AUEN:Supported Independence
Performance Expectation 4: Complete activities requiring transactions in the community.
Performance Expectation #4 is important because in the course of daily living, individuals routinely complete a variety of activities that requirecommunity transactions such as depositing and withdrawing money from the bank, shopping for groceries and other needed items, using the postal service, eating at a restaurant, or accessing public transportation. All transactions consist of specific procedures that allow the transaction to be completed efficiently, distinguish the transaction from similar transactions, and enable an individual to complete the same type of transaction in different settings. Examples of such procedures include waiting in line at a checkout counter, paying for a meal before eating at a fast-food restaurant and after eating at other restaurants, and making a doctor's appointment. Activities (not simulations) that require transactions within the school/work setting are considered community transactions.
Performance Requirements:
- initiate activities requiring transactions in the community.
- carryout the steps of activities requiring transactions.
- conduct themselves in ways that are safe and appropriate for activities requiring community transactions.
- communicate effectively.
Performance Contexts:
- Purchasing personal necessities.
buying groceries.
buying cleaning supplies.
buying clothing.
- Completing common service transactions.
checking out a library book.
mailing a letter.
- Eating out in the community.
eating at a fast food restaurant.
eating at a full service restaurant.
eating in a cafeteria.
- Using leisure and recreational facilities.
going to a movie theater.
going roller skating.
- Obtaining a scheduled service.
visiting a doctor or dentist.
getting a haircut.
visiting a social service agency.
- Using public transportation.
riding a bus.
riding a train.
riding a taxi.
Supported IndependenceCurriculum PE 4 Introduction
* Related goals may be found in other performance expectations within the curriculum, as shown in the columns to the right.
DOMAIN: COMMUNITYPerformance Expectation 4:Complete Activities RequiringTransactions In the Community. / PE 1 / PE 2 / PE 3 / PE 4 / PE 5 / PE 6 / PE 7 / PE 8 / 9
I.ImprovES COMMUNITY SKILLS / PC / Dom / Work / Com / Grp / PoH / UnT / FPD / Ac
A.Increases General Community Skills. / I B I D I I1 III A III B / II D / I A II B / I C2-3 II B6 IV C1 V B V E
- Locates designated areas/rooms within the school building.
- Locates designated areas/rooms within a community building.
- Identifies school personnel/community workers.
- Identifies role of school personnel/community workers
- Stays with group when traveling.
- Carries identification when in the community.
- Indicates what to do if lost.
- Demonstrates how to identify self, if lost
- Follows directions to get to desired locations.
- Walks on sidewalks vs. grass and yards.
- Walks over/around barriers (i.e. puddles, other pedestrians, snow).
- Respects personal space of others while walking in halls or on street.
- Opens and goes through doors appropriately.
- Closes doors appropriately.
- Holds doors for others.
- Identifies and uses entrances and exits of public buildings.
- Identifies/locates emergency exits for community buildings.
- Maneuvers curbs, ramps, stairs safely and efficiently.
- Demonstrates ability to get from one destination to another using a direct route.
- Demonstrates acceptable endurance and rate when walking.
- Demonstrates appropriate social behavior specific to community site.
- Demonstrates appropriate dress and hygiene for community activity.
- Identifies appropriate gender restroom.
- Uses public restrooms safely and appropriately.
- Demonstrates the ability to locate the appropriate stores for specific needs/purchases.
- Identifies/recognizes landmarks (roads, stores/businesses) on specific routes in the community.
- Locates/uses stairs in public buildings.
- Locates/uses elevators/escalators in public buildings appropriately.
- Demonstrates functional usage of signs in the community (i.e. open, closed, exit, enter, stop, restrooms, etc.).
- Demonstrates functional use of money for community transactions. (* specific money skills in Academics section).
- Demonstrates functional use of time during and planning for community experiences. (* specific time skills in Academics section).
PC / Dom / Work / Com / Grp / PoH / UnT / FPD / Ac
B.Increases Pedestrian Safety Skills. / III A / I A II E / I A / IIB6
- Walks safely beside the road.
- Walks safely alongside of adult while crossing intersection.
- Stops, looks and listens before crossing street.
- Identifies cross walk areas.
- Walks within boundary lines at intersections/crosswalks.
- Identifies signs at crossings/intersections. (stop, walk, don’t walk, etc.)
- Demonstrates functional use of walk/don’t walk sign when crossing marked intersections.
- Maneuvers parking lots/driveways safely and efficiently.
- Crosses unmarked intersections safely and efficiently (using judgment skills).
- Crosses intersection marked with stop signs safely and efficiently.
- Maneuvers intersections with double lanes, median strips safely and efficiently.
- Crosses intersections watching for any oncoming cars turning.
PC / Dom / Work / Com / Grp / PoH / UnT / FPD / Ac
C. Increases Transportation Safety Skills. / III B / I A II E / I A
- Demonstrates rider safety in vehicles to and from community destinations (uses seat belts, stays seated, uses conversational tone of voice, etc.).
- Identifies roads/sites in route.
- Enters and exits vehicle safely (waits for adult, waits for vehicle to be stopped, locks door, checks for other vehicles, keeps safe distance around vehicles and approaches safely).
- Safely maneuvers in parking lot, when entering or exiting a vehicle.
- Remembers/locates vehicle site.
PC / Dom / Work / Com / Grp / PoH / UnT / FPD / Ac
D.Increases Community Communication Skills. / I A I D / II A-E / II A-C / I A-B / II A V F V G
- Asks for assistance as needed.
- Identifies appropriate/inappropriate people to interact with in the community (i.e., community helpers - appropriate; strangers- inappropriate).
- Initiates interactions as appropriate for (desired service/activity, conversations, routine interactions/greetings).
- Responds appropriately to interactions for (requests for clarification of information, conversations, routine interactions/greetings).
- Resolves conflicts during interactions in the community.
- Maintains appropriate level of eye contact, volume and tone of voice while communicating.
Supported IndependenceCurriculum PE 4 Section I: Community Skills
II.Improves Community Transactions. / PC / Dom / Work / Com / Grp / PoH / UnT / FPD / AcA.Increases Common Service Transaction Skills.
AUEN: PE 4 – Completing common service transactions. Obtaining a scheduled service. / II A / I A I D / II E / I A-B / I A II A / I B6 I C1-3 II B6 II C2-3 V E-F
- Demonstrates knowledge of common community services (banking, post office, library, medical/dental, police, and other community helpers, hair cut, ordering takeout, etc.)
- Demonstrates safety procedures related to community transactions.
- Matches personal needs to common community services.
- Follows procedures for completing a common service transaction (i.e., banking: identifies service, prepares, enters, cashes check, makes deposit/withdrawal, uses teller service, exits, uses appropriate communication. Post office: prepares, enters, uses stamp machine, purchases stamps, mails packages, prepares letter, uses mail slots, uses mailbox, exits, uses appropriate communication.).
- Plans for chosen community service (carries ID, appropriate materials, communication devices, uses phone to obtain information/schedule, uses calendar/time/money concepts to schedule services, writes down appointments etc.)
- Initiates common community service transaction.
PC / Dom / Work / Com / Grp / PoH / UnT / FPD / Ac
B.Increases Shopping Skills.
AUEN: PE 4– Purchasing personal necessities. / I A I D / I A-B / I A II A / I B2 I B6 I C2-4 II B6 II C2-3 V E-F
- Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of shopping options (department store, grocery store, mall stores, vending machine, TV/computer, mail order, door-to-door, telemarketers, etc.)
- Demonstrates safety procedures for shopping (stranger safety, protecting money, shoplifting, getting lost, solicitation, etc.).
- Matches personal needs to appropriate shopping option. (e.g., shoes – shoe store; food – grocery store; CD – music store).
- Follows procedures for completing a shopping experience (i.e., prepares, enters store, uses cart, uses list, locates department, makes selection, uses fitting room, uses checkout, makes payment, exits, uses appropriate communication, etc.).
- Locates and plans for chosen shopping experience (ID, wallet, list, money coupons, picture cues, communication devices, etc.).
- Initiates shopping experience.
PC / Dom / Work / Com / Grp / PoH / UnT / FPD / Ac
C.Increases Skills for Eating Out in the Community.
AUEN: PE 4 –Eating out in the community. / I A-B II B / I A I D / II B / I A-B / I A II A / I B6 I C2-3 II B6 V E-F
- Identifies types of restaurants (fast food, sit-down, cafeteria, buffet, ethnic, etc.)
- Demonstrates knowledge of safety procedures at community restaurants.
- Chooses desired restaurant.
- Locates and plans for restaurant experience. (making healthy choices, money, menu, allergies, ordering, communication devices).
- Follows procedures for eating out (i.e., appropriate dress, prepares, enters, waits in line, orders, makes payment, carries tray, serves self, seating, table manners, clean up, tipping, exits, uses public restroom, uses appropriate communication, etc.).
PC / Dom / Work / Com / Grp / PoH / UnT / FPD / Ac
D.Increases Community Leisure/Recreation Skills.
AUEN: PE 4 – Using leisure and recreational facilities. / III C-E / I A I D / 1 A 1 B / I A-B / I A-B II A-B / I A-C II A / I B6 I C2-3 II B6 III B V E-F
- Identifies community leisure and recreational options (movie, video, arcade, community recreational facilities, aquatic centers, sporting events, cultural/artistic events, nature programs, etc.)
- Demonstrates knowledge of safety procedures for specific leisure/recreation activities.
- Makes leisure/recreation choices.
- Locates and plans for community activity.
- Follows procedures necessary for specified leisure/recreation activity. (movie: prepares, enters, obtains ticket, purchases snacks, locates cinema/seating, watches, exits, appropriate communication. Community rec. facility: prepares, enters, check in, engages in activity, locker room use, check out, payment, exits, uses appropriate communication.).
PC / Dom / Work / Com / Grp / PoH / UnT / FPD / Ac
E.Increases Public Transportation Skills.
AUEN: PE 4 – Using public transportation. / I A I D / I A-B II A / I A-B II A / I B6 I C1-3 II B6 V B V E-F
- Identifies public transportation options (bus, train, taxi, special transportation service, dial-a-ride service, etc.).
- Demonstrates knowledge of safety procedures for specific public transportation options.
- Chooses desired transportation means for specific destinations.
- Locates and plans for desired public transportation option. (how and where to access, route and schedule information, money needed, communication required, etc.)
- Follows procedures necessary for desired public transportation option (i.e., bus: prepares, waits, boards, uses bus transfers, sits, exits, uses appropriate communication).
Supported IndependenceCurriculum PE 4 Section II: Community Transactions