TLAC Minutes
10:00 - 11:30 am, LRC 106
Amy Barnsley - chair (present)
Abby Cameron-Standerford - secretary (present)
Tawni Ferrarini (present)
David Helton (present)
LaMart Hightower
Katherine (Katie) Menard (present)
Josh Sharp (present)
Kathryn Johnson (present)
Margo Vroman (present)
Tom Gillespie – CTL (present)
Gary Stark- CTL Teaching Scholar (present)
1. For future meetings: Zoom (Gillespie and Barnsley)
2. Senate Chair Meeting Update (Cameron-Standerford)
- Discussion of how TLAC works with other committees/CTL/Teaching Scholar etc. (Menard, Stark, and Smock)
- With a goal of a creating a clarifying paragraph differentiating the overlap and unique roles of each
- Migration of TLAC materials from the Share Drive to the Google Drive
3. Approve Minutes from 4-2-17
4. Peer Observation Program
- Updated training once per year – a new to the Peer Observation Program training and also a Refresher
- May – Initial Peer Observation Program Course
- Fall – Refresher Course
- Subcommittee to organize this refresher course (Stark and Hightower)
- Schedule – October?
- With current list of peer observers, inquire:
- Who would like to continue with the Peer Observation Program and would like training?
- Who would like to continue with the Peer Observation Program and feel comfortable with current level of training?
- Who no longer want to participate in the Peer Observation Program
- Pairing observers with faculty (Helton and Hightower; Barnsley will send out email regarding the Peer Observation Program.)
- Approved advertisement; send (Barnsley)
5. Conference Grant
- Provost granted $7500 for the 2017-2018 academic year (3 funded in the fall; 2 funded in the winter)
- Select sub-committee (Johnson, Menard, Sharp)
- For those not selected, please include a brief statement of feedback
- Due November 1; subcommittee to share rankings at the TLAC meeting on 11/8/17
6. Teaching Engagements
- Discussion with CTL Teaching Scholar (Stark); what role does he feel TLAC should play?
- Previously we considered reaching out to prior conference recipients
7. Future Goals for TLAC
- Observation of online teaching
- Continue to invite the online scholars
- Update and recommend revisions to the drop policy language for online administrative withdrawls. Contact Kim Rotundo for clarification on how and whom we should send suggestions for revisions. (Menard)
- Contingent Teaching Award – Committee C approval then TLAC suggestions prior to submission to Senate Exec
- Teaching engagement offered through the history department may offer opportunities for partnerships with the CTL
Upcoming meetings: 10/4, 11/8 (grants due 11/1), 11/29 10:00- 11:30 am, LRC 106
Rem: Post agenda & minutes to website