AP Chemistry 2017-2018 Syllabus

Dr. Flannery, Rm. 715
312.445.4680 ext. 7715

Office Hours –

Course Text:

Brown, T.E., LeMay, H.E., Bursten, B.E., Murphy, C.J., & Woodward, P.M. (2012). Chemistry: The Central Science Twelfth Edition, AP Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall: Illinois.

All texts must be returned to MCP before the last day of class. Any lost or damaged textbooks must be paid for IN FULL prior to walking in graduation. Loss of the Brown and Lemay text will result in a fine of $130.

Supplemental Texts:

Moog, R.S, & Farrell, J.J. (2006). Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons: Massachusetts.

Randall, J. (2007). Advanced Chemistry with Vernier. Vernier Software & Technology: Oregon.

Course Design:

This course is taught with three goals in mind: 1) students will build upon their knowledge of chemistry to which they were exposed in their first year of chemistry, 2) students will be introduced to a college-level instructional delivery and develop an appreciation for a course taught with college-level rigor, and 3) students will prepare to take the AP Exam in May.

Students will be in AP Chemistry for 320 minutes per week – four 70-minute classes and one 40-minute class period on Fridays. Should a group require more than the 70-minute block to complete a lab experiment, students will be able to set up for an experiment before school starts, finish a lab after school in office hours (held one day per week for 1 hour each), or come in on selected weekends.

The course will be centered around four types of instruction:

Lecture: Lecture will be focused on the most important concepts from the material as well as example problems and calculations. Students will be expected to print the lecture notes prior to the class and will have read the chapter(s) being covered that day in class. The instructor-led lectures will allow for quick dissemination of material and will give students a chance to work on their college-level note-taking skills.

Laboratory Component: Lab experiments will be performed on average once every week. Students will be assigned a lab partner(s) with whom they will collaborate. They will determine how the work is divided while conducting the lab and will be responsible for maintaining an accurate laboratory notebook. At least four formal, individual lab reports will be expected during the year, one each quarter.

Prior to each lab experiment, students will complete a pre-lab assignment in which they record the purpose of the experiment, a procedural flow-chart, and a recording of all data they will need to collect during the lab. This assignment must be completed BEFORE class begins. Students who have not completed their prelab assignment will be given LaSalle and will not be allowed to enter lab until their assignment is completed. If students are not able to finish a lab, they must complete the lab before or after school within two days.

Lab Safety: In order to promote a safe lab environment any inappropriate behavior while in the laboratory will result in an automatic detention. You must wear safety goggles at all times when instructed. Failure to do so will result in a demerit. Students must follow the Flinn Scientific Laboratory Safety Contract.

Lab Equipment: You are responsible for ensuring all materials and equipment issued to you are clean and accounted for prior to exiting the lab. Failure to do so will result in a demerit. You are financially responsible for all lab equipment that is lost or broken during your lab period.

Homework Expectations – Students should spend 20-30 minutes studying chemistry every night. Online homework is added daily. Homework assignments are due at 8am on their due date. Students will be able to submit homework problems after the due date, but will lose 10% credit each day it is late.

Proactive Intervention Plan (PIP)

·  Mastery is defined as 50% or higher on free-response quizzes and 75% or higher on multiple choice exams. Homework should be completed nightly.

·  Red Flags

1.  Less than 30% on a FR quiz

2.  Less than 50% on a MC quiz/exam

3.  Not completing HW on time (2 infractions in a week)

·  Interventions:

1.  Mandatory office hours for a week and give a study plan.

2.  Talk to advisor

3.  Give a study buddy to student

4.  Conference with student and call home

Required Materials

100 page carbon copy lab notebook (provided) 3-ring binder to store lecture notes

Notecards Looseleaf Notebook Paper

Scientific or graphing calculator Pen and Pencil


We will be covering about 1 unit every 2-3 weeks and students will have problems sets that will be assigned and reviewed for each unit. Unit exams will consist of between 20 and 30 multiple choice questions and between 2 and 4 free response questions. As many of these questions will be taken from retired AP Released Exams as possible. In addition to problem sets, students’ homework grades will be based on any assignment other than a lab completed at home. A student’s grade is a weighted average of the following:

Quizzes / There will be several quizzes throughout the semester, including unannounced pop quizzes. / 10%
Entrance/Exit Tickets / These will be informal assessments based on classwork or homework. / 5%
Exams / There will be 6 unit exams each semester. A “B” grade will correspond to 50% on the Free Response and 50% on the MC. Other scores will be scaled accordingly. / 50%
Labs / Students will individually complete lab reports. / 25%
Homework / Students are expected to complete homework on a daily basis. / 10%
Totals / 100%

E-mail Etiquette: All Students must use professional email etiquette when sending messages (emails without proper salutations, capitalization, punctuation, and closings will not be responded to or acted upon)

Course Outline: Note: Dates are approximate and subject to change

Unit 1: Matter & Measurement (Ch 1 & 2) Dates: 8/28/17 – 9/1/17

Unit 2: Chemical Reactions & Stoichiometry (Ch 3) Dates: 9/5/17 – 9/15/17

Unit 3: Reactions in Aqueous Solution (Ch 4) Dates: 9/18/17 – 9/26/17

Unit 4: Thermochemistry (Ch 5) Dates: 9/27/17 – 10/6/17

Unit 5: Gases (Ch 10) Dates: 10/10/17 – 10/20/17

Unit 6: Electronic Structure & Periodic Properties (Ch 6 & 7) Dates: 10/23/17 – 11/7/17

Unit 7: Chemical Bonding (Ch 8 & 9) Dates: 11/8/17 – 11/22/17

Unit 8: Liquids, Solids, & Intermolecular Forces (Ch 11, 12, & 13) Dates: 11/27/17 – 12/15/17

Unit 9: Chemical Kinetics (Ch 14) Dates: 12/18/17 – 1/12/17

Unit 10: Chemical Equilibrium (Ch 15 & 17) Dates: 1/22/17 – 2/9/17

Unit 11: Acid Base Equilibria (Ch 16) Dates: 2/12/17 – 3/2/17

Unit 12: Aqueous Equilibria (Ch 17) Dates: 3/5/17 – 3/23/17

Unit 13: Thermodynamics & Electrochemistry (Ch 19 & 20) Dates: 4/2/17 – 4/13/17

Unit 14: AP Exam Review Dates: 4/16/17 – 5/4/17

Unit 15: Post-AP Exam Enrichment Dates: 5/7/17 – 6/1/17

Dr. Mary Flannery

Chemistry Teacher

312.445.4680, ext. 7715

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Hello! My name is Dr. Flannery and I will be teaching your scholar's AP Chemistry class this year. I am extremely excited to work with your scholar and am looking forward to making this year successful. Though your scholar may not realize it, this year of AP Chemistry will be one of the most important classes in their high school career. Regardless of what your scholar chooses to do after high school, the scientific thinking skills, study skills, and knowledge gained in this class will increase their opportunities in life and prepare them for success in college.

It will be very important for your scholar to keep up with homework and class materials. AP Chemistry will be the hardest class that your scholar takes in high school, but also will be the most rewarding. Students who are successful in AP Chemistry spend between 20-30 minutes on homework and studying every evening. They start assignments early and come to office hours on a weekly basis. Please encourage your scholar to do these things. I appreciate your support in advance.

Again, I am very excited to teach your scholar this year, and if you have any questions or concerns, I am more than willing to speak with you at any point in time. You can contact me at 312.445.4680, ext. 7715, or . If there is any other information you feel I should know about your child in order to make me a more effective teacher, please attach a note to this sheet. This sheet must be signed and returned by Tuesday, August 29th.

This is going to be a great year! Thank you in advance for your help and support.


Dr. Mary Flannery


We have read, discussed, and understood the class expectations. We are prepared to make this year a success and agree to the class policies.

Signed: ______student (print name) ______

Signed: ______parent/guardian