October 17, 2011
Attendance: Carina M, Jared Y, Michael L, Hannah J, Sweta P, Kathleen H, Key B, Brian T, Alfred B, Josh M, Sam G, Anjylla F, Akilah P, Jordan S, Hilary M, Andrew P, Lucy B, TJ S, Wen Xin K, Adam H, Tia G, Phil D
Minutes for May 23rd approved
Minutes for October 7th approved
What is SACUB?
Student led organization for the university’s budget planning
What do we allocate?
General fund/Campus Life Fund, which is part of the general fee.
Look under “University budget” tab in binder
Complete allocations for 2012-2013 will be presented to Dr. Livingston at the end of the year, and then presented to the Board of Trustees
Roles of executive board (pg. 3)
Chair: Anjylla Foster
Vice chair: Josh McClain
Communications Director: Sam Gerstein
Attendance policy (pg. 4)
After two unexcused absences, the position will be replaced by an at-large member
Who gets the money?
Any group that uses SACUB allocated funds for 20% or more of their budget
Any group that does not offer academic credit
Group types
Debt servicing
Campus life (mainstreet venues)
Athletics, Cheerleading, dance team
Governing umbrella groups
AIC, club sports, GSGA, undergraduate student government, MSA, SBA, SAB, UFB (see powerpoint for non-abbreviated names of groups)
Student Services
Umbrella groups
SALD, AACRC, Ethnic programs and services
Student services
Center for community engagement, counseling center, career development center, diversity education, LGTBQ, PDC sustainability, Fraternity and sorority life, Leadership education, CRC, Student life, UHS, University Judicial Affairs, VP of student affairs, UC international, UC women’s center
Services from student groups
BTS, Nightwalk
Bearcat live, Student Alumni Council, PAC
BearCast radio, Newrecord/communications board
Band, Men’s and women’s choruses
Rally Cats, SACUB, TUC
Quarter schedule
31: Review 2010-2011 actual budgets
14: Review 2010-2011 actual budgets
28: Review 2010-2011 actual budgets, form questions for groups, Review 2011-2012 projected/Year to Date budgets
Blackboard page
Includes all presentations from 2010-2011/2011-2012
Minutes from 2010-2011/2011-2012
Meeting schedule