Module Descriptions
- Legislative requirements
- Federal legislation
The Disability Standards for Education 2005
- Victorian legislation
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission.
- Dispelling myths
- Disability
- Intellectual disability
- Autism
- Mental health disorders
- Vision impairment
- Hearing loss
- Understanding inclusion
- Understanding inclusion
- Inclusion into learning
- Inclusion tips for ACE providers
- Communicating with people with disability
- A general theory of communication,
- How different impairments impact on successful communication and strategies to overcome these impacts,
- Good practice in communicating with people with a range of disability.
- Impacts of disability on learning and strategies to meet them
- Intellectual disability
- Mental illness
- Autism
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Physical disability
- Sensory disability.
- Pre course interviewing
- Why interview
- When to interview
- How to interview
- What to ask
Work skills
Learning styles
- Who can help
- Outcomes.
- Classroom management
Also included are:
- Development of group a code of conduct
- Use of group learning
- Behaviour management
- General good practice strategies
- Working with support workers
- The differences in support workers: their roles and what can be expected from them
- Ways in which education providers can use support workers to best benefit the person they are supporting and the class in general.
- Support worker policies.
- Disability action planning
- What a disability plan is
- Reasons for having a disability action plan
- How to develop and implement a disability action plan.
- Duty of Care
- What Duty of care is including categories of care and standard of care
- Who is responsible and negligence
- Issues relating to duty of care and people with disability
Good practices.
- Managing volunteers with disability
- Outlines the rights and responsibilities of volunteers
- Considers some of the adjustments that may have to be made to accommodate volunteers with disability
- Discusses the recruitment and induction processes of volunteers with disability
- Describes mentoring.
- What is disability?
- Considers trends and statistics regarding disability
- Compares definitions of disability within Australia in order to consider the usefulness of each definition within different contexts
- Describes the historical progression in thinking about disability
- Follows the theoretical underpinnings of current thinking about disability in Australia
- Considers appropriate and inappropriate terminology when referring to disability
- How does the disability/mental health sector work?
- The Victorian disability framework
- Disability Services
- Mental Health Services
- Working with the disability/mental health sector
- Common parameters
- Disability and inter-sector planning
- Protocols
- Working with support workers