’s strategic goals
  • Collaborative: inter-departmental or inter-disciplinary approaches
  • Sustainable: can be perpetuated, renewed, incorporated into operational budget, can be supported by clearly identified alternative sources of funding, or has minimal recurring or associated costs
  • Built on proven best practices
  • Lead to student retention and success
  • New projects and existingprograms that have received past support from the MCC Foundation
/ Fundable projects include but are not limited to:
  • Academic program initiatives
  • Student life initiatives
  • Equipment, software, etc.
  • Community engagement and service learning projects
  • Capital projects

Deadline: February 27, 2015 by 5:00 PM.Late applicationsare not accepted.
Awards will be announced by March 27, 2015
Submit to: Leia Bell, Executive Director, MCC Foundation
or Student Services Center, L277 (rear of Academic Support Center)

The Capital Campaign at MCC

The campaign breaks down into three main areas, as outlined below. They are initiatives that bolster our Partnerships, People and Programsthroughenhancements to programs that serve our community, student success and state-of-the art programs that serve our students and workforce:

• Develop and sustain community arts and entrepreneurship programs at MCC on Main and on campus:$3,000,000
• Expand reach of Institute for Community Engagement and Outreach’s four centers:$1,000,000
PEOPLE - $1.5M
• Enhance student experience: $125,000
-Modernize library technology through a new digital lab and study rooms ($100,000)
-New transportation shelter ($25,000)
-Student ID Smart Card System ($75,000)
• Expand student success programs, including mentoring, tutoring and veterans services:$1,325,000
Engineering and Technology:$700,000
  • New labs for Engineering and Technology, bringing equipment and facilities to state-of-the art level and increasing capacity
Manufacturing Center:$5,200,000
  • Build a new manufacturing center that will expand programming and grow the number of students we serve, as well as purchase additional machinery to increase hands-on learning time
• New and expanded Allied Health programs:$1,275,000
  • As new programs are launched, new and specialized equipment is needed to outfit labs and provide hands-on learning experiences for tomorrow’s healthcare practitioners.
  • Equip current programs to facilitate growth, added capacity and updated equipment
• Upgrades in equipment/facilities for Arts, Communication and Social Sciences:$450,000
  • Replace outdated equipment for Visual Fine Arts studios including new kilns, furniture, pottery wheels and drafting tables
  • Give Communication students real-world experience and heighten visibility of the college through the re-launch of new ICE Radio station on FM frequency
  • New equipment and software and renovation of labs for Social Sciences, including Geography, Psychology, Sociology, Early Childhood Education and Criminal Justice
• Cutting-edge equipment/facilities for Culinary Arts:$850,000
  • Upgrade and enhance existing equipment for Culinary Arts and prepare for move into a brand new Culinary Arts Center. Some of the equipment for this program is over 30 years old and has been heavily used. Upgrades are necessary to ensure students are practicing on equipment they will use in today’s top restaurants, hotels and institutions.

2015 Disbursement Timeline:

2015 Disbursement #1:

January 31 – Call for proposals sent to college community

February 27 – Applications due

March 9 – Strategic Planning Committee reviews and prioritizes proposals

March 10 – Strategic Planning Committee presents applications to President’s Cabinet for review

March 12 – Disbursement Committee meets to consider recommendations from President’s Cabinet

March 19 – Foundation Board meets to approve recommendations

March 27 – Notifications to college community

2015 Disbursement #2 (draft):

August 3 – Call for proposals sent to college community

September4 – Applications due

September 14 – Strategic Planning Committee reviews and prioritizes proposals

September 15 – President’s Cabinet meets to review applications

September 16 – Disbursement Committee meets to consider recommendations from President’s Cabinet

September 17 – Foundation Board meets to approve recommendations

September 30 – Notifications to college community

Cover Sheet

Please complete and obtain signature approval from your supervisor/dean/director
and submit with your application.

Project Title:______

Amount Requested:$______

Applicant Name(s): ______


Applicant(s) Signature(s): ______

Approved by (include signatures of appropriate supervisor(s)/director(s)/dean(s):




Proposals can be submitted electronically with signatures to


Hard copies with signatures can be delivered to the Foundation office,

Student Service Center, L277 (Rear of the Academic Support Center)

Proposals must be received by:
February27, 2015 at 5:00 PM.

Proposal Narrative

Please do not exceed 1,000 words. Make sure all sections of the request are completed.

  1. Brief overview:
  1. Strategic priority(describe how project is connected to College’s strategic goals and/or capital campaign):
  1. Amount requested and timeline for fund expenditures, as well as overall project budget:
  1. Resources required to implement the project (account for resources that will be needed–human, institutional and financial):
  1. Anticipated outcomes and project evaluation plan(include a brief discussion of how project will be evaluated;if the project has been funded in the past, explain how funding had an impact):
  1. Project completion timeline (when do you anticipate this project to be complete, and by when will you have spent all Foundation funds granted to you):
  1. Sustainability of project (include associated and recurring costs and maintenance):

Funds not used within the stated timeframe will be forfeited and returned to the MCC Foundation.