School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Meeting

June 17, 2015


The June meeting of the Student Health Advisory Council(SHAC) was called to order on June 17th, 2015 at 11:30am by Megan Denk at the DCPS Building, Room 307 in Jacksonville, Florida.

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Brief introductions by SHAC members and guests. For full list of attendees, please refer to the list following this document.
  3. Happenings, Updates, and Shout Outs
  4. Ashley Smith-Juarez, from the Clinton Health Matters Initiative shared she is hosting a workshop geared to midsize and small businesses for businesses interested in employee health programs. They have worked on programs for Fortune 500 companies before, scaled down for smaller businesses. August 12 9am-12pm at PGA Tour Media Center and Wellness Center.
  5. Tierra Chandler shared that this is the last meeting for tobacco grant program, which is ending June 30. Being transferred to Civic Communications.
  6. Vicki Heilig shared the Department of Health school nurses completed thework agenda for this summer. The list will be sent to principals about nursing coverage. There are 6 different summer school activities, letters will be sent to let principals know how to get in touch with nurses to help deal with chronic illnesses.
  7. Patrick McCabe shared the Florida mental health summit being held in Jacksonville on August 25 and 26 at Hyatt Riverfront hotel. LSF systems offering continuing education for mental health counselors and professionals. Link will be sent to Megan Denk for how to register or learn more.
  8. Patrick also asked for volunteers on Saturday August 1 for the Jacksonville Sports Medicine sports physical event. He shared that every Duval student athlete has the opportunity to receive a free physical (at WCH for women, Nemours for men). Jax Sports Medicine Program is the driving force for providing this to the community, but many organizations contribute to this all-day event. Students must participate through their sports program, not for other community members. 10-station physical, very comprehensive and valuable. Organizations are welcome to come to be vendors. According to the state office in Tallahassee, physicals are required to be in school, and whereas sports physicals were not acceptable for this requirement before, if they include certain parameters they can count (sports physicals are now sometimes better than regular physicals given in the community). Only do about 1000 physicals at this event now because physicals are mostly done elsewhere. Full service schools schedule the St. Vincent’s mobile clinic for May to do physicals.
  9. Approval of Minutes
  10. Approved.
  11. Committee Updates
  12. Health Services Committee
  13. Met last week. School nurse project still pending IRB approval at UNF. Once approved, they will be ready to move forward for another year, which will hopefully start in the fall. Pat Freeman asked who needs to approve the Health Services manual when things need to be changed. The Department of Health is doing a major overhaul and revision to the manual, butthe goal is for policies to be out by July 1. Pat also asked what to do when there’s a difference in opinion between DOH and policy, and stated that we need to figure out how to create an outcome. Pat asked if we maintain policies or follow AAP recommendations. She also shared that the medication manual has had 8 drafts and now advanced to DOH and DCPS, waiting on review to bring it to SHAC. The policy will be much tighter in terms of the expectations of parents’ responsibility to have less meds in school so that staff does not have as much responsibility for meds.
  14. Health Education
  15. Katryne Lukens-Bull shared that the committee met twice since last SHAC meeting. Reviewed 7 curricula as of right now: 2 that the school district had already committed to have been approved(One Love and Common Threads). Deciding how to present info on website, and what the school’s policies are for presenting info. Before the school year starts they will send emails to approved programs to let them know we have a survey for them to complete after they present at a school. The survey will also track where they have presented. There is also a survey for teachers to use. Also need to make sure they have gone through background checks. Have been reviewing curricula as they come in, approved speakers list will continue to evolve over time. Relying on people from school district to evaluate whether programs are age appropriate. Look at whether it is evidence based, in line with policies of county, etc. Won’t disapprove someone for requesting lots of class times. Could disapprove for not being age appropriate though.The committee will meet July 20.
  16. Wellness
  17. Melissa Kicklighter shared the team had a rare opportunity for wellness development, first coast wellness council’s recognition for silver level program. Committee worked hard to judge wellness awareness program applications. The wellness ambassadors document health, safety, and wellness programs done at their school throughout the year. Some applications were weak because applications themselves were not good but their efforts are strong, and some schools are doing great work but didn’t even apply. Four schools scored well into 200 points (Alden Road, Jacksonville Beach Elementary School, Kernan Trail, Susie Tolbert). They will be recognized at school board meeting and awarded $2500. Hoping to get media/public recognition. Idea: use TV/media production groups to take videos, do an episode/podcast/highlight video to capture these wellness ambassadors’ efforts.
  18. Old Business
  19. Will do a committee planning meeting with goal of creating sub committees that align with SHAC. Jenny created matrix with 8 possible topics. Meeting will be July 15th 9-1pm. Melissa will book room for meetings next year.
  20. New Business
  21. Vision screening program changing next year (in process of making changes). Will be including hearing screenings (not doing them, but helping with additional training and follow up to share with DOH). Have to pull back to only screen grades that are required (K, 1, 3, 4, 6) but principals (or whomever the contact is) can request other students to be screened in other grades. New students in Florida have to be screened. Will try to add back in 4th grade because they have the most referrals. Want to add 11th grade back in. Moved database from Genesis to Focus, paid staff members have to do all that data entry (4 part time screeners, 1 full time). Have a huge gap with hearing because schools put off doing it. Meeting with DOH to talk about addressing issues. Another issue is what to provide for pre-k students. ELC got grant to expand vision screenings in early learning centers. Working to identify additional partners, secured $25k grant to provide services who will bring in van to provide follow up services. The PGA Tour provided $10k to be matched. Cost to the child will be nothing. Hope to get $100k in funding for next year. Biggest problem is capacity. Hearing screenings done by mostly PTA volunteers trained by vision (health screening) team, otherwise done directly by team if no PTA volunteers available. Samantha will send list of audiologists that take Medicaid.
  22. Start thinking about Childhood Obesity Awareness Month Breakfast on September 11th. Think about people you want to nominate.

The SHAC meeting was adjourned at 12:38pm by Megan Denk.

The next meeting July 15th from 9am-1pm.

Name / Email
Samantha Tyler /
Ashley Smith-Juarez
ShamilaMaraghferry /
Patrick McCabe /
Monique Ellis /
Judy Comeaux /
Edgar Pabon /
Vicki Heilig /
Pat Freeman /
Megan Denk /
Tierra Chandler /
Jordan Waverly /
Al Bowers /
KatryneLukensbull /
LaRonda Howard /
David Monticalvo / David.
Laranda Howard /
Iris Eisenberg /
Jenny Boone /