Calculus I Math 101

Instructor: Dr. Andrew Oster

Phone: (540) 458-8802

Email:, (this is the best way to get a hold of me.)

Office:Robinson Hall R-5

Office Hours: MTWF 2:30-3:45pm (or by appointment)


Text:Essential Calculus, by James Stewart.

Math Help Center:Robinson Hall R-6, open 8-10pm Sun-Thurs.

Grading System: Three Exams

Quizzes (and homework) = 1 exam

Final = 2 exams

60 or below E, 60-70 D, 70-80 C, 80-90 B, 90-100 A

Note that -/+ cutoff points will be decided during the semester.

No texting in class! 1 pt deduction on exam for each infraction!!!!


Most homework in this will not be collected, but there will be quizzes given every now and then (about once a week). However, one learns mathematics by doing mathematics. So please keep up with the suggested problems as these (or similar) problems will appear on the quizzes. No calculators are allowed on quizzes or tests! Also, you must show ALL your work to receive credit. When homework is to be collected, the homework is expected to be neat and organized. Only the front-side of the page is to be used for homework assignments; do not write on the backside. Homework shall be folded with your name, assignment number, and section written of the outside. Late homework will rarely be accepted; for instance, a medical emergency, then we can work something out, but if you simply overslept or overscheduled, then you'll be facing severe penalties, maybe even a zero.

Pop quizzes may be given. There will be no opportunity to make-up missed quizzes unless excused due to serious illness or school related absence (such as sports or choir). Similarly, only in extreme cases will make-up exams be given (see examples above). If you know in advance that you will be unable to take an exam during the scheduled time due to, for example, a match or concert that you are participating in, we can make arrangements for you to take the test early. If you will be missing a long period of class due to illness (i.e. mono, pneumonia, etc), please see me on a personal basis (accommodations will go through the Assistant Dean’s Office, contact info below).

Tentative Exam Dates(these dates may change):

Exam 1: Mon, Jan 30th Exam 2: Wed, Feb 29th Exam 3: Fri, March 30th

Other Matters:

 The drop-add period is until Friday, January 13th.

 A drop becomes a ‘withdraw’ after January 20th

 The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that reasonable accommodations be provided

for students with physical, cognitive, systemic, learning and psychiatric disabilities. Please

contact the Assistant Dean of the College, Wendy Price (Baker Hall 119, ).

at the beginning of the semester to discuss any such accommodations. Please notify me

with a letter from the assistant dean well before the exam period.