LeaderShape VisionGrant Guidelines

Grant Levels

Grants will be made available to individual LeaderShape past participants. Grants will range from $100 - $1,000 based on need and strength of the applications.

Partner Agencies or Organizations

If your initiative includes work with or a benefit to any additional partner agencies (other student organizations, UGA departments, Athens area agencies, national organizations, etc.), you will need to submit a letter of support from the partnering agency contact showing their agreement to and cooperation with your initiative.

Allowable Uses of Funds

  • Materials and supplies necessary to complete the project
  • Room reservations to host campus events related to your vision
  • Publicity, printing, and postage
  • Other items must be adequately justified in the proposal.

Funds are NOT to be used for

  • May not be used for salaries, honoraria, or compensation to the individuals working on the project.
  • May not be used as a donation.
  • May not be used for cash awards or purchasing gift cards, as an award or special prizes, etc.

Application Timeline

  1. Applications must be submitted by September 28th, 2016, November 11, 2016, and January 13, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
  2. Grant committee will review applications.
  3. Grant recipients will be notified by October 7th, 2016, November 18th, 2016, and January 20th, 2017.
  4. Funds will be available immediately upon notification.
  5. Please Note: Funds are provided through a direct invoice payment to a vendor utilized in the project or by reimbursement based on paid receipts.
  6. Final Reports must be submitted by May 2nd, 2017.
  7. A report template will be provided.

General Information

  • Submission of an application does not guarantee funding.
  • Grant recipients are expected to meet with the Program Coordinator and provide project updates once the funding has been awarded through the completion of the project as described in the grant application.
  • Funding is awarded based on the fiscal year. All spending and reports must be completed by May 2nd, 2017.

Grant Proposal

Each grant application must be accompanied by a completed grant proposal and utilize the following guidelines as a point of reference:

  1. Community need being addressed

Please describe what community need will be addressed with your proposed initiative. How does meeting this need align with your vision?

  1. Initiative Goals

Please describe the goals you hope to accomplish through this initiative. What impact do you hope this initiative will have on the campus, local, or global community?

  1. InitiativeDetails

Please give a detailed overview of your initiative. Please describe your plan of work and indicate the types of projects/programs, community work/service, etc. that will address your identified community need in a significant way.

  1. Timeline

What steps will you employ to accomplish the goals of your initiative? When do you see yourself accomplishing these goals?

  1. Proposed budget

What funding are you seeking from the LeaderShape Vision Grant for this initiative? Please be sure to list out the items that need to be purchased and estimated costs.

  1. Partners

Please elaborate on any additional partner agencies you will seek to work with (other organizations, Athens area agencies, national agencies, etc.) Please indicate whether these are established relationships or if you are hoping to build relationships with these groups or organizations.

  1. Contacts

Please list all contacts responsible for the implementation of this program (name, title, phone number, email, etc.).

Evaluation Rubric

Each completed grant application will undergo a review by a the Program Coordinator, LeaderShape Student Intern, the Graduate Advisor for the LeaderShape-In-Action Committee, and Director of the Center for Leadership and Service. The following five criteria will serve as the rubric for evaluation:

Vision Driven Need: The proposed initiative has a direct connection to the vision of the LeaderShape participant and works to address a specific community need in order to create positive change towards a just, caring, thriving world.

Organization: The proposed initiative reflects a considerable amount of intentionality, research, and planning.

Partnerships: The proposed initiative espouses collaboration. More consideration will be given to initiatives with partnerships across multiple organizationsand/or community agenciesto address a need.

Vision: The proposed initiative illustrates a clear vision with desired outcomes that link its mission, goals, and partnerships.

2016-2017 LeaderShape Vision Grant Application

Project or Initiative Title: ______

What is your Vision?


Contact Person(s): Please fill out the contact information below, as applicable. (Please list any additional contacts at the bottom of this page.)

Primary Contact’s Name / Title / Email / Phone Number
Secondary Contact’s Name / Title / Email / Phone Number
Agency/Org Contact’s Name / Title / Email / Phone Number
Agency/Org Contact’s Name / Title / Email / Phone Number

Total Amount Requested ______

*Please print and use this page as the cover sheet for your application.