Dr. Conrad NalewayChemistry 111Winter, 2005
Winter quarter, 2005Office : ; Mailbox in IC 3028
TR8:00-9:50 p.m., IC (Subject: Chemistry 111)
Lab; M or W12:00-2:50 p.m., IC 2R
Chemistry 111 is the first quarter of a one-year course in chemistry for health science majors and those seeking credit hours in a natural science. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of general inorganic chemistry including atomic structure, stoichiometry, gas laws, solutions, equilibria, redox and acid-base concepts. The course consists of both classroom and laboratory work. Both components are essential to a successful completion of the course; regular attendance is required. This course is not intended for scienceand engineering majors. Prerequisites: one year of high school algebra; high school chemistry or Chemistry 085.
TextsDenniston, Topping& Caret, General, Organic, & Biochemistry, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Denniston & Topping, Student Study Guide / Solutions Manual to above (optional).
Seager & Slabaugh, Safety-Scale Laboratory Experiments for General, Organic, & Biochemistry for Today, 4th ed., Brooks / Cole, 2000.
SuppliesNon-programmable calculator (required, bring to class)
Lab coat and safety glasses / goggles with side shields.
QuizzesSeven 10-15 minute quizzes and 3 one hour exams which will collectively represent75% of overall grade. There will be three methods of determining lecture grade of which the highest score will be used:
a)3 exams equally weighed (33% each)
b)2 highest exams(50%) and 5 highest quizes(50%)
c)2 highest exams(25%) and 5 highest quizes(75%)
Quizzes cover lecture, lab, and homework material; may contain material from chapters previously covered; material is cumulative.
If you know you cannot make a particular quiz date, and you regularly attend and are prepared for class, you may request to take the exam early; requests must be made one week in advance to guarantee this option.
LabsTen labs; lowest grade dropped and remaining labs averaged for 25% of overall grade.
All labs done in IC-2R under instructor's supervision. Safety glasses and lab coats to be worn at all times. Students who wear regular eyeglasses should purchase side shields or wear safety glasses over them. No shorts or open shoes in lab; see laboratory safety guidelines for further instructions.
Students must come prepared and on time to lab. Students who arrive late, or who do not have proper safety glasses, or who do not prepare the correct pre-lab assignment will not be allowed to participate in lab and will receive a zero grade for that lab.
Each student must view the laboratory safety film during the first week of the quarter in order to participate in any lab. If you are not present during your first lab period, you must contact the instructor ASAP to make other arrangements.
Any pregnant student should consult with her physician before taking a chemistry class involving laboratory work.
A minimum of eight completed labs required to pass the class; no makeup labs.
Lab ReportsStudent must read lab manual and prepare Pre-Lab Review before lab period; it is the student’s responsibility to read the syllabus and prepare for the correct lab(s).
Data & Report Sheet and assigned Questions must be neatly completed during the lab period; all labs will be turned in by the end of the session. There may be some discussion at the end of a lab, so students should always plan on participating in the entire three-hour session.
Repeat LabsFor those students who are repeating Chemistry 111 and have completed the entire set of labs, one of the following options must be chosen during the first week of class:
Option I: Establish you grade for Chemistry 111 based on quizzes and exams and laboratory work completed during the current quarter. All labs must be repeated.
Option II: On presentation of written proof from your previous instructor that you successfully completed the entire lab series, you may be excused from lab. However, your grade be based only on your quiz and exam grades.
WithdrawalIt is the student's responsibility to withdraw from the class if so desired. After Wednesday, February 16, the student must request written permission to withdraw from the instructor, in person, by the last class period, to receive a "W" grade.
Grading90 - 100% = A; 78 - 89% = B; 65 - 77% = C; 50 - 65% = D; 0 - 49% = F
Graded materials may only be returned to the student; no grades will be reported by phone. The student may provide the instructor with a self-addressed stamped envelope if he/she wishes the last week’s materials to be mailed.
The grading criteria are firm; grades are not negotiable.
AcademicCheating in any form will not be tolerated. Anyone caught cheating on an exam, quiz,
Honestylab report, or any other assignment will receive a zero on that assignment and may
receive an F in the course. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Quiz, Laboratory, and Tentative Lecture Schedule
Week / Tuesday / Thursday / Lab (Monday or Wednesday)1/4/ 05 / 1/6/ 05 / 1/3 or 1/5
1 / Ch 1.1,3-4 ChemistryMeasurement / Ch 1.5 Temperature, Density / Check-in, Safety Film
Lab 1 Measurement and Sig Figs
1/11/ 05 / 1/13/ 05 / 1/10 or 1/12
2 / Ch 1.2, 2.1,2 Properties of Matter / Quiz 1 / Lab 2(A,B,C) Chemical Balances
Ch 3.1 Intro. To Periodic Table / Ch 2.3-4Atomic Theory / Lab 3(A,B,E,F) Volume & Density
1/18/ 05 / 1/20/ 05 / 1/17 or 1/19
3 / Ch 3.2 Electronic Struct. of Atom / Quiz 2 / Lab 4 Physical & Chemical Changes
Ch 3.3 Ions, Periodic Trends / Ch 3. 4 Ions, Periodic Trends
1/25/ 05 / 1/27/ 05 / 1/24 or 1/26
4 / EXAM 1
Ch 4.1 Bonding & Nomenclature / Ch 4.2 Bonding & Nomenclature / Lab 5 Separation & Analysis
Ch 4.3,4 Covalent Bonding / Lab 4 Physical & Chemical Changes (Monday-Both)
2/1/ 05 / 2/3/ 05 / 1/31 or 2/2
5 / Ch 4.5,6 Geometry & Bonding / Quiz 3 / Lab: Geometric Structure (Models)
Ch 5.1-3 Mole Concept
2/8/ 05 / 2/10/ 05 / 2/7 or 2/9
6 / Ch 7.1,2 Chemical Equations / Quiz 4 / Lab 6 Classification of Reactions
Ch 5.4-6 Stoichiometry
2/15/05 / 2/17/ 05 / 2/14 or 2/16
7 / EXAM 2 / Lab 9 Solutions
Ch 6.1 Gases / Ch 6.2,3 Liquids
2/22/ 05 / 2/24/ 05 / 2/21 or 2/23
8 / Ch 6.3 Solids / Quiz 5 / Lab 10 Colligative Properties
Ch 7.3 Solution Properties / Ch 7.4-6 Conc. & Collig. Props.
3/1/ 05 / 3/3/ 05 / 2/38 or 3/2
9 / Ch 8.1,2 Thermodynamics / Lab 11Rates & Equilibrium
Ch 8.3 Kinetics
3/8/ 05 / 3/10/ 05 / 3/7 or 3/9
10 / Quiz 6 / Ch 9.1-3 Acids & Bases / Lab 12(A,B,C,D) Acids & Bases
Ch 8.4 Equilibrium / Ch 9.5 Oxidation-Reduction
3/15/ 05 / 3/17/ 05 / 3/14 or 3/16
11 / Quiz 7 / EXAM 3 / No Lab
Ch 9.4Buffers / Optional Review Session on 3/14
Last day for full refund / Z grade: Monday, January 10
Mid-quarter: Tuesday, February 8
Last Day for Auto Withdrawal: Wednesday, February 16
Severe Weather Closings:
In the event that it becomes necessary to close the campus or to cancel classes and other activities due to inclement weather, notices will be made several times an hour on WDCB-FM (90.9). Students can also check closing status at or call the main campus at 630/942-2800
If the college is open for business, all students are expected to participate in all activities as outlined in this syllabus. Should classes be canceled on a scheduled quiz day, the quiz will be given on the next class day that the campus is open. Should a lab period be cancelled, the students will perform either the missed lab or the regularly scheduled lab or a combination of the two labs during the next lab period at the instructor’s discretion. Students should be prepared for both labs.