I was very pleased with what I have learned from the chat sessions. I learned many very important things about the needs of Subject Matter Experts. I have posted the notes and chat transcript to the website. You can view the information by going to: http://www.upenn.edu/researchservices/SME/

Below are points to ponder that I pulled from the chat sessions with SME’s. I will present each of these points at the meeting tomorrow and ask the group if they have any ideas that would help

Training Value and Challenges

·  Online training is valuable because it can reach large audiences

·  Online learning allows users to learn at their own pace

·  Helpful to have a LMS to track training results and records

·  Training resources need to be better marketed so that SME’s know what is available to them

·  Boomers developing training but also think they may need training if they continue to work

·  How to measure Return on Investment “ROI”

·  Value of training and results

·  Mandatory training for faculty and staff but not for SME’s

Discussion Point/ Where to Start:

Measuring ROI, marketing training resources, mandatory training

Educational Resources Needed

·  Website with Information about developing training. SME can access when they have a “Need to Know”

·  Guidance about where to start (One on One instructional helpful at the beginning)

·  Templates

·  Examples of successful training modules (see what others are doing successfully so that they know what they are working towards)

·  Tips and Tricks – List of questions to consider before developing training

·  Techniques on how to reach a large audience

·  Use visual aides to convey technical knowledge

·  Training modules for SME should only be 10-15 minutes definitely no longer than 30 minutes.

·  The Basics of Adult Learning Principles

·  Price list / guidelines – Helps SME’s and upper administration

Discussion Point / Where to Start:

Website resources, resources available, resources that need to be developed

SME Constraints

·  Time! Time! And Time!

·  Support for training from higher administration – Organization needs to be committed to training. Can the SME and ID work together to get buy at the organization?

·  Training is not always a priority

·  Need to understand what is driving the need for training

o  New Regulations – Small time frame to get people trained

o  Implementation of new system – Some time to plan and get people trained

·  Embed training responsibilities into job description

·  My priority is “My Real Job”

·  Many SME’s are comfortable developing content but are unfamiliar with how to convert the material into a online training module

·  Getting Financial Resources can be challenging

Discussion Point / Where to Start:

SME Time constraints, making training a priority, getting financial resources

SME Needs

·  “Training” mentors

·  SME listserv

·  Student worker to help with technical and formatting issues

·  Online social network

·  Guidance via website and demo’s

Discussion Point / Where to Start:

What resources can be established for SME’S?