Strategic and Operational Planning Committee
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Start Time - 12:00 PM; Anticipated End Time – 1:00 PM
110 Watervliet Avenue
Committee ItemResponsibility
Call to OrderGeorgie Nugent
Ascertain QuorumGeorgie Nugent
Agenda ApprovalGeorgie Nugent
Approve Minutes of March 22, 2018Georgie Nugent
Consent Agenda Items
- None
Administrative Discussion Items
- FY2019 Marketing PlanJon Scherzer
Governance/Policy Issue Discussion Items
Executive Session
Next Meeting Date: May 24, 2018
Capital District Transportation Authority
Strategic and Operational Planning Committee
Meeting Minutes – March 22, 2018 at Noon at the 110 Watervliet Avenue Office
In Attendance: Georgie Nugent (Acting Chair), Mark Schaeffer, Corey Bixby, Carm Basile, (CEO),
Mike Collins (CSL), Amanda Avery, Jaime Watson, Sarah Matrose, Lance Zarcone, Mark Wos,
Phil Parella, Fred Gilliam, Ross Farrell, Thomas Guggisberg, Jonathan Scherzer
Meeting Purpose
This was the regular monthly meeting of the Planning Committee.
Consent Agenda Items
Approve FY2019 Operating and Capital Plans - Mike Collins
Mike Collins presented the FY2019 operating and capital plans. The proposed operating plan is balanced at $86.1 million, with a spending increase of only 1.9%.
Major revenue projections include:
-increasing Mortgage Recording Tax to $11.2 million based on a strong economy
-a $1.5 million increase in our federal maintenance line to align with the multiyear New York State capital plan
-a conservative increase of 2% in State Operating Assistance
Major expense projections include
-a wage increase of 1%
-a 6% increase in health care premiums
-a 10% increase in Workers’ Compensation due to Special Loss of Use Awards
-a 22% increase in professional and maintenance services as we continue to invest in technology
-a 15% decrease in fuel expenses as our price per gallon is reduced by .65 cents per gallon
The FY2019 capital plan totals $21.6 million. About 50% of it is dedicated to bus purchases. Other projects include funding to complete the radio project, bike share expansion and facility improvements.
The five-year capital plan includes our two BRT projects, along with future bus purchases and other large projects. The $202 million plan is not fully funded but provides a strategic direction.
The Committee recommends approving the FY2019 operating budget and five-year capital plan
Administrative Discussion Items
Season Two Cycle! Update - Jon Scherzer
Jon Scherzer provided an update on Season 2 of CDPHP Cycle! A soft launch is expected in late April.
We will double the number of bikes to 350 and increase the number of stations to 80.
Customers will have several pricing options to choose from including an early bird, seasonal membership, monthly membership, or pay as you go.
Specially branded bikes will be added this year and used in promotion and partnership development. We are working with CDPHP on a marketing campaign.
Adjournment and Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Committee will be held at noon on April 19, 2018 at 110 Watervliet Avenue.
Respectfully submitted by Michael P. Collins:
April 12, 2018
To:Chairwoman, Planning and Stakeholder Relations Committee
From:Jonathan Scherzer, Director of Marketing
Subject:FY2019 Marketing Plan Overview
Our marketing plan will focus on how CDTA doesn’t just move people; it connects them. The plan will focus on our regional nature, so everyone understands that we are all in this together. We will create new brand, campaign- and service-specific creative assets with an eye towards repurposing, ensuring content can be used in multiple formats, and speak to varying audiences. These assets will be complemented by new traditional marketing materials including billboards, bus shelter materials, email and other templates along with educational pieces
Below are the key themes and concepts that will drive our marketing activities:
#Think Transit
We will showcase the invisible benefits of CDTA’s innovative product line and how our servicesenhance personal opportunities,provide sustainable travel choices,connect people to economic opportunity, while driving community growth and revitalization. This will team well with our #CDTAProud angle, establishing pride around our award-winning transit system and what it does for the Capital Region.
Technology & Innovation
We will continue to tell the story of CDTA innovation and the way it impacts customers and businesses, keeping our region ahead of the curve. Whether Navigator’s smartcard, or the new Compass communications platform, we will show the many ways CDTA invests in providing customers with a better experience and, in turn, drive the region (and industry) forward.
We will add humanness to position CDTA’s line of services around ways to explore what the region offers. CDTA services create entertainment districts by encouraging businesses to sprout up around transit lines, connecting people to arts and culture to name a few of the possibilities. We will make transit something they look forward to, not just acknowledge the importance of.
Advertising Focus Points
We will conduct service and audience-based campaigns, ensuring our message is heard by the right audience, at the right time. We will incentivize Navigator customers, and promote downtowner trolley services for date nights, shopping, and tourism. We will use social media to better connect with Universal Access partners because this is where most spend their time. BusPlus is ready for another closeup that will highlight its success, making the case for appropriate funding support. We will feature the potential for expansion, and use the service to grow our young professional base. YPs who work in crowded downtowns where parking and traffic can be arduous, will see BusPlus as the way to get to and from work with very little hassle. Benefits like mental health and a cost-savings make a powerful case.
Drilling Down into Data
We will focus on segmenting our customer data for better retention and insight. We will accomplish this bysegmenting our audiences, developing personas for more robust connections and automating where applicable. This will allow us to develop and nurture campaigns that communicate more effectively with audience segments. This will insure our email deliverability for campaigns, announcements and special events provides a more personalized experience.
Projected 2018-19 Campaign Timelines
Across All Seasons
CDTA Brand Awareness – We will promote general awareness of CDTA, its services, and its community footprint through social media, refreshed collateral, and other pieces as determined.
Explore! – Social messaging campaign around the joy of transit and CDTA’s ability to bring you to the things that make up your life. Short-form videos and visuals tell this story.
Quarter 1 (April - June)
Navigator- Support for the full roll-out, addressing customer needs and educational content.
CDPHP Cycle!– Soft launch of CDPHP Cycle! season two in mid-April; heavy promotion during May’s Bike Month, with bike-specific digital advertising, social campaigns, and outreach.
State of CDTA – Formalization of updated media elements, including video to showcase CDTA partners talking about real world innovations.
Quarter 2 (July - September)
CDPHP Cycle! – Heavy promotion focusing on expansion, community adoption, the new CDTA and CDPHP-branded bicycles. Digital focus with email marketing push.
Trolley – Specific digital ads and messaging for our lifestyle services. Great opportunity for “Spring into Summer” campaign.
Connecting Communities - Debut new CDTA brand assets accompanied by full mass market campaign and debut of new marketing collateral.
Quarter 3 (October - December)
CDPHP Cycle! – End of season highlighted by memberships, rides, and regional benefits (health and environmental and promotion for Season Three.
Connecting Communities – Continuation of campaign/promotion.
Thank You/Awareness – Seasonal campaign to say thank you to the community that has supported us all year long. The return of the APTA Thank You video.
Quarter 4 (January - March)