How to Make Quiz Corrections

How to Make Quiz Corrections

How to Make Quiz Corrections

  1. On the left hand side of the paper put the question number and write/do the correct work.(should only take up a third of the side)
  2. On the right hand side of the paper (the rest of the 2/3 of paper right next to your work) write your paragraph explanation where you answer the following questions in a single paragraph.
  3. What exactly did you do incorrectly?
  4. Why is it wrong?
  5. Why does what you did not make sense?
  6. How do you work it out correctly?
  7. Look up definition needed to understand problem in notes and write what it means for you to do in this problem in your own words.
  8. Pretend that you are explaining how to do the problem to your sibling or parent and they don’t understand. Each step that you say to do, write it down like you said it, and then add an explanation of why you have to do it first/second/next or why you do it that way or why it makes sense to do it.
  9. If you can’t explain a step, leave space and ask a friend, parent, or teacher to explain why we do that.
  10. Even if you made the same mistake on another problem, you must repeat and write out a new paragraph for that problem
  11. Leave 3 lines of space in between paragraphs, so that if you need to add anything (which you probably will) there is room for it.
  12. Turn in and Get your explanations checked by Mrs. Theodoropoulos
  13. Come back another day to take retake questions for credit back.

1. Reread definitions and explanations from notes, if your notes are incomplete, look online at my notes and complete them on the paper in your binder.

2. Correct or redo any homework problems you got wrong on all the sections being covered on the test or quiz.

3. Look at homework log and see which lessons you struggled with and redo those homework problems and Daily Do problems until you feel confident about the content. Try timing yourself, give yourself 1 minute per problem.

a. As you go through the questions think about which problems I would put on the test or quiz and try to explain how to do them to your parent, friend, dog, sibling, or just out loud to yourself.

i. If you can’t explain something then write what you can’t explain and ask the teacher when you get to school either before school on test day, or during advisory the day before.

ii. If you need a lot of help or a teacher is not available in time, ask your parents, look at the notes posted online, read from the text book, YouTube the concept/topic you need to work on, search the topic in Khan Academy and look for video explanations.

4. After you have redone homework problems from sections you struggled on, go and work through a few problems from each other section and understand the directions that go with them. This way when I ask you to do something in the directions, you know what is being asked and what to write.