Hobart High School

2211 E. 10th Street

Hobart IN 456342

Dear Parents of seniors:

The faculty and administration of Hobart High School are requesting your cooperation in helping to make the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2015 a most memorable and dignified occasion. Weather permitting; we will hold the ceremony at The Brick Yard.

I would like to share with you some of the information we have given your son or daughter. The most important date is . . . .

June 4, 2015 Field House (SENIORS ONLY) - 5:00 p.m.

Graduation Ceremony - 7:00 p.m.

  1. Dress for Commencement

We request that no jeans or gym shoes are to be worn. Young men are to wear shirts with collars and ties, dress pants and dress shoes. Young women are to wear blouses and skirts or dresses under their gowns. Skirts and dresses must follow the dress code and be of appropriate length. Students will be sent home if a change is necessary.

  1. Commencement Rehearsal – June 4, 2015, 9:30 a.m.

All graduates are required to attend a commencement rehearsal. If the student fails to do so, she/he cannot participate in the ceremony. Please make sure your senior requests off work for Rehearsal and Ceremony (see above dates).

  1. Behavior

Any senior student arriving for commencement under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to participate and will not receive a diploma that evening. Conduct of the seniors should reflect the importance of the ceremony.

  1. Open Houses

We encourage parents (who have open houses) NOT to serve alcoholic beverages to anyone under 21 years of age.

Adults who provide alcohol to minors become liable parties if a minor leaves their home after drinking and has an auto accident or causes physical or property damage. Parents, we ask your cooperation in controlling teenage drinking.

  1. Financial Obligations

All financial obligations to the school year 2014-15 MUST be paid by Thursday, May 28th. Please contact Mrs. Taylor with any questions, 942-8521 ext. 8003. Any debts prior to this school year must be paid to Attorney Longer’s office (947-1571).

  1. Tickets

Every senior participating in the ceremony will receive six (6) tickets. Tickets will be distributed in the main office during lunch hours on Wednesday May 27th, 2015. Tickets will only be needed if the ceremony is held in the gym.

7.  In the Field House Before The Ceremony

Parents, Friends, Etc. are NOT ALLOWED in the Field House on the evening of Graduation. ONLY SENIORS and Graduation Personnel are allowed in the Field House before the ceremony. All personal pictures must be taken BEFORE seniors come into the Field House for line-up and AFTER the ceremony has concluded.

  1. During the Ceremony

We request that parents, relatives and friends of the seniors keep their seats and the aisle clear during the Graduation Ceremony. Please do not approach the stage during the recognition. Every parent would like to see their son or daughter. There will be photographers there to take pictures of your senior receiving his/her diploma. You may purchase these pictures through Classic Photo (see #11).

  1. Parking and seating

Parking will be the parking lot outside of The Brick Yard. (Open Seating)

  1. Flowers & Concessions

There will be a company, True Love Roses, that will have a table set up at the Ceremony location, and they will be selling Roses to purchase for you to give to your senior after the ceremony. Many parents like to give their children flowers, so it is extremely convenient having them at the ceremony for you to purchase. This is not only a service to you, but is also a Senior Class Fundraiser. Please consider purchasing your flowers at the Graduation Ceremony. If you would like to check out what they have to offer, please feel free to visit their website at www.trueloveroses.com. There will also be drinks and light snacks available for purchase in the concession stand.

  1. Professional Graduation Pictures

At the Senior Meeting on May 18th , your Senior will be receiving an order form for professional cap and gown pictures, taken by Classic Photo, before they are lined up for graduation that night starting at 5:00 p.m. These photos will then be ready for pick-up immediately after the graduation ceremony. Classic Photo will also be taking photos of each graduate receiving his/her diploma as they walk across the stage. These photos will be put online and can be ordered after viewing them. For more information, please call Classic Photo at 219-712-3609. Finally, Classic Photo will also be taking their Class Panoramas Picture on Thursday, May 21st , 2015. They will be receiving the order form for this picture on May 18th, as well.

Let me thank you in advance for your cooperation in making this a memorable experience.


Brent Martinson, Principal