Title of the abstract can occupy up to two rows of text
1stA. Author,a 2ndB. Authoraand 3rdC.D. Authorb,*
aAuthor’s affiliation, City, Zip code, Country
bAuthor’s affiliation, City, Zip code, Country
*Corresponding author: E-mail address
Conference stream (choose one only): Synthesis; Application; Simulation; Tools
Sub-fields of catalysis (can choose more than one): Heterogeneous; Homogeneous; Biocatalysis
The main text is given in 11-point and divided into four sections:
Introduction, Experimental,Results Discussion,Conclusions.
1. Introduction (11-point boldface)
Choosing conference stream and catalysis type is essential to ensure proper processing by the relevant expert sub-committee. Contributions covering more than one catalysis type are encouraged, but not to the exclusion of other contributions. This is a template of the abstract for the ISHHC-18, Sydney, Australia in July 2018. You can directly use this template without changing the format. Please fit the abstract into 2 pages of ISO A4 sized (210 mm x 297 mm) paper, single-sided with a top margin of 25 mm and side and bottom margins of 20 mm. Use of Times New Roman font (or equivalent) is strongly recommended.
2. Experimental
The title of the abstract isaligned left with Times New Roman font in 14-point boldface.
Authors’ names appearbelow the title in 12-point boldface. Mark affiliations using superscripted letters (starting from a). Underline the presenting author’s nameand asterisk (*)thecorresponding author’s name. The affiliations and thecontact information (and email address) are italicized in 10-point. The affiliations are given as department and institution names with city, zip code and country.
3. Results & Discussion
All tables, figures and photographs are to be included within the2 page limit. Captions of Tables and Figures are given in 9-point andseparated by asingle line spacing from the text body (see below).
Figure 1.Caption of figures (9-point).
Table1.Caption of tables (9-point).
All bibliographical references1are indicated in 9-point in the order that they appearwith superscripted numerals (starting from 1) in the text, and listed after the Conclusions section. An Example is shown below.
4. Conclusions
Submit your PDF file on the website of the ISHHC-18( The final pdf file that is to be uploaded should not exceed the size limit of 4 MB.The deadline ofsubmission is 1st of February 2018.
1. A.B. Author, C.-D. Author, E.vdAuthor, ChemCatChem. 54(3), 1234-5678 (2016).