IVI Foundation
Meeting Summaries
May 12th – May 15th, 2003
FORUM Hotel, Munich, Germany
1.Table of Contents
1.Table of Contents......
2.Meeting Attendees......
3.Annual Membership Meeting......
4.IVI BoD Meeting May 14, 2003......
5.Technical Committee......
6.NET Working Group......
7.Operating Procedures Meeting......
8.IVI Marketing Meeting......
9.IVI Legal Meeting......
10.IVI Shared Components Meeting......
11.IVI Signal Interface Working Group......
12.Conformance Working Group......
13.IviDigital Working Group......
2.Meeting Attendees
/ Company / Phone / EmailJoe Mueller / Agilent Technologies / (970)679-3248 /
Roger P. Oblad / Agilent Technologies / (707) 577-3466 /
Stephen Greer / Agilent Technologies / 970 679-3474 /
Fred Bode / Bode Enterprises / 619-297-1024 /
Dany Cheij / National Instruments / 5126835286 /
Glenn Burnside / National Instruments / 512 683 5472 /
Jon Bellin / National Instruments / 512-683-5516 /
Scott Rust / National Instruments / 512 683 5680 /
Kirk Fertitta / Pacific MindWorks / (858) 587-8876 x237 /
Dave Ptacek / Rockwell Collins / 319-295-0198 /
Jochen Wolle / Rohde & Schwarz / ++49 89 4129 13044 /
Johannes Ganzert / Rohde & Schwarz / -13356.02155 /
Ronald C. Salley / Support Systems Associates, Inc. / (321) 724-5566 x294 /
Badri Malynur / Tektronix / 503-627-5880 /
Andy Hutchinson / Teradyne / 978-370-1277 /
Teresa Lopes / Teradyne / 978-370-1377 /
Thomas Gaudette / The MathWorks, Inc. / 508-647-7759 /
Ion Neag / TYX Corp. / (703)264-1080 x132 /
Jeff Hulett / Vektrex / 858.558.8282 x11 /
Rengan Rajendran / Vektrex / 858.558.8282 x20 /
Thomas Schenkel / Koch Mikrosysteme /
IVI Foundation Meeting Minutes1May 12 - 15, 2003
3.Annual Membership Meeting
May 14, 2003, 13:42
3.1.Review voting members in attendance, introductions
Voting Members in Attendance (establish quorum and voting representatives in attendance):
Company / Representative / PresentAdvantest Corp Japan / Gen / Yohei Hirakoso / N
Aeroflex Corporation / Gen / Mary Rozner / N
ASCOR / Gen / Terukuni Okuyama / N
BAE Systems / Gen / Peter Richardson / N
BCO, Inc. / Gen / Mel Petty / N
Boeing / Gen / Don Davis / N
LeCroy / Gen / Joseph Schachner / N
Lockheed Martin / Gen / Steven J O'Donnell / N
The Mathworks / Gen / Thomas Gaudette / Y
Pacific MindWorks, Inc. / Gen / Kirk Fertitta / Y
Racal Instruments / Gen / Dave McKay for John Rosenwald / Y
Santa Barbara Infrared / Gen / Steve McHugh / N
Support Systems Associates, Inc / Gen / Ron Salley / Y
Teradyne / Gen / Andy Hutchinson / Y
TYX Corp / Gen / Ion Neag for Narayanan Ramachandran / Y
Vektrex Electronic / Gen / Jeff Hulett / Y
VXI Technology / Gen / Paul Dhillon / N
Company / Representative / Present
Agilent Technologies / Spon / Joe Mueller / Y
Keithley Instruments / Spon / John Ryland / N
Lucent Technologies / Spon / David Huddleson / N
National Instruments / Spon / Scott Rust / Y
Rohde & Schwarz / Spon / Jochen Wolle / Y
Tektronix / Spon / Badri Malynur / Y
Note: Quorum is 25% of voting membership or 2, whichever is greater (By Laws section 3.6). Based on 23 voting members, a quorum is 6. With 9 present, a quorum is established.
3.2.Review Agenda
3.3.Introduction of new Members
Santa Barbara Infrared and Harris have joined since last meeting, but are not present.
Lucent paid all their back dues including this year so they could retain their seat on the BOD.
3.4.Review minutes of previous meeting
Minutes for April 23, 2002 meeting approved as submitted.
3.5.Circulate membership roster to be corrected by members
Joe circulated list of membership as compiled by Fred Bode. Entries were corrected by members.
3.6.Create slate of general directors representing general membership
There are 17 General-level members in the IVI Foundation, Inc., of whom, 6 are in attendance. Being more than 25% of the total membership that class, this constitutes a quorum.
NOTE FROM BY-LAWS 4.3c: “… Notwithstanding anything in these By-laws to the contrary, at the discretion of the Board, no Member shall be eligible to nominate or elect a Director if such Member’s representative to the Board of Directors failed to attend a majority of the meetings of the Board in the previous year….”
Company / Unavailable to serve as Director / Able to Serve as DirectorAdvantest Corp Japan / Yohei Hirakoso
Aeroflex Corporation / Mary Rozner
ASCOR / Terukuni Okuyama
BAE Systems / Peter Richardson
BCO, Inc. / Mel Petty
Boeing / Don Davis
LeCroy / Joseph Schachner
Lockheed Martin / Steven J O'Donnell
The Mathworks / Thomas Gaudette
Pacific MindWorks, Inc. / Kirk Fertitta
Racal Instruments / John Rosenwald
Santa Barbara Infrared / Steve McHugh
Support Systems Associates, Inc / Ron Salley
Teradyne / Andy Hutchinson
TYX Corp / Narayanan Ramachandran
Vektrex Electronic / Jeff Hulett
VXI Technology / Paul Dhillon
Nominations: Kirk Fertitta, Jeff Hulett, John Rosenwald, Andy Hutchinson, Narayanan Ramachandra. Jeff nominates these five. Tom seconds. Approved 6-0-0.
3.7.Identify Sponsor Directors as elected by Sponsor Members
The following directors were elected by their representative companies.
Company / RepresentativeAgilent Technologies / Joe Mueller
Keithley Instruments
Lucent Technologies
National Instruments / Scott Rust
Rohde & Schwarz / Jochen Wolle
Tektronix / Badri Malynur
No representative from Keithley or Lucent was present. They may nominate their representative at a later time. The president will contact them concerning who will be their nominees.
3.8.New Business
Adjourned 14:04.
IVI Foundation Meeting Minutes1May 12 - 15, 2003
4.IVI BoD Meeting May 14, 2003
4.1.General Meeting Info:
Date of Meeting:May 14th, 2003
Location:FORUM Hotel, Munich, Germany
Chairperson:Joe Mueller
Minutes Prepared By:Steve Greer
Called to order at 14:04
4.2.Directors in attendance
Agilent Joe Mueller
National Instruments Scott Rust
Pacific Mindworks Kirk Fertitta
RacalDave McKay for John Rosenwald
Rohde & Schwarz Jochen Wolle
TektronixBadri Malynur
Teradyne Andy Hutchinson
TYX Corp Ion Neag for Narayanan Ramachandran
Vektrex CorpJeff Hulett
Quorum is a majority of directors. With 9 of 9 present, a quorum is established.
4.3.Review Agenda
4.4.Review Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes from January 29, 2003 were approved as submitted.
4.5.Action Items from Previous Meeting
Item / Owner / updatePull licenses from members donating IP / Fred Bode / Done
Re-construct Agilent IP Transfer to SCPI Foundation / Fred Bode / In progress waiting for something from Joe Mueller. Expect to be done by next meeting.
Ask foundation attorney to exclude transfer specs from VXIplug&play and SCPI from the IVI IP Policy. / Fred Bode / Done
Create Legal group (implicit: take responsibility for merger issues) / Fred Bode / Done
Create Operating Procedures group (implicit: develop operating procedures) / Joe Mueller / Done
Spend up to $500 to update the web site / Fred Bode & Jeff Hulett / Done
Send info regarding legal implications of digitally signing certificates to Joe and Fred / Dany Cheij / Done
Send out foundation budget to be voted on electronically. / Fred Bode & Joe Mueller / Do it here
4.6.Reminder of the IP Policy and Anti-trust caution
The IVI Foundation has an IP policy that could require that some of your corporations IP be licensed to the IVI Foundation and its members at no cost. Every participant in the IVI meetings should be familiar with the obligations that participation in the standard incurs on your company.
Every member of the consortium is encouraged to familiarize themselves with legal requirements regarding anti-trust violations. Members need to be cautious and refrain from discussing markets and pricing.
Directors have a duty to the IVI Foundation to do the right thing for the IVI Foundation as a principal of that organization.
4.7.Report on membership
Two companies dropped their memberships, Nokia and Solectron.
4.8.Election of officers
Office / Serving in 2002 / Nominees for 2003President / Joe Mueller / Joe Mueller
Treasurer / Scott Rust / Scott Rust
Secretary / Jochen Wolle / Jochen Wolle
Chair Technical Committee / Scott Rust / Scott Rust
Chair Marketing Committee / Dany Cheij / Dany Cheij
User Group Chair / Gayle Matysek / Gayle Matysek
Scott Rust nominated present officers for the same positions. Badri seconded. Approved 8-0-0.
4.9.Report from Fred Bode on finances
Fred distributed a report.
4.9.1.IVI 2003 Proposed Budget (Revised 3/31/03)
4.9.2.Projected Income
Associate Dues 3 x 500.00=$ 1,500.00
General Dues16 x 1000.00 =$16,000.00
Sponsor Dues5 x 5000.00 =$25,000.00
+ Lucent Catch-up3 x 5000.00=$15,000.00
Total Income (Dues)$57,500.00
Other Income (Transfer SCPI assets)$12,134.67
Projected Total Income$ 69,634.67
‘02 Actual’03 Budget
224Bank Service Charges + Credit card fees$225.00
998Exhibit Fee, PR and Event Expenses$ 1,000.00
15,865Legal Fees$ 12,000.00
0Web re-design$ 2,500.00
945Web site hosting (12x$75)$900.00
275CT Corp. (State of Delaware)$275.00
0Accounting (tax filing) 2 yrs$500.00
+[1178]Meeting Expenses 0
104Misc – Shipping and supplies$100.00
1295Telephone (Conference Calls)$ 0.00
40,170IVI Executive Director Services$ 41,880.00
$3490 x 12 Months______
Total Expenses$ 59,380.00
4.9.4.Projected gain for 2003 +$10,254.67
Expected expenses for 2003 projected are somewhat higher than normal because of Legal fees (merger of VXIpnp and SCPI), and re-design of web site expenses.
Expected Income is higher by $12,000 from SCPI, plus $10,000 catch-up dues from Lucent. We are getting increased interest from potential new members, so our membership income may be understated.
Projected net worth on December 31, 2003 is $33,048.
Scott moved that with regard to meeting attendance fees that Fred err on the side on making money rather than losing money. Andy seconded. Approved 7-1-0.
Scott moved that the budget be accepted. Jochen seconded. Approved 8-0-0.
4.10.Report on Licensing Common Components and Patents
Fred received license information on various pieces of shared components.
NIPatents relating to IVI
NICommon Component Installation & Clean-up
NIC Shared Components
NIFloating point services
NIVISA-COM Global Resource Manager
NIIVI Trademark
RacalSession Factory
AgilentConfiguration Server
AgilentEvent Server
AgilentVISA-COM Formatted I/O
The license applies to the major and minor version number of the components. If we roll the major or minor version, a license is needed. If the version is changed below the minor version number, a new license is not needed.
Scott moved that the Secretary of the IVI Foundation is authorized by the Board of Directors to sign any licenses submitted by the company who employs the President of the IVI Foundation. Andy seconded. Approved 8-0-0.
Badri moved that the IVI Foundation accept the licenses as submitted. Kirk seconded. Approved 8-0-0.
4.11.Report on merger with VXIplug&play and SCPI
Summary from legal meeting:
The legal committee has agreed to follow the following process:
- Have the IVI Legal committee meet with Andy Updegrove and layout a detailed proposal.
- Have the potential signatories of the grants review the grant statement and make sure they are comfortable with it.
- Review the detailed proposal with the various corporate attorneys.
- Appropriate action by the IVI Foundation (hopefully at September meeting)
4.12.Sub-committees established by the Board of Directors -
Committee / Serving in 2002 / Nominees for 2003Legal / Fred Bode / Dany Cheij
Operating Procedures / Joe Mueller / Joe Mueller
Review charter, membership, and chairs.
Scott moved that Dany Cheij be chair, with excellent participation by Fred Bode, of Legal committee and Joe Mueller be chair of Operating Procedures. Jochen seconded. Approved 8-0-0.
Chair: Dany Cheij
Facilitator: Fred Bode
Badri Malynur
Joe Mueller
Operating Procedures
Chair: Joe Mueller
Dany Cheij
Scott Rust
4.13.Report from Marketing group
Reviewed minutes from last meeting and action items. Main item is revising the web. The group would appreciate participation and comments from any member as early as possible.
Spec summary document – postponed until September
Press releases – announce licenses and mention of .NET PIAs. Mention DoD interest especially related to EO group.
4.14.Report from Operating Procedures group
Joe reviewed the minutes from the Operating Procedures meeting earlier this week.
4.15.Requests from Shared Components
Would like the operating procedures group to document the deliverables from a class specifications which needs to include:
-The Specification
-Type library
-Help file
-PIA with xml IntelliSense file
Request from the Shared Components group that the Operating procedures group incorporate the work underway on shared component management procedures. Rengan will send current documents to Joe.
4.16.Request from Shared Components Committee to authorize funds
Scott moved that the Shared Components committee be authorized to spend up to $500/year for Verisign certification until BoD deems otherwise. Badri seconded. Approved 8-0-0.
4.17.New business
4.17.1.Semiconductor Test Consortium (STC) provides opportunity for IVI
Semiconductor Test hired Fred. The group will specify hardware and a test architecture. They need drivers, but know nothing about IVI. Fred suggests that the Foundation send a representative to their next meeting, June 18 in San Jose, who will give a short presentation. They require all attendees to sign NDA. Andy moved that we give a week to soak in and Fred will organize a tele-conference to decide what to do. Jochen seconded. Approved 8-0-0. May 28 at 8 am PDT.
Adjourned 16:02.
IVI Foundation Meeting Minutes1May 12 - 15, 2003
5.Technical Committee
5.1.General Meeting Info:
Date of Meeting:May 14, 2003
Location:Munich, Germany
Chairperson:Scott Rust
Minutes Prepared By:Dany Cheij
5.2.Topics To Be Discussed:
-Review Agenda
-Review Voting Members In Attendance
-Approve minutes from the January 2003 Technical Committee Meeting
-Review Action Items from Previous Meeting
-Working Group Status
-Shared Component Management Working Group (Rengan)
- How to bring up paying for the digital certificates to the BoD
-.NET Working Group (Jon Bellin)
-Signals Working Group (Ion Neag)
-Plug-Fest and Dev Forum (??)
-Conformance Working Group (Jeff Hulett)
-Digital Working Group (Teresa Lopes)
-EO Working Group (Kirk Fertitta)
-Updates to the Existing Specification
-IVI 3.1 Change Document
-New work to pursue
-New Business
-Tom Gaudette: IP issues around VISA
-Kirk Fertitta: Supporting remote meeting attendance
-Upcoming meetings
-Discuss agenda and times for Portland meeting
-Discuss timeframe and location for upcoming next meeting
5.3.Voting Members In Attendance
Company / Voting RepresentativeAgilent Technologies / Joe Mueller
National Instruments / Scott Rust
Pacific MindWorks / Kirk Fertitta
Racal Instruments / Dave McKay
Rohde & Schwarz / Jochen Wolle
Support Systems Associates / Ron Salley
Tektronix / Badri Malynur
Teradyne / Andy Hutchinson
The Mathworks / Thomas Gaudette
TYX Corp / Ion Neag
Vektrex Electronic / Jeff Hulett
There are 11 voting members in attendance. Being more than 25% of the total voting membership (23 voting members), this satisfies the requirements for a quorum.
5.4.Approve minutes from the January 2003 Technical Committee Meeting
No issues were brought up with the minutes. The TC chairman accepted the minutes.
5.5.Action Items from Previous Meeting
1) Steve and Johannes will make the help files they have created available to the Foundation.
This was done and the help files reviewed by the shared components review committee.
2) Rengan will send Fred an updated version of the shared components to post on the website.
The latest version of the shared components is up on the website. There was some discussion about the location.
Action Item
Fred will either add a button or find some other way to more obviously point people towards the downloads for the shared components
3) Rengan will announce to the list server the review of the VISA shared components.
4) Scott Rust will assign a document number to this addenda document in the next week.
5) Dany Cheij will ask working group chairs to provide summaries of each of their respective specifications and will request volunteers to help the marketing committee pull all the information together.
Was not done. Marketing committee has shifted some priorities and this will be worked on after the next meeting.
6) Scott Rust will ask all chairpersons to review any changes to their specs and create change documents for these changes.
7) Jochen Wolle will add an editorial version to the RFSigGen spec and document the process.
The process will be documented by Scott Rust as part of the operating procedures work.
5.6.Working Group Status
5.6.1.Shared Component Management Working Group (Rengan)
Group has been reviewing help files for the IVI classes, the PIAs for the classes, and VISA COM. The help files and PIAs were reviewed and are ready to be incorporated into the shared components.
There were two issues with the VISA COM components: 1) there was no volunteers to review; 2) the shared components were not buildable standalone outside of NI and Agilent. There are two action items: 1) NI and Agilent to review the VISA COM components; and 2) the group will create buildable versions of the shared components.
There was a question about copyrights surrounding the help files and specs and whether sections can be lifted for use. The group asked the legal group to deal with this issue.
The group discussed the installer next. There are some issues that were discovered that need to be resolved and the installer rebuilt to include the help files and PIAs.
The group discussed signing the PIAs with a digital key. The group will ask the BoD to obtain a digital certificate for the shared components.
Finally the group decided to have their operating procedures incorporated into the main operating procedures document.
Action Items
Rengan will forward the appropriate language to the chair of the group.
The group recommends that in the future, the working group chair would be responsible of making sure that the type libraries, the help files, and PIAs are done in addition to the class spec and the IDL.
5.6.2..NET Working Group (Jon Bellin)
The PIA work was complete since the last meeting and 3.14 was approved.
At this meeting the group resumed looking at the issue of native .NET interfaces and a native architecture. The progress is slow. Several people agreed to create prototypes at the last meeting and only one did.
The group did come up with a proposed working group charter. The charter was read to the technical committee.
.NET Working Group Charter:
The purpose of the .NET working group is to provide a structure for implementing IVI drivers and other components as .NET class libraries. This effort requires defining the general rules for creating .NET IVI interfaces, applying such rules to create .NET interfaces for the existing IVI instrument classes, defining a mechanism for dynamic interchangeability, and resolving issues specific to .NET in the areas of security, deployment, and packaging. The group will use the IVI-COM instrument class interface hierarchies as a starting point for the .NET interfaces for the existing IVI instrument classes. The group will take into account the various tradeoffs among the following considerations: