American Society for Quality - Michiana Section

May, 2008

Mark your calendar for Friday, May 16th. Please join us for our final meeting of the year on FRIDAY, May 16, at 5:45 PM. It is an Amish dinner at the home of Joe and Betty Wingard, 9840 W. 250 N. near Shipshewana (4.7 miles east of Middlebury on 250N). A reservation and map link can be found at our Section web site. This will be a social night, couples are welcome, so feel free to bring your spouse or a guest. Seating is limited so you must RSVP by May 13th at in order to reserve a place for the dinner. The cost is $13/person. If you would like a buggy ride, plan to arrive at 5PM and include your intentions in the RSVP. Please bring your questions concerning the Amish way of life. For example, how are quality principles applied in the Amish woodworking businesses? This meeting will qualify for 0.3 RUs.
The Noon Roundtable is hosting a Mini- Seminar on Thursday, May 22nd. The Mini-Four-Hour Seminar topic is: "Using the ISO 9001 System to Support Lean and Six Sigma."
When: May 22th 11:30 to 3:30 (Thursday)
Where: Ryan's Buffet on Cleveland (Rt.6) in Elkhart
Cost: $30 if pre-registered by May 18th or $35 at the door (includes a not so lean all-can-eat-buffet, beverage, gratuity) and 0.4 RU's.
Leader: Bob Kukla (The CI Group, Inc., Edwardsburg, MI).
Bob will provide examples and practical ideas from his experiences with companies that have tried to incorporate lean and six sigma concepts, but have had conflicts with their registered system. Hand-outs for the presentation will be available for pre-registered attendees.
Bob is a QSA/RAB Certified Systems Lead Auditor and ASQ Certified Six Sigma Black Belt and leads the Noon Roundtables about lean and six sigma concepts.
Register: Bob Kukla 269-699-5679 or
Are you considering CQIA certification? Gary Reese will be leading a CQIA study group in May. If you are interested in CQIA training, contact Gary Reese at ''. The date and location will be determined based on demand.
Are you considering CQE certification? Dave Rohrer will be organizing a fall study group in preparation for the December exam. If you are interested, please contact Dave at 'drohrer@koontz-'. The date and location will be determined based on demand.
On the topic of certifications, Congratulations! to James Holse of Elkhart (CSSBB), Keith Lowe of Goshen (CMQOE), Vandana Nigam of Osceola (CMQOE) and Bruce Sarber of Goshen (CQT) on their attainment of ASQ Certifications this spring.
Join in the fun, invest in your future, consider pursuing an ASQ certification this year.


Mary Dominick, Chair