NVQ Care Network Wales

Minute’s Executive meeting December 1st 2006


Anita Curley Chair, Secretary Jo Finch, Alan Bowden, Marilyn Dowsell, Angela Braman Lewis, Gloria Jarman , Cheryl Stevens

Guest Jackie Drysdale Care Council of Wales

Apologies Sue Gwyn, Ian Thomas, Jan Wood, Cath Camody

Anita welcomed everybody

Minutes of last meeting 12? 09/06 were read and agreed

Outstanding items from the last meeting were discussed. Jo discussed that Iain McClean had not replied re material to be included on website. Jo to chase again

Anita and Angela agreed minutes and these were passed as correct

  1. Anita introduced Jackie and apologised for lack of membership feedback to the information distributed earlier by Diane.

Jackie discussed the paperwork that had been sent out for consultation explaining that there were three key areas.

The first was Contracting and Commissioning N.O.S. this was for both small providers up to large commissioners such as local authorities, she also explained this is a new area of the sector that has previously not been formalised.

Skill for Health will be monitoring this and will decide if they want to be full partners or not or just observers.

The next one was the Registered manager’s review, new standards will be more like the current Health and Social care awards, and will possibly have the title of management and leadership.

Sensory impairment being the third group which is a major piece of work

Functional maps have been a large piece of work in England and with the three running concurrently the Care Council needs to get SMART in consulting with people.

There is also an incremental review of the H&SC awards but major changes are not envisaged other than spelling and grammar.

Towards the end of 2007 we will see a review of the Social work NOS this will have an impact on the degree programme.

Working with colleagues at the present moment means Skills for Justice Qualification Inspectors in Public Services this will be available for those who carry out an inspection role in the public sector.

Activity in Health the development of 72 suites in the Development/Review qualification

Three pieces of work in Drug and Alcohol, ferensic Mental Health, Psychological therapies.

Jackie asked if it would be possible for her and the three people working on the NOS standards to have a slot at the next workshop in February, she agreed to make a donation towards the cost from the Care Council this was agreed by the committee.

The three workshops information would be sent out with the information flyer to ask for nominations as to which members would be interested in attending. A brief synopsis would be made at the end and also the information would be posted on the news letter and website. Diane to send out flyer for 7th

  1. The second item on the agenda was then discussed and that was the content of the workshops, information had been gathered from different sources on what we might be able to offer as a programme for 07.

It was decided that Diversity would be the morning workshops on the 7th and discussion groups around the NOS Developments in H&S Care in the afternoon.

Jo to book the Diversity workshop, and Jackie to arrange for the three representatives from the Care Council to attend re NOS.

April 27th AGM. Care Council and DELLS representative in the morning after the AGM, Ruth Geuter to do a registration workshop in the afternoon. Awarding bodies to do an update and possibly arrange for stands.

Anita to contact SCIE for leaflets and information as last year.

Jo to contact Ruth Geuter

June 13thCoaching and Mentoring Skills, update by Jackie in the afternoon

Jo to book workshop with Angela

October 9thIain McLean am slot, Mrs Kate Crabtree ACAC/DELLS

February 13th 08 Incremental reviews

April 9th 08 AGM

  1. Update from Jackie

Sector skills agreement role as a sector two parts have been completed, researched into employer demand recruitment training and qualifications.

Audit learning supply what is out there where and what are the gaps.

Both coming out in March 08

Gap analysis what do we need to change this involves lots of work with other sectors to be out in March –July.

Coming up with innovative ideas, further work around CPD this includes a credit qualification rating, in Scotland they are credit rating individual units.

Reviewed qualification framework is available on the website

Sector qualification and learning strategy will make NVQ’s easier to access funding eventually.

Induction framework review has finished remains pretty much the same with a little more around risk assessment for H&S. Eight additional activities which include enhanced record keeping, administration of medication.

It is hoped this will be out for the new financial year but it is very similar to the English standards. It is not as standards at the moment but could change with registration.

Being developed at the moment is an interactive CD rom called Navigator which includes the 227 units of the H&SC NVQ, this leads to a job description once opened up you can click on service user group, which will identify the units that you should be choosing in that job area. It will help with CPD but will also enable employers to ensure they have the appropriately trained staff. This will be ready in March

Next meet January 10th at The Angel to finalise the years programme, E mails to be sent nearer the date to find out how many committee members are able to attend.