Homer’s Audience

1.  They heard the story; we read it.

2.  The story would have been told over a few days/nights.

3.  They would be familiar with the storyline and characters.

Oral Poetry

·  Homer was a singer/poet who performed his epic songs.

·  Each performance was improvisational.

·  He compiled The Iliad and The Odyssey from stories/songs already in existence.

·  Repetition: Lines and phrases would have been repeated throughout. This is a memory formula.

Also, an epic tale usually begins


“In the middle of things”

WHAT IS an Epic?

Epic: A long narrative poem describing adventures, travels, and heroic episodes.

ELEMENTS of the epic:

·  The actions of the hero show both his/her strengths as well as weaknesses

·  There are several settings (including the Underworld)

·  The gods play an active role; however, the gods cannot do for humans what they can do for themselves.

·  Previous events in the story are later told as flashbacks.

Elements of an Epic
The hero is changed with a quest (journey).
The hero is tested, often to prove his/her worthiness.
The presence of numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, or human helpers and companions.
The hero’s travels take him to a supernatural world.
The hero must reach a low point where they nearly give up the quest
A resurrection. (Rebirth, renewal)
Restitution. Often this takes the form of the hero regaining his rightful place on the throne.