The Healing Codes 07.09.2009 2
Thursday Q&A Kaye Spooner
Kaye Spooner: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Kaye Spooner and I welcome you to this call. Today is July 9, 2009. We’re just really pleased to have you here with us. We’re recording everything that goes on in this call tonight. You might keep that in mind. That recording will be available at our website: You can download it there if you’d like to.
There’s a nice library of calls on that website that you can get to at Q&A FAQ’s, I believe it is, down on the right hand side.
You want results with your Healing Codes. We really want to help you with those results. We have several ways to help you do that. This call is one of them and recording it is a service we like to provide so that folks who are around the world and can’t get in at this time zone, or are interrupted and can’t get here tonight, but have questions, we record these calls for those folks and for our own re-listening enjoyment if we want to.
We have also a Clients Only area on the website. If you’re interested in that you can find out about how to get in there. This call this evening is for questions and answers regarding using The Healing Codes. If you have any questions at all about the process we would really like to get those answered. We know that when there is a question about how to proceed we often slow down or stop. That’s not what we want to do with The Healing Codes. We want to keep going and get the very best benefit out of what we can. Ask those questions and let’s move forward in our Healing Codes experience.
Also we will take comments of any kind about your work with the Codes. Any situations that you might be experiencing now, and I suspect we’ll have opportunity or time to do a Custom Code for folks who would like to have one.
Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. That’s what we really believe in our hearts. That’s what we are working with. You might be aware also that I will express some opinions tonight. They are my own opinions. If they suit you that’s wonderful. If they don’t, that’s okay, too. Just let them go by.
I’m open. If you’re on the call you can hit *6 to un-mute yourself and speak with us. We’d be glad to hear from you. We are open now for any comments or questions or situations or anything you’d like to talk about.
I’m Kaye. I’m here, not usually. Tom Costello is here usually. This evening he has some family business to attend to so he asked me to help him by sitting in for him which I’m glad to do. I’m a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner. I was trained in the same sessions with The Healing Codes that Tom was. I certainly don’t have as much background in energy work and self growth industry like he has in working with Dale Carnegie and those kinds of things, but we were trained with The Healing Codes together. That was kind of fun.
Anybody out there want to say anything? Candy’s with us. Who else joined us this evening? I did hear another person come on.
Participant: (Gissell, MA) I just joined the call.
Kaye Spooner: We’re glad to have you. Have you had the Codes for a while, Gissell? When did you get them?
Participant: I don’t have them yet.
Kaye Spooner: You don’t have them yet? I see. Well, welcome to our call this evening. Have you been on some teleseminars or something and have some questions?
Participant: I’ve been on a couple. I had a bunch of questions answered. I’m just kind of tuning in to learn more from other’s questions.
Kaye Spooner: That tells the rest of you what Gissell needs. Come on and help her.
Participant: That’s right.
Kaye Spooner: Thank you, Gissell. If there is something that comes to your mind that you’d like to ask please feel free to do that.
Participant: Thank you.
Kaye Spooner: Someone else have a question they’d like to start with this evening or a comment or a situation? Hello?
Participant: I think my questions are starting to come. Kaye, how long have you been doing this?
Kaye Spooner: Six years this month.
Participant: Do you feel comfortable sharing some changes or results that you’ve witnessed with people that you’ve worked with?
Kaye Spooner: Sure. I will. My own experience, I really came to it as a matter of convenience at that point in my life. I was trained as a Christian Life Coach. It was time for me to come from my home in Alabama back to Kansas to help with my elderly parents. I knew that I was not going to have marketing time or very much time to really pursue my work.
I had an opportunity, since I was already a trained coach, to train with The Healing Codes and learn their system. Then the plan was they would provide clients for me. That, right then, worked wonderfully for me. I took them up on that and was approved for the training, went to the training. While I was at the training two things that were physical things – I did not have a background in energy work at all. I only knew how to focus on physical things. I really didn’t know how to focus on the deeper stuff. I had rotator cuff pain. It had not been diagnosed but I had had the same kind of pain earlier that was diagnosed so I was pretty sure that’s what it was. When I went to training that was the issue I wanted to see a change in.
Certainly it did change. I’m a dancer. I haven’t been dancing now for since I’ve been back to Kansas, but before that I was dancing three or four times a week. Some of the rhythms really stressed my right shoulder. I was getting so I wouldn’t get on the floor for those rhythms. It was painful enough that I had curtailed some of that activity. I went to training. We were there on a Friday night, all day Saturday and until Sunday after lunch time. On Sunday night as I was driving back home to Alabama from Nashville I thought, “There’s a dance tonight. I think I’ll go.” I thought surely I’d be just worn our after training for all weekend. I’d been to other weekend trainings and knew that you’re just wiped out after sitting in a classroom for that long.
I was feeling so good and so energized I thought, “Well, I’ll just go to that dance tonight.” I walked right in there and the first thing was my teacher saw me and said, “Come on Kaye, let’s do this Hustle.” I don’t know if you’re at all familiar with that rhythm but it’s a lot of overhead turns – arms over the head type turns and real sharp pushing and pulling with the lady’s right arm. I thought, “Oh dear!” But I went on the floor anyway. I was guarding my shoulder really carefully. I was pulling it in tight and not letting some of the things happen that would have otherwise been part of that dance.
I realized that my shoulder wasn’t hurting at all. I just let it go and did it full out with all the motion and exuberance that I could express. It hurt not at all and has not hurt since then. That was my first experience with it.
Otherwise I’ve had a lot of help in my own personal life with stressful situations. I was here with my parents. My father died about a year and two months after I got here. But my Mother had Alzheimer’s. I was here with her for four and a half years at the house before she went to nursing care. During that time I used the Codes a lot for myself and for her. I could see a major difference when I used them and when I didn’t, to my physical self, but particularly to my patience level and my ability to let her reality be the reality we were working with instead of needing to have my own reality be dominant. That’s a pretty big step for me. I noticed that.
I’ve worked with clients who have had a lot of change in their lives financially, with relationships, had physical things change. One lady in particular that’s a friend of mine here had a benign breast cyst. She knew it was. It had been recurring. She got one every once in a while; had to go to the doctor and get it aspirated. Then it was okay. She didn’t really want to do that this time. I asked her if she would like to try something that I could show her. She said, “I’ll do anything if I don’t have to the doctor. I really don’t want to go to the doctor.” So I worked with her with the Codes. I just gave her a Code.
I saw that lady every week on a regular basis. I gave her a Code one week. I did not say a thing to her and she did not say a thing to me about it. I just let it go. I didn’t know if she was doing it or not doing it or what. She made no comment. About eight weeks later she said, “Kaye, I’ve got to tell you something.” I said, “What is it you need to tell me?” She said, “That lump is gone.” I said, “Oh really? You didn’t go to the doctor?” She said, “Nope.” I said, “How long has it been gone?” She said, “About four weeks. I didn’t want to tell you it worked.” It’s been real interesting.
There’s a lady in town who calls me when her dog gets sick. I go help her with her dog. I have helped my grandchildren with their pets and my grandson with his major anger issues, and lots of different things line that. That’s a skim off the top of my experience. Are there other questions about that? Anything pique your interest there?
Participant: Thank you for sharing that. The main one that I’ve heard is Dr. Ben Johnson’s experience. I was just wondering if people have really huge changes in their health.
Kaye Spooner: Dr. Ben surely did. There have been others who have come from stage 4 cancer back to cancer free. Have you had opportunity to look at the testimonial video yet?
Participant: No, I haven’t.
Kaye Spooner: There are several really wonderful stories on the testimonial DVD. One of them is a young man, in fact he’s a boy of 12 years old. He had been sick his whole life with leukemia, etc. Nobody says that The Healing Codes had cleared him. Of course we always talk about The Healing Codes don’t head physical disease. What we do is work on the heart. Then that stress level is reduced and the body can do what it’s made to do. The body is just amazing and can do amazing things. There is an amazing testimonial about Christopher Ryan on our Testimonial DVD.
Participant: I did read that somewhere.
Kaye Spooner: Then there are lots of others. That’s a big long one and it’s pretty impressive. Dr. Ben, of course, his ALS turned around. We’ve had other ALS victory stories, of people who have made major improvement with their ALS. We have others that haven’t. People say why does it work for one person and doesn’t work for another? Well, the same reason everything works for one person and doesn’t work for another, and the same reason some people get sick and others don’t when they’ve got the same set of conditions.
Participant: (Patricia) I would like to give her a testimony.
Kaye Spooner: Would you, Patricia? Thank you very much. This is Patricia Allen. She’s also a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner, from Oklahoma. Patricia, go ahead.
Participant: (Patricia) I started just as a person in December of 03. Then I became a coach in 05. My husband suffered with diabetes and congestive heart failure and arterial fibrillation. The main issue that he wanted to work on was diabetes. He did the Codes over and over and over for diabetes. We go back to the cardiologist. The diabetes was not corrected, but the issues with his heart were corrected. The cardiologist said, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m going to reduce this medication. We get to reduce this one. The injection fraction of the heart had come up. We went on our way.”
I’ve used The Healing Codes for elevated blood pressure I a dentist’s office when I was going to have a procedure. They had me blocked but my blood pressure was up. They said they could not do it. I asked if they could please give me about 10 minutes. They did and came back in and rechecked it. They said, “Your pressure is down.” I said, “Go for it.” They were able to do that.
I purchased The Healing Codes because of the connection, and this is my belief, the connection with God and his power and wisdom and work and working with the fruit of the Spirit that we discuss. I was able to capture problems with anxiety/panic attacks. That’s just a little bit of the beginning of my life. I can’t live without it.
Participant: Thank you, Patricia. I am very aware too, that improvement in an emotional situation or experience is a miracle in its own right. It doesn’t have to be a big flashy physical change to be a true healing and a real gift.
Kaye Spooner: I’m glad that you see that. That’s one of the things I had to learn was how important those emotional changes are. Of course, they are the underlying basis of the development of the physical as a foundation. That’s really important. That’s the places we want to make the changes. That’s why The Healing Codes work. That’s why we focus where we do so that those changes can be made and the manifestations will then change.
Patricia: I was just going to comment there that I have always prayed in my life, but until I started doing The Healing Codes, I had never prayed that much to the Great Physician to help me. I had an increase in my praying and my relationship with God.
Kaye Spooner: Thank you, Patricia. I’ve noticed that in my life, too. My doing the Codes turns into a prayer session every time. Often, particularly, on some of the processes we do that we’re supposed to do for five minutes or whatever, but you’re supposed to set it up with prayer at the beginning, my prayer is a whole lot longer than the process is. I think that’s kind of interesting too.
Participant: Sometimes I just pray during that because I don’t know what else to say. I know that He does.
Participant: How do you use it in your every-day life? Is it something you do every day or in certain situations? How do you use it on an on-going basis?