Minutes of Meeting of Brome and Oakley Parish Council held at 7.30 pm on Monday 21 November 2016 in Brome and Oakley Village Hall.

PRESENT: CouncillorsUrsula Halton (Chairman),Charles Doe, David Hardaker, John Parry.Also in attendance District Councillor David Burn and Sarah Foote (Clerk).

1.Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from County Councillor Fleming. Cllr Prior was absent.

2. Declarations of pecuniary and other interests from members on any item to be discussed and requests for dispensations. There were no declarations.

3. Councillors were reminded of the requirement to individually update their Register of Interests as appropriate.

4. Approval of minutes

The minutes from the meeting of 10 October2016were agreed as a true record by those present.

5. Matters arising from minutes of 10 October 2016

577/9–The latest allotment tenancy to be terminated had been confirmed and the plot would be available from the end of December.


There were no members of the public in attendance.

Mid Suffolk District Council–Cllr Burn reported on the devolution bid and how Mid Suffolk had voted on a smaller devolution deal.

7. Planning

a. There were no planning determinations to note.

b. Councillors viewed the plans for the Snoasis development in Great Blakenham (bottom of A140)

8. Diss and District Neighbourhood Plan

District Councillor Burn again provided Councillor with details ofthe benefits it may bring to the parish to be involved in the above Plan. There was a deadline of 31 January to decide whether Brome and Oakley should be included in the Plan Area. Cllr Burn offered to speak with Councillors again as necessary and provide any information they may require. Action: agenda next meeting.

9. The Almshouse Trust

There was a vacancy for a Trustee and it was confirmed that the Parish Council already had two appointed Trustees, therefore, the Trust could appoint to the vacancy without any Parish Council involvement.

10. Highways

a. The work by Suffolk Highways to clear the drains on Low Road Oakley was noted. However, problem with standing water, after rainfall, at Low Farm needed to be addressed. Action: Clerk to report to Highways Technician.

b. The vehicle activated sign was now operational and would be deployed in three locations in the parishes. It was agreed to purchase of two additional brackets at a cost of £150 each plus money transfer and delivery and two additional batteries which Cllr Hardaker would source on behalf of the Parish Council. Action: Clerk.

c. Correspondence regarding 30 mph signs to the eastern end of Low Road, Oakley was noted. Cllr parry would report back to the parishioner on the costs and restrictions relating to the moving of speed limits as had previously been reported to the Parish Council via the County Council.Action: Cllr Parry.

11. Finance

a. The Council’s financial statement of Community Account at£9,240 and the Business Premium at £3,932 was noted.

b. It was agreed to make the following payments:

Amount / Payee / Details / Chq No
£753.92 / Sarah Foote / Clerks Salary October, November, December / 100361
£29.80 / HMRC / PAYE / 100362
£87.72 / Sarah Foote / Clerk’s expenses October, November, December / 100363
£60.00 inc VAT / Community Action Suffolk / One Suffolk website hosting – one year / 100364

c. Donation requests

It was agreed to make the following donations:

Brome and Oakley Village Hall £500 towards running of hall and to cover cost of hire for Parish Council meetings. Cheque No 100365.

Brome and Oakley Parochial Church Council £500 towards the maintenance of the churchyard within the parish. Cheque No100366.

12. Correspondence

The following items of correspondence received since the last meeting were noted:

Date received / From / Subject
14.11.16 / Mid Suffolk District Council / Town and Parish Newsletter – September Edition
11.11.16 / Mid Suffolk District Council / Christmas and New Year Bin collection
11.11.16 / Suffolk Association of Local Councils / LAIS1394 Neighbourhood Planning Bill.
25.10.16 / Mid Suffolk/Babergh District Councils / Preferred candidate for Joint Chief Executive
25.10.16 / Suffolk Association of Local Councils / Local Government Finance Consultation response

13. Reports

a) Brome and Oakley Village Hall –an active programme of events was running.

b) Suffolk Association of Local Councils –the Chairman provided a report of the SALC AGM which she had attended.

14. Urgent Matters

Potholes in Brome Street outside the Homestead and the Village Hall were to be reported to Suffolk County Council Highways and for the white line painting to be completed on the Low Road in Oakley.

15. Date of next meeting and agenda items

Date of next meeting: Monday 9 January 2017.

The Meeting Dates for the remainder of 2017 were agreed as 13 February, 13 March, 10 April, 8 May, 12 June, 10 July, 11 September, 9 October and 13 November.

20.20 Meeting Closed

Signed ………………………………………………………………………. Chairman …………………………………………………………………… Clerk

Date ……………………………………………………………………….

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