Name: / Faculty/Service/SchoolDivision/Section:
Registration Number and Course: / Email Address & Tel No:
Your Travel Itinerary Details:

Please Note:You will not permitted to travel to any country or a specific area within a country against the advice of UCLan, FCO or Red24this includes ‘against all travel’ and ‘against all but essential travel’

Expected dates of overseas travel/return andexpected placement start / finish dates:
Country / specific city/town/area/s being visited:
Name & contact details of work or study provider, including contact details of a named person:
Outline the work / study and leisure activities you will be undertaking whilst overseas:
Details of your accommodation and address abroad:
My contact details whilst abroad e.g. mobile/email:
Please also ensure your emergency & next of kin details are up to date on Starfish. / UCLan Insurance:Insurer: Ace European Group Ltd / Axis Speciality Europe SE
Policy Number: 18 PAT-0000000458
Policy Period: 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019
Emergency Assistance Helpline (Aonprotect Assistance):
Telephone outside of the UK +44 (0) 20 7173 7797
Your placement/study tutors name, email and extension number: / Out of Hours Emergencies: Security (24-hour security lodge) holds a cascade list of senior staff within the University: (+44)01772 892068.Email:


Not all hazards or controls listed below will be relevant to your intended travel – You MUST delete those that are not applicable!
List significant hazards here: / List people at risk: / List existing controls, or refer to safety procedures etc. / For risks, which are not adequately controlled, list actions needed. / Remaining level of risk: high, med or low
Safety and Securityincluding transportation (by air, hired vehicle, public transport, taxi, etc.),excessive consumption of alcohol / use of drugs, etc.
Risk – lack of personal safety, attack, abuse, potentialbreakdown / accident, theft, etc.
Insert here specific safety and security warnings from FCO websiteRed24
Insert here the methods of transport you will be using whilst overseas. / Your name / You are not permitted to travel to any country or a specific area within a country against the advice of the FCOorRed24check advice before you depart.
Checkyour mobile phone will operate within the country being visited and ensure your School/Service has your latest contact details in case emergency communication is required.
Ensure you have the contact details for your nationality’s Embassy or Consulate in the country being visited.
If travelling in Europe register your UK mobile with 112 before you go to Europe, as it will default to 999. Text REGISTER (in capitals) to 112 and wait for the reply and then answer YES (again in capitals) to complete process.
If you are the victim of crime overseas please contact the local Police and notify the University as soon as possible;
Out of Hours: Security (24-hour security lodge) holds a cascade list of senior staff within the University: (+44)01772 892068.Email:
Set up a reporting plan with a designated time when you can contact your college//school/service, spouse partner, etc., to let them know you are safe. If you do not call them they can try contacting you to see if you are safe.
Personal attack alarms available from Security, you should remain vigilant in all public places and take sensible precautions for personal safety and avoid public gatherings and demonstrations, which have the potential to turn violent.
Consider carefully the location you are taking expensive equipment too and the chance of theft. Only take the cash you will need for the day and leave valuables in a hotel safe / safety deposit box.Use hotel or other recommended taxi companies. Always pre-book taxis. Seat belts must be worn at all times during vehicle journeys.
Requirements of any train / public transport safety information provided to be followed at all times.
AonProtect Personal Accident & Travel Assistance
Adherence to Student Alcohol & Drug Misuse Policy
Ensure the consumption of excessive alcohol or a drug does not endanger their own or others safety or personal security.
Accident Reporting Procedures;
Insert here specific safety and security protection advice from FCO websiteand Red24 / FCO: General travel abroad advice
FCO: Help for British nationals overseas
Tailored Travel Briefings available via AonProtect Personal Accident & Travel Assistance for travel to higher risk counties
FCO: Get help if you're a victim of crime abroad
Students are not insured to drive or ride motor vehicles or to undertake ‘action sports’ / high risk leisure activities whilst overseas, you must take out your own comprehensive insurance to cover such activities.
Privately hired & insured vehicles - assess vehicle suitability for basic safety features e.g. working brakes – many hire vehicles do not meet the standards of the UK.
‘AonProtect Sanctioned High Risk Country Questionnaire’ must be completed for travel to: Afghanistan, Columbia, Iraq, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Venezuela, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea, Libya and Myanmur Burma).
Insert here contact details of your nationality’s Embassy in the country you are visiting / Insert what you think is the level of risk for each hazard identified. after controls / actions have been implemented
Risk – involved in terrorist attack
Insert here specific terrorism warnings from FCO websiteRed24
There is considered to be a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals, from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time. / Your name / Any terrorism safety measures outlined by FCO / Red24to be followed at all times.
Avoid wearing any clothing which could be mistaken for or form part of a military uniform at all times e.g. camouflage jackets, trousers, etc.
Include here relevant terrorism protection advice from FCO / Red24 / FCO: Reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad
Local laws and customs
Insert here specific local laws and customswarnings from FCO websiteRed24 / Your name / Include here relevantlocal laws and customs protection advice from FCO / Red24
You should respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times and ensure your actions and comments do not offend nor bring yourself, others or the University into disrepute.
Entry requirements
Insert here specific entry requirements warnings from FCO websiteRed24 / Your name / Ensure you do not break any visa conditions or overstay approved visa duration.
Include here any relevantlocal laws and customs protection advice from FCO / Red24 / Assistance from relevant Consulate.
FCO Passport advice
FCO - Hand luggage restrictions at UK airports
Personal ‘fitness’ to travel – disabilities, pre-existing medical conditions, country specific diseases, illnesses, etc.(e.g. Malaria, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Diphtheria, Yellow Fever, contaminated water/food, other physical or mental health problem.).
Risk - Ill-health, long haul flight - DVT / Dehydration.
Insert here specific health warnings from FCO website/ Red24/ NHS Fitfortravel
To ensure your safety and welfare when overseas if you have not already done so please declare any relevant disabilities, pre-existing medical,mental health conditions or learning support requirements to Student Serviceswell in advance of travel. / Your name / In completing this risk assessment, I confirm that I have considered carefully any issues, which may increase risk to my Period Abroad such as current and ongoing health issues. If you feel you need additional advice in relation to this, you can take advantage of the Student Wellbeing drop-in sessions or contact Student Services directly.
You are advised to see your doctor and seek medical advice on your fitness to travel and vaccinations required for travel. You are not permitted to travel on University business against the advice of your GP.
Where necessaryensure you have any necessary vaccinations, have purchased anti-malarial drugs prior to travel where applicable and have sufficient supplies of any prescribed medication for the duration of their travel.
You are advised to have a dental check-up before travel;
If an EU national and you are going to an EU countryyou must obtain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before leaving the UK and ensure theUniversity medical and emergency insurance policy details are up to date and easily accessible.
Placement/study tutors to consult Starfish and ensure reasonable adjustments are in place for all students. If new disclosures are provided or concerns are raised about a particular individual, advice can be sought from Student Services by emailing
NHS - Deep vein thrombosis andyou are advised to follow all DVT / dehydration precautions advised by aircraft cabin crew.
Only drink water from bottled sources and avoid food prepared by unlicensed vendors at all times. Carry Imodium or similar medication and rehydration sachets.
Manual handling Information provision, maintain good posture when lifting or lowering equipment, avoid twisting or bending to reduce the chance of back injury

Procedure for Risk Assessments for Activities Involving Disabled Staff and Students

NHS: Mosquito bite avoidance for travellers
If a student’s health deteriorates whilst abroad, it might be appropriate to arrange for their return home. Trip organiser to consult with Student Services to discuss options on (+44)01772 89 3020.
A student who encounters a physical or mental wellbeing issue whilst abroad, can initially be supported by Student Services by telephone/Skype. Course Leader to contact (+44) 01772 893020 to discuss the circumstances of the case.
If necessary, the Fitness to Study process can still be implemented when a student is abroad.
Insert here health protection advice from FCO/Red24/NHS Fitfortravel / Consult AonProtect Personal Accident & Travel Assistance
Consult FCO: Disabled Travellers
FCO - Foreign travel advice for people with mental health needs
FCO - Transport if you're disabled
Check availability of prescribed medication.
FCO: Travelling with controlled drugs
NHS - How to beat jet lag
Adequate preventative measures should be taken prior to departure to minimise the risk of Malaria and mosquito bites in general.
Use an insect repellent with 30%-50% DEET, remain indoors in a screened or air-conditioned area during the peak biting period for malaria (dusk and dawn).
Sleep in beds covered by nets treated with permethrin, if not sleeping in an air-conditioned or well-screened room.
Spray rooms with products effective against flying insects, such as those containing pyrethroid.
Natural disastersincluding Weather
Risk possible extremes of hot, cold or wet.
Risk - Hot – heatstroke, heat exhaustion, sunburn, dehydration,
Risk - Cold – hypothermia.
Insert here specific natural disaster / weather warnings from FCO websiteRed24 / Your name / Research expected weather conditions prior to travel
For hot climates:Exposure to extreme midday heat will be minimised. Drink lots of water at regular intervals throughout the day (3 litres per day) and take re-hydration sachets to replace lost salts as required. High alcohol consumption to be avoided. Pack a variety of clothing in case of sudden weather changes, wear a hat with a brim wide enough to shade your face, wear loose-fitting clothes made of breathable fabrics such as linen or cotton. Protect yourself from sun and insects. Wear long-sleeved shirt and long skirt or trousers. Light colours are reflective and therefore cooler than dark colours.
For very cold climates:Always wear warm, windproof and waterproof clothing, protecting extremities (such as fingers, toes, nose, and ear lobes). Dress in loose-fitting multiple layers to trap air and create an insulating effect, wear warm socks and robust, waterproof shoes/boots. Always take a change of dry clothing. Avoid prolonged exposure and shelter from high winds. Avoid drinking alcohol when it is very cold.
Insert here natural disaster / weatherprotection advice from FCO website/ Red24

Money & Document Control

Risk - loss of passports, visas, insurance details, insufficient funds, etc.

Insert here specific money & document control warnings fromFCO websiteRed24

/ Your name / Take photocopies of all important travel documents - keep them separate from originals. There is a requirement in many countries to carry your passport or a copy with you at all times for identification purposes.
Note your cash/credit card numbers and ensure you have emergency numbers for contacting bank and/or credit card companies in case of card loss. Inform your bank you are travelling overseas so they can clear bankcards to work in your destination.
Never put in bank or personal details into a shared PC or lap top;
UCLan accident emergency insurance and procedure.
Placement/study organiser to ensure that students have properly considered the full costs of the trip and have confirmed that they have sufficient funds in place;
Students who are in receipt of benefits or additional support/income should seek advice from the SU before they travel, as these may be terminated/amended if abroad;
If you encounter financial difficulties whilst abroad, contact the Student Financial Support Team – on 01772 892583 or email refer to the website at
Students should check their student profile to ensure they are registered for the appropriate modules/placement, to ensure their fees are correct.
Insert here specific money & document controlprotection advice from FCO website/ Red24 / Assistance from relevant Consulate.
FCO Passport advice
For longer placements/study abroad periods, Student Services can run the ‘Managing your money’ session with students.
Risk of discrimination, verbal or physical assault, arrest or detention due to age, sexual orientation, disability whether physical or mental, gender, gender identity, religious beliefs, nationality, caste, race or ethnicity. / Your name / See also Safety and Security controls;
Ensure you thoroughly research the country you are travelling to especially the FCO - Local laws and customs and Red24Security Issues and Cultural Factors sections for warnings of potential discrimination threats or local laws.
Consult the ILGA’s global sexual orientation laws page to assess whether criminalisation, protection and recognition laws are enacted;
Contact your placement/study coordinator for advice if you believe you are the subject of any form of discrimination;
If you are the victim of a hate crime overseas please contact the local Police and notify the University as soon as possible. / Gov.UK: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender foreign travel advice
Contact your Embassy if you incur problems overseas, especially if you feel that you can’t approach the local police.
Consult FCO: Disabled Travellers
FCO - Foreign travel advice for people with mental health needs
FCO - Transport if you're disabled

Issues specific to your work/study placement and leisure activities

Residential accommodation
Fire, personal security / Your name / Ensure adequate local security arrangements are in place, research location of accommodation and any relevant safety concerns there may be;
You should read the evacuation procedures in your accommodation and ensure you are familiar with the appropriate escape route from your room and how to raise the alarm should you see smoke or fire;
Remember to lock your door at night and when you go out during the day, as you would at home;
Obtain suitable electrical adapter for the local voltage/plug type.
Include here any relevant accommodation specific safety advice given by theFCO / Red24not included above.
General safety issues at your work / study placement provider
Fire, personal security / Your name / UCLan H&S Procedure for Management of Student Placementsas applicable
Compliance with the Regulations for the conduct of Students;
If you have any H&S concerns whilst on placement including any substantial change to your placement activity speak to your provider and your placement tutor immediately;
You must follow the premises/site/activity safety procedures/ instructions at all times and use any safety equipment provided as directed;
Familiarise yourself with the location of fire escape routes/exists;
Students given access to Health & Safety Information for Students on Overseas Work & Study Placement;
University & businessesaccident reporting procedures. / Students covered by University Public Liability Insurance on a contingency basis;
Signed copy of LoE must be received before work placements commence.
Students on work placement should be given full H&S induction by provider.
You are not permitted to change your work/study placement provider without the advance permission of the University.
Additional Issues You must now identify any additional significant hazards related to your placement or any intended leisure activities which are not covered above. / Your name / Now identify whether there are any existing control measures already in place to ensure the hazards you have identified do not harm anyone / You must now identify any additional control measures required to ensure the hazards you have identified do not harm anyone / Finally decided what level of risk these hazards now pose

I agree to take note of the risks identified above and abide by the control measures outlined, I will review my risk assessment prior to travel to ensure risks/controls remain accurate and appropriate. I will notify the University of any significant changes to my stated travel or placement activities and agree not to travel until my risk assessment has been signed off.