UN Youth Advisory Panel (UNYAP)
Terms of Reference
Endorsed by the UN Youth Group, UNCT and UN Resident Coordinator
Addressing the needs of young people by deepening the focus on youth employment, entrepreneurship and education programmes, including access to reproductive health information and services, is an ‘agenda’ that is advanced by United Nations member states including Ukraine. As declared by the President of Ukraine and spelled out in a number of legislative documents, youth development is a strategic priority for the country.
At the same time, youth development in Ukraine continues to be constrained by persistent obstacles at all levels. As a social group, young people face major challenges that are increasing in complexity. Youth in Ukraine, that constitutes one third of the country’s population, have a lot to contribute to the growth of the national economy provided they are given the opportunity to develop their skills through high quality education, decent employment and adequate health care.
The youth of today are determined to contribute to improving the social, political and economic wellbeing of the society through self-development and contribution to global debates on major development and policy issues. In the current context of continuing drastic changes in Ukraine, inclusive participation is extremely important and it’s crucial for young people’s voices to be heard in framing development agenda anddrafting the new constitution.
The UN Youth Advisory Panel is a part of the UNCT’s commitment to the young people’s empowerment and rights in accordance with basic human rights principles. Therefore, the purpose of the UN Youth Advisory Panel is:
To establish open dialogue between the UNCT and young people to advise the UNCT on the strategic opportunities and necessary actions for addressing adolescent and youth issues, as well as for the UNCT to help shape the agenda of the youth organizations in order to improve youth policies and advocacy initiatives.
The objectives of the panel are:
- Increase dialogue, and knowledge sharing between the UN system and Ukrainian youth.
- Increase young people’s participation in programme design, implementation, monitoring andevaluation of UN programmes.
- Provide a mechanism to enable the UNCT to improve youth participation in initiatives supported by UNCT (e.g. Post-2015, SDGs, other).
The expected outputs of the panel include:
- Increased youth participation in UNCT programming process.
- Development and implementationof joint advocacy initiatives.
- Other outputs that will be determined by the UNCountry Team.
Selection of UN Youth Advisory Panel membership:
The panel will comprise of up to 7 youth representatives:
- Aged between 15 to 29 years;
- Represent youth-led organizations, networks or movements and have the ability to consult with a wider group of young people;
- Able to communicate in Ukrainian and English;
- Have a gender and regional balance.
The Panel members will be selected through competitive, open and inclusive application process, and will have to submit their CV and motivation letter .A selection committee will be formed by the UN youth focal persons to provide recommendations to the Chair of the UN Youth Working Group.
Panel members will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Evidence that they represent youth organization, group or network operating to support youth agenda;
- Representing a diversity of sex, age, ethnic and geographic backgrounds.
- Have strong communication and advocacy skills.
- Committed to support follow up actions and recommendations of the panel.
- Committed to youth agenda and willing to contribute to and advocate for the UN agenda and priorities.
Leadership and management
Members of the UNYAP will have to elect the Head of the Panel, who will coordinate the Panel and act as a communication point between the UN and the UNYAP.
The overall guidance of the UNYAP will be ensured by the Chair of the UN Youth Working Group.
Planning and Reporting
UNYAP should operate within the developed annual work plan coordinated ad agreed with the UN Youth Working Group. Progress reports should be regularly submittedand shared with the UN Youth Working Group (at least twice a year).
UNYAP activities will be supported by small grants of up to USD 5000.