Stranica 1od 8
Broj ovjere: 7
Datum: 20. 8. 2013.

According to the Law on tourist associations, until the end of the current year, Tourist association of the city of Umag, has brought The programme of work and financial plan for the year 2014. In order for those handed over manifestation programmes to be considered within the plan-making adopted by the Assembly, the Tourist association of the City of Umag announces


to submita REQUEST for the assignment of the support to manifestations in 2014

I. The subject of the Public invitation is the assignment of non-repayable funds of the Tourist association of the city of Umag (further in the text: TACU) for the manifestations aimed at the following:

- improvement/enrichment of the tourist product/offer of Umag destination

- creation of recognizable image of Umag tourism,

- development of the attractions enabling the prolongation of tourist season

II. Funds of the support will be appropriated for the organization and realization of the manifestations according to the item I, and that includes:

1. entertainment manifestations,

2. sportsmanifestations,

3. culturalmanifestations,

4. gourmet manifestations,

5. congresses,

6. othermanifestations

III. Funds of the support cannot be given and used for:

- costs of regular managing of the manifestation organizer (salaries and

otherincomes of the employees, transport and travelling costs, study tours,

loss coverage, taxesand contributions, interests on loans, customs and import

dutiesor any other benefits),

- the development of a study, proposal, project and other documentation,

- all othercosts that are not related to the realization of the nominating


Stranica 2od 8
Broj ovjere: 7
Datum: 20. 8. 2013.

IV.Legal and physical persons, companies, trades and crafts, cooperative societies, associations, institutions, other legal and physical persons can be nominated for the support funds (further in the text: Organizer).

V. Criteriafor the support approval to the TACU are:

  • Qualitative preparation and realization of the manifestation (clearly defined aim and outline/programme),
  • Importance of manifestation for the development and contribution to the enrichment of tourist offer and prolongation of the season in Umag destination
  • Estimate of the effects of manifestation on the increase of tourist business,
  • Experience and ability of the manifestation organizer for a quality realization,
  • Participation of the interested subjects of public and private sectors in the organization and realization of the manifestation,
  • Insured financing of the manifestation (own means of the organizer and interested subjects),
  • Relation between the required support and own means,
  • Tradition of holding up the manifestation /sustainability

VI.Necessary documentation for the manifestation nomination for the TACU support :

1. form of the REQUESTfor the assignment of the support to manifestations that is an integral part of the PUBLIC INVITATION (released on the Internet pages of the TACU

2. evidence on legal status of the manifestation organizer (copy of the

company registration, public institution, cooperative society, association,

trades and crafts),

VII.Themanifestation organizers submit the nomination with all the documentation according to the item VI, to the Tourist association of the city of Umag, no later than 25th September, 2013.

Nominations with incomplete documentation and incompletely filled in REQUEST for the assignment of the support to manifestations will not be considered.

VIII. Decisionon the assignment of the funds support is brought by the Tourist council of the TACU on the basis of the Commission proposition for the manifestation support. A list of manifestations with the approved support will be announced on the Internet pages of the TACU

IX. The TACU makes a contract with the organizer, to whom the support is approved by the Tourist Council, and the following is determined: the way of the use of support,

Stranica 3od 8
Broj ovjere: 7
Datum: 20. 8. 2013.

the way of surveillance of the manifestation realization, payment of the support, supervision of the purposeful use of the support and other issues related to the organization and realization of the manifestation and assignment of the support.

TACU has a right to supervise the realization of manifestation and control the purposeful spending of the means. If the TACU establishes irregularities in the use of support, it will order the organizer to return the refund of support where the irregularity was found.

X. The TACUwill remit the approved means of support to the organizer after the manifestation has been realized and after the acceptance of all the documentation defined by the contract (report on the realization of manifestation and spent means of the support according to the types, photo and/or other documentation by which the manifestation realization is proved, accounts of the performers/suppliers and evidence/documents by which the manifestation realization is proved).

XI. REQUEST for the assignment of the support to projects can be delivered in electronic form to the e-mail:r written to the address: Tourist association of the city of Umag, Trgovačka 6, 52470 Umag.

Public invitation has been opened since the day of the announcement on the Internet pages of the TACU on

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Broj ovjere: 7
Datum: 20. 8. 2013.
Registration number:

(filled by Tourist association of the city of Umag)


for the assignment of the suppport to the manifestation

Type of manifestation
(circle) / 1 ENTERTAINMENT
Basic data about the manifestation organizer
Name of the manifestation*
Manifestation organizer*
Address/headquarters of the manifestation organizer *
Telephone/fax of the manifestation organizer *
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Broj ovjere: 7
Datum: 20. 8. 2013.
E-mail and the Internet address of the manifestation organizer *
Personal identification number and registered number of the manifestation organizer *
Number of permanent employees at the manifestation organizer *
Responsible person for the realization of manifestation
(name, surnameand function)*
Contact person
(name, surname, function, telephone number)*
Business bank of the manifestation organizer *
Transfer account number of the manifestation organizer*
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Broj ovjere: 7
Datum: 20. 8. 2013.
Data about the manifestation
Short description of the manifestation* / Successive holding of the manifestation
(indicate the first year)
of the manifestation
Outline/description of
the manifestation (programme, number of participants in the performance etc.)
Time/phases of the realization ofmanifestation
Expected results of the manifestation (number of visitors, number of nights , catering and tradebusiness etc.)
Total amount of necessary funds for the realization of manifestation in kunas *
Required amount of support from the Tourist association of the city of Umag in kunas*
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Broj ovjere: 7
Datum: 20. 8. 2013.
Financial plan /plan of the manifestation costs*
Type and outline of the cost / Amount in kunas
Sources of financing the manifestation-amountin kunas*
1. Own means of the manifestation organizer *
2. Invested means of other subjects*
3. Invested means of Tourist Associations of Istrian County or Croatian Tourist Associations*
4. Invested means of other Tourist Associations (cite which ones and amounts)*
5.Invested means of economic and other subjects (cite the sources and amounts)*
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Broj ovjere: 7
Datum: 20. 8. 2013.
Funds of government support –amount in kunas *
Funds of government support given to the manifestation organizer by other providers (cite the sources and amounts)*
*obligatory fields
1) Along with the Requestit is necessary to attach all the documentation mentioned in the Public Invitation.
2) Nominations with the incomplete documentation and incompletely filled in REQUEST for the assignment of the support to manifestations will not be considered
Place and date / Seal and signature of the responsible organizing person
for the realizationof manifestation

Ja, Marina Jajić Novogradec, stalni sudski tumač za engleski i ruski jezik, imenovana rješenjem predsjednika Županijskog suda u Puli broj 4 Su-1065/09-6 potvrđujem da gornji prijevod potpuno odgovara izvorniku sastavljenom na hrvatskome jeziku.

U Karigadoru, 20. kolovoza, 2013.