2014-2015 / Swimming academy Syllabus

Hamilton Academy Mission Statements

Hamilton High school will emerge as the premiere high school in the United States for high school student athletes wanting the best athletic training and the best in academic preparation. The Academy will provide the prep student athlete the best environment to develop physically, mentally, technically, and academically.

Hamilton Swimming Academy Objectives

The Hamilton swimming academy is specifically designed to develop and improve technical swimming skills. The purpose and objectives of the swimming academy are:

  • The students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform the basic competitive swimming strokes (i.e., butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle), and specialized swimming skills (i.e., starts, turns and streamlines).
  • The students will demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance in competitive swimming.
  • The students will participate in swimming and cross training activities designed to enhance performance in swimming during and beyond the structured swimming academy class.
  • The students will achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
  • The students will exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in swimming and physical activity settings.
  • The students will value swimming for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
  • The students will learn to set and maintain goals related to fitness, swimming and nutrition.
  • The students will learn proper nutrition guidelines specifically for performance in sport.
  • The students will participate in a Lifeguard certification curriculum.

Swimming Academy Suggested Prerequisites

The swimming academy is a program designed to develop competitive swimming skills. However, due to the inherent risks related to swimming, it is highly recommended that all swimmers in the class have some prior swimming experience and are able to perform basic fundamental swimming skills that will ensure their safety and success in the program. Students will be assessed on these fundamental skills during the first couple of weeks.

Materials /Supplies:

  • Academy dry land uniform – purchased at Hamilton Book store. Must be the black Nike shorts and swim academy black shirt. NO EXCPETIONS!!!
  • Hamilton Swim Academy Cap – this is a black swim cap purchased at the bookstore and must be worn when in the pool.
  • Running shoes – No Vans or converse allowed. Good shoes will allow the athlete to move comfortably and avoid injuries.
  • One piece swim suit for girls; jammers or drag swim suit for boys.
  • Goggles – several pair
  • 3-ring binder
  • Tab dividers – 8 tabs
  • Sunscreen – optional but highly recommended.
  • Lifeguarding Materials – these won’t be needed until 2nd quarter. (more info to come later)
  • Lifeguard manual
  • Resuscitation mask
  • Red cross first aid training kit

It is recommended that you have an extra pair of goggles and an extra cap in case they break or tear.

Rules and Requirements:

1. Students must be on time and prepared for class – NO EXCEPTIONS.

2. All students are required to dress in the required uniform for each class. SEE MATERIALS.

3. Listen and follow directions at all times. Please be respectful and listen when directions and sets are given.

4. Be respectful to others and self.

5. Keep locker room clean – Pick up your items and trash.

6. No food, gum or drinks other than water are allowed in locker room and pool classroom.

7. No electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, cameras, etc.).

Participation Expectations:

1. Full participation in the ENTIRE class is required to earn the day’s participation points.

2. Once the late bell has rung you have five (5) minutes to get dressed. No loitering or wasting time. If you do NOT dress in those (5) minutes you will receive a tardy.

3. All students must be ready to enter pool by 7:30 AM. This means that you must have all equipment in your lane and ready to enter the water at 7:30. If it is a track or dry land day you must be at that designated location at 7:30.

4. Students are expected to have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE throughout the entire class.

5. Students are expected to give their PERSONAL BEST effort during all activities.

6. Students are expected to get grade checks and attend Academy Study Hall.


All behavioral problems will be handled according to district policy. See Online Student Handbook.

ASD Policy

ASD will be assigned to students who:

1. Are tardy

2. Fail to dress in proper Academy uniform.

3. Fail to turn in any assigned homework or projects.

ASD is assigned from 2:25 – 3:30 the following day. If a student misses ASD, the student will be placed in ASD from 2:25 – 5:00 the following day. The student will be responsible for his/her own transportation at 5:00 on that day. If a student is assigned to ASD more than three times during the semester, the teacher will submit a conduct referral.

Swim Academy Uniform Policy:

All students are required to dress appropriately and completely for every class (see materials for correct uniform required). Students will lose participation points and ASD will be assigned to anyone who is not in the appropriate uniform. The following are some additional guidelines and suggestions:

  • Warm-ups/sweats may be worn OVER the uniform during cooler weather. Sweats must be Academy color (black).
  • Uniform may not be worn over your regular clothes.
  • Weekly laundering of clothing is STRONGLY recommended. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
  • Underwear may not show.
  • Do not share clothing.
  • Partial dress will not be accepted, which will result in a non-dress.

Locks and Lockers

  • Each Hamilton academy student will receive a lock and a locker.
  • Permission to switch lockers must be given by your teacher only.
  • If a student loses their lock and it is not in the lost and found, they will be charged a fee payable to the bookstore. This must be paid to receive a new lock.
  • Combinations must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The teacher will not open or give out any combination except to the owner of the locker.
  • It is highly encouraged that you keep your personal items locked in your OWN locker at all times. Other classes use the facility and will have access to the locker room during class.
  • The swimming locker rooms are for swimming academy and are also shared by the city of chandler. Please make sure items are locked up at all times and contents are emptied for your protection at the end of the week. Items left over the weekend are at your own risk.


  • You will be assigned swimming equipment to you that will be checked out to you and you will be responsible for that equipment for the year. You will be charged for damaged and/or lost equipment. Think of it as being like a textbook checked out to you.

If you do not lock up your personal items there is a really good chance they will get stolen!!!!!!

Grading and Course Assignments:

All students will have the opportunity to EARN an “A.” The students’ grades will be based on:

  • PARTICIPATION – 10 Points per day
  • See attached rubric for how points are earned.
  • If you do not dress out you cannot make up your participation points.
  • ACADEMIC PORTION – 50 points/week
  • You will have a weekly assignment due, which is posted on infinite campus. When you go into infinite campus you select the assignment for the week. It is available on Monday and Due Friday of that week.
  • Quizzes – you will have quizzes on technique, health concepts, articles and videos from the weekly assignment.

The student’s final grade will be determined by the following:

1st Quarter = 40%

2nd Quarter = 40%

Final = 20%

Make-Up Policies:

  • IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ARRANGE FOR MAKING UP ALL MISSED PARTICIPATION, ASSIGNMENTS, QUIZZES, TESTS, AND NOTES. It is his/her responsibility to arrange a time for make-up of participation, tests and quizzes after school.
  • Make-ups are allowed for excused absences only. (not allowed for not dressing out)
  • Students must complete a make-up assignment for each absence or excused participation. The guidelines for the make-up assignment are found on the school/teacher website. A “0” grade will be entered in the grade book, until the student has made up the assignment.
  • All make-up work must be completed and turned in within one-week of the missed day. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Injured and/or Sick Students:

  • Students who are restricted from physical activity due to an illness or injury must provide a WRITTEN EXCUSE with a date, phone number and signed by a parent/guardian. Each student is allowed no more than three acceptable excuses per semester. Anything requiring longer than three days will need to be verified by a doctor’s excuse.
  • The student will still be required to dress in dry land uniform and will need to complete a participation make-up assignment.


  • Severe illness or injury


  • Piercings or tattoos
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Studying for another class
  • Tardy

The Hamilton Pool is shared by Hamilton high school and the city of Chandler. It is expected, as with all school property, that all equipment and facilities are treated with respect and taken care of. This includes:

Locker rooms, pool classroom, storage room, deck, diving boards, blocks, pool and lane lines. The pool facility should always be left like it was found and as if no one has even been there. Protection and care of the pool will enhance and ensure a great relationship between Hamilton and the city of Chandler.

Acknowledgement of Rules and Procedures

Name of Student (Please PRINT): ______

I have received and read the Hamilton High Swimming Academy rules and policies. I, the student will return this acknowledgement slip, signed, to my teacher.


Signature of StudentDate


Signature of ParentDate

Contact Information:

Parent Phone #: ______

Parent Email: ______