Regular MeetingBOROUGH OF LINCOLN March16, 2016
President Betzner called the Regular Council Meeting to order at the Lincoln Borough Municipal Building at 8:00p.m. and proceeded with the Pledge to the Flag.
In Attendance:Mrs. Firda, Mr. Vay, Mr. Vereb, Mrs. Beedle, Mr. Betzner, Mr. Beisler and Mr. Muscante. The secretary, Mrs. Denise Murrin-Macey was absent.
Mrs. Beedle made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vereb to hire Luke Cellini as a part-time police
officer with a one-year probationary period pending a physical.
Mr. Vereb made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Beedle to hire Nate Calabro as a part-time police
officer with a one-year probationary period pending physical and psychological exams.
The Mayor administered the Oath of Office.
No public comment
Mrs. Beedle made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vereb to approve the minutes from the February 17, 2016Regular Meeting. Roll call vote; all yes. Motion carried.
MAYOR’S REPORT - Mayor James Beisler
4-Alarms1-Animal complaints
1-Citizen assists9-EMS assists
2-Fire assists8-Assists to other police depts.
1-Criminal mischief4-Detail
5-Disabled vehicles 4 - Drug arrest
4-DUI2-Follow up
4-Hazardous Conditions1-Local Ordinance
6-Motor Vehicle Crash2-Narcotics
1-Patrol Related1-Property Check
4-Suspicious person 4 - Suspicious Vehicle
1-Theft16-Traffic control
66-Traffic stops1-Traffic Complaint
1-Traffic Detail1 -Utility Complaint
1 - Welfare Check
PUBLIC SAFETY – Mr. Paul Vereb
Mr. Vereb reported the Lincoln Borough Police Department patrolled 2,366miles on 45-1 (Taurus), 158 miles on 45-2 (Blazer) and 1294 miles on 45-3 (Interceptor) for a total of 3,818miles. Lincoln Borough VFRC reported 1 motor vehicle accident with injuries, 1 motor vehicle accident w/o injuries,1person search, 1 assists to other departments, 3dispatched canceled in route, 2-alarm system activation, no fire for a total of 9 calls.
SEWAGE –Mr. Nick Vay
Mr. Vay stated the Borough had worked with the engineer and mailed a letter to Allegheny County informing them of the roadblocks the Borough has run into with trying to address the sewage issue for Pierce road. He informed everyone it is in the County’s hands now to make the decision. He also informed everyone he is continuing to work on the valve problem with Taylor plan sewage line.
PUBLIC WORKS – Mrs. Tammy Firda and Mr. Mark Betzner
No report
FINANCE – Mrs. Kris Beedle
See finance report.
PLANNING & ZONING -Mrs. Tammy Firda and Mrs. Kris Beedle
Mrs. Firda announced the Borough Clean up on April 30, 2016. She informed everyone the Borough is looking for volunteers.
SOLICITOR’S REPORT – Mr. Falco Muscante
Mr. Muscante stated Council would be voting on the Narcan Policy this evening. He also informed Council that they have two other policies to review for next month’s meeting.
Mr. Beedlemade the motion, seconded by Mr. Verebto pay the bills. Roll call vote, all yes. Motion carried.
Mr. Beedlemade the motion, seconded byMr. Vereb to approve the payroll. Roll call vote: Mrs. Firda, abstain because of her paycheck; Mr. Vay, yes; Mr. Vereb, yes;Mrs. Beedle, yes; Mr. Betzner, yes. Motion carried.
Mr. Beedle made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vereb to approve the street sweeper agreement with Steel Rivers Council of Governments. Roll call vote, all yes. Motion carried.
Mr. Vereb made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vay to approve the agreement to authorize the Steel Rivers Council of Governments to act as agent for and to administer projects when they have received a municipal acceptance project letter on behalf of Lincoln Borough.
Mrs. Beedle made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vay to approve the gas lease agreement with EQT with terms and conditions acceptable to Borough Council, and the solicitor, and authorizing the proper borough officials to sign the agreement.
Mr. Beedle made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vereb to adopt the policy for the administration of Narcan by the Lincoln Borough Police Department.
Mr. Beedle made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vereb to award the bid of CD 41 Breznay
field ADA upgrades to low bidder John Zottola Landscaping at a cost of $36,397.00 with a local
share of $8000.00.
Mrs. Beedle made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vay to approve the participation with South
Allegheny School District in the Real Estate Tax Assessment Appeal hearing for Lot and Block
761-J-221 and Lot & Block 761-J-159 for an amount not to exceed $700.00Mrs. Firda, yes;
Mr. Vay, yes; Mr. Vereb, no; Mrs. Beedle, yes; Mr. Betzner, no. Motion carried.
Mrs. Beedle made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vereb to advertise with the intent to adopt an ordinance setting the fees for the tax collector for the purpose of tax certification, duplicate billing, and recovery of bank fees.
Public Comment; no comment.
Roll call vote, all yes, motion carried.
No Announcements
At 8:12 p.m., Mr. Betzner requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, meeting adjourned.
Tammy Firda
Assistant Secretary