For Sale
Liberty Tool Company
Main St, Liberty, ME 04949
Skip Brack’s 70th birthday resolution is to spin off the Liberty Tool Company from the Jonesport Wood Co., Inc. (est. 1970) to have a bit more time to read the New York Times and enjoy art walks. Objective: to cut down a 70 hour work week to a 48 hour work week.
Package deal: 3 historic properties in two locations, including 2.6 zillion tools and miscellaneous other items. Note: Buyers may buy one, two, or all properties.
- The Liberty Tool Co. downtown Liberty Village (formerly the Parmenter IGA) with all its contents
- Banks Garage (a former Mobil station) with all its contents and Mobil advertising memorabilia (the ideal location to create a tool polishing, oiling, and pricing workshop)
- The historic Parks Block in downtown Searsport (circa 1820, national register of historic buildings), now called Captain Tinkham’s Emporium, with all its contents The property includes two occupied apartments (rental income: $1375/month), three storefronts, and a workshop with potential rental income of $1350/month. The workshop has previously been used for matting and framing but would make an excellent eStore location. The property also has a large backyard with a garden in progress.
The well-known name “Liberty Tool Company” will be included in the purchase. The sale may include training from Skip about successful tool-picking techniques, tool cleaning and polishing procedures, and evaluation and pricing. The person who buys Liberty Tool Co. will also have the option of purchasing incoming tools and antiques (except edge tools) from the Hulls Cove Tool Barn at a 30% discount.
The sale of Liberty Tool Co. does NOT include the Davistown Museum across the street, nor the inventory of the Liberty Tool eStore now located in the Davistown Museum building. Following the sale, the name “Liberty Tool eStore” will be changed to “Davistown Museum eStore.” The extensive reference library on tools and industrial history will be available to the buyer whenever the museum is open.
Interested buyers please contact Skip Brack at the Jonesport Wood Company’s Hulls Cove Tool Barn, which will continue in the tool business, at 207-288-5126or .