Instructions for Cell Cycle Picture Book
For each phase of the cell cycle, you need to write a narrative description of the events that occur in the cell and the states the cell is in. Think of it like writing a story:
In particular, you need to write about each of the following for each phase:
- The state/shape of the cell
- The state/shape of the nucleus
- The state of DNA (is it in chromatin, chromosome, doubled chromosome?)
- The state of the centrioles
- The state of the spindle and spindle fibers
Use your notes to describe as many things that happen for a given phase (pgs. 132-134 in the black shark book). There will be more to write about than just what is listed above. Some additional help is given throughout these instructions.
Once you finish writing your descriptions, you need to show them in picture form: draw and craft together a diagram illustrating the phase.
Use a pen or pencil to draw the cell, centrioles, spindle fibers, and nuclear membrane
Use yarn to represent DNA, chromatin, chromosomes, and chromatids.
IMPORTANT: Write out your descriptions first, since gluing the crafts to one side of the paper will make it difficult to write on the other side. Then draw the cell and its parts. Save gluing the yarn for last (good advice: sketch out the chromosomes before gluing them, so you know they will fit!).
DO NOT COPY EXACTLY: Copying the book for written descriptions or copying the book’s pictures will result in a poor grade. There are specific instructions below that you must follow. Write with your own words and draw/craft your pictures according to the colors you chose.
Hints: here are some helpful hints, guidelines, and directions for each phase
What to write:
Describe interphase in general, and describe what the cell is doing during it
Interphase is made up of Gap 1, Synthesis, and Gap 2 phases. Describe what happens in
each phase (something happens to DNA in S Phase).
Describe the nucleus and DNA (what form is the DNA in?)
What to draw/craft:
Make sure to draw the cell membrane, the nucleus, and 1 pair of centrioles somewhere
The DNA yarn should go inside the nucleus (make sure it’s in the right form)
What to write:
Describe what is happening to the nucleus
Describe the state of DNA (it has turned into a particular form – describe it!)
Report what the centrioles are doing and what they will do with the spindle fibers
What to draw/craft:
Draw the cell membrane (full lines), and the changes to the nucleus (dashed lines)
Draw the new position of the centrioles, and draw in spindle fibers
*Special note on how to craft the DNA on the other side
Prophase: chromosomes will form here. You are required to design 4 chromosomes that are doubled or duplicated (has the X-shape). You should use only two different colors, with 2 different lengths of chromosome (don’t make a chromosome too large). In other words, you can have 2 long chromosomes (one in each color) and 2 short ones (one in each color). Again, some good advice would be to sketch out your chromosomes first!!!
What to write:
Describe where the chromosomes are now.
Make sure to mention equator somewhere.
Describe what is attaching to the chromosomes and where.
What to draw/craft:
Draw the cell membrane, centrioles, and spindle with spindle fibers
The yarn chromosomes should be glued in a particular fashion, retaining the shapes you
had before, but moved to a new position.
What to write:
Describe what the chromosomes are doing, and explain how they are doing it by…
Describe what the centrioles and spindle fibers are doing
Make a mention of how long this phase takes
What to draw/craft:
Draw the cell membrane, centrioles, and spindle fibers (they should be shortening)
The yarn chromosomes should be split from their original forms, moving to opposite ends.
Telophase + Cytokinesis
What to write:
Describe what is happening to the DNA (it’s changing forms), nucleus, and spindle
Describe what is happening to the cell as a whole (note the cell membrane)
*Note: Telophase is about what’s happening to the nucleus and the DNA inside of it
*Note: Cytokinesis is what is happening to the cell as a whole (cell membrane)
What to draw/craft:
Draw the cell membrane’s changed shape, the nucleus (use dashed lines)
The yarn can still be in chromosome form, in order to show how many chromosomes you
have in each new cell (chromosomes are no longer doubled).
This project is worth 100 points total.
Each page (except the title page) is worth 10 points.
In order to get the 10 points for the writing pages, you must make sure to describe all the things mentioned above. The more you write the better (i.e. go ahead and mention things that do not change – i.e. “the centrioles did not move.”)
In order to get the 10 points for the drawn pages, you must make sure to draw all the parts requested above and that your glued yarn is in the correction position and form (make sure to sketch it out first or ask the teacher before you finally glue it!)
Extra Credit Opportunity: Put more than 4 chromosomes, but you have to make sure you have enough space for them!