HS Girls Soccer Booster Meeting Minutes June 9, 2016
Attendees: Chuck Roth, Wayne Capra, Traci Nelson, Joe Nelson, Sheri Doleno, Sue Meindl, Michaela Relihan, Julie Terling, Sue Mikesell, Bridgette O’Rourke, Carole Nanni, Laura Helbling
Welcome and Introductions: The meeting began at 7:10 pm. The meeting minutes were approved from our last meeting, April 20, 2016.
Labor Day Kick Off Classic Tournament Program advertisements: Letters and forms were distributed, will also be emailed. 100$ per family mandatory. Due date for advertisements is July 29. Please email or call Kathy Brown 412-999-9696 or Kristine McQuire 412-901-3761 for any questions.
Youth Camp run by High School players: Scheduled for Saturday August 6th 9:00AM – 12:00PM to be held at the Middle School Field. Flyers to be distributed for registration next week. Sheri Doleno, Laura Helbling, Carl Helbling, Traci Nelson, Joe Nelson will chair this fundraiser.
Soccer Scarves: purchase amount and profit to be finalized, hats will also be added to this fundraiser. Boosters approved samples. Sheri Doleno will chair this fundraiser.
Moe’s Restaurant Ticket Sale: tentatively scheduled for September, suggestion was made for this fundraiser to offset the cost of away game food. Sue Meindl will chair this fundraiser.
Labor Day Tournament:
Hosted by the South Fayette Boys and Girls Soccer Teams Labor Day weekend. The tournament will be a round robin style with no trophies awarded. Burghs will sponsor.
Girls Teams participating in Labor Day Tournament include: Waynesburg, Belle Vernon, Quaker Valley, and South Fayette.
The Boys Team has decided to charge each male team participating $300. Male teams will receive two games, Burgh’s food, and a T-Shirt for this fee. This decision will complicate gate sales for the girl’s team. Discussion was held on ideas for girls’ team to recover gate sale loss, charging female teams already committed to the tournament is not an option.Girls team Tournament Committee plans to meet with Boys Tournament organizers Thursday June 16 in the High School Health Room at 7:00 PM to discuss tournament. All are welcome and encouraged to attend tournament meeting.
Spirit Wear:
Information will be sent out via email and flyer for a Pre-Season Spirit Wear sale. All orders and payments can be submitted via SEW MUCH MORE webstore as soon as store updates are complete.
Booster Committee Chair volunteers:
Volunteer Coordinator = Linda Burnside
Labor Day Tournament Chair = Susie Miendl / Linda Burnside
Tournament Program Ads = Kristine McGuire / Kathy Brown
Concession Stand Volunteers = Linda Burnside
Concession Stand Organization = Tracey Heineman
Game Clock & Announcing = Carl Helbling / Joe Nelson
Game Clock & Announcing Assistance Volunteer Sign up = Linda Burnside
Senior Night = Robyn Weis
Spirit Wear = Traci Nelson
Banquet = Traci Nelson / Kathy Brown / Michelle Van Biber
Pink Out Night = Noelle Gagliardino / Carey Fittipaldo
Photo Books = Sheri Doleno, Laura Helbling, Renee Benett, Kathy Brown, Linda Burnside, Robyn Weis, Michelle Van Biber, Noelle Gagliardino, Linda Kosmacki
Uniform Manager = Laura Helbling
Away Game Food Volunteer Organization = Linda Burnside
Website = Sheri Doleno + parent to learn the site for future =Julie Terling
Homecoming Carnival = OPEN
Media Chair = OPEN
Please consider assisting a committee chair as a co-chair or filling an open position. Contact a booster officer if interested.
Camps and Pre Season Information:
Girls may still sign up for Summer Camps! Please contact Sherri Doleno for EdinboroTeam Camp Registration and Laura Helbling for Dennis Kohlmeyer Camp Registration!
Dennis Kohlmeyer(Beadling) Camp: at SF Stadium June 20 - 23
Please send registration form to Laura Helbling, $140/4 days or $35/day
EdinboroTeam Camp: August 1 - 4. All medical release forms must be submitted to Sheri Doleno.
Captains Practice: Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30 PM, Middle School Field is being reserved due to stadium surface renovation. As soon as the Middle School Field space is confirmed Captain’s Practice will begin.
Strength and Conditioning: Tuesday and Thursday, time is being confirmed for speed and conditioning due to stadium surface renovation. Training calendar to be sent next week upon confirmation with trainers by Coach Capra.
Mandatory Pre-Season training begins Monday August 15:
Two a day practices Monday – Friday, 8:00am -10:00am and 6:00pm – 8:00pm until school begins August 22.
Coach Capra:
All Girls MUST have a completed Physical Packet submitted to the Athletic Office between June 1 and August 10. Please submit the packets to the Athletic Office as soon as possible. Physical Packets were sent out by Mark Keener, Athletic Director and are available on the website.
Fall Soccer Schedule to be posted on website soon. Our section will include: Ambridge, West Allegheny, Blackhawk, Montour, Hopewell, Central Valley, and Moon.
Non-section games will include: Bethel Park and Mt. Lebanon
JV Non-Section games will include: Peters and South Park
Pre-Season scrimmages will include: Canon Mac and Quaker Valley
The new section will provide a rigorous game schedule for our program and hopefully prepare the girls well for a long successful playoff season.
All girls interested in the high school soccer program are encouraged to attend Pre-Season Conditioning, Captain’s practices, and Camps. Pre-season Conditioning is run by UPMC Athletic Trainers at the High School, Captain’s Practices are run by the team captain’s and players, and Camps are run by guest coaches as Coach Capra cannot participate in pre-season activities until August 15 due to WPIAL regulations.
HUDL video will be available during the season for players to review for development and share with college coaches.
Treasurer report:
There is currently $8,678.46 in the Girls Soccer Booster account.
Review Action Items:
Christine McGuire to follow up with details about playing a game at Highmark
Please help the boosters update the distribution list, let Sheri Dolenoor Traci Nelson know if you are not receiving updates and minutes or if you know of a girl not receiving this information.
The SF girls Soccer website, sfladylionssoccer.com,maintained by Sheri Doleno contains calendars and schedules.
Next meeting: Thursday August 4th 7:00 PM in the HS Health room.
End of Meeting: Meeting concluded 8:05PM