Minutes of Championship Forum Meeting

16thFebruary 2016 –Portadown Boat Club.

  1. Clubs represented at meeting

Belfast Rowing Club
Queens Boat Club(QUBBC/QUBLB)
Portadown Boat Club
Bann Rowing Club
Belfast Boat Club
Coleraine Grammar School
Lagan Scullers
City of Derry

Brenda opened the meeting by welcoming all the clubs represented at the meeting and the individuals for taking the time out to participate. Brenda asked that while there are differing views about the championships that we should all think about the sportas a whole and not on specific club’s needs, or crew needs or their own.

  1. Board Proposal

To move the (14) Senior Championship events to Sept/Oct and leave all other Championships (Junior, Novice, Club and Intermediate) in July from 2017 to 2021

  1. Benefits for Proposal

Con Cronin presented the reasons for the proposal to the meeting:-

3.1.Extending the active rowing season through the summer months.

3.2.Providing quality domestic competition for HP and Senior rowers.

3.3.Provision of a domestic competition that can double as a HP selection event.

3.4.Allowing all HP athletes to compete for domestic honours e.g. Irish Champion.

Hamish Adams explained that this issue had been discussed at length at board meetings over several months and that the purpose of this discussion was to explain to and getopinions from clubs. The proposal as it stands is not definitive and the board are open to variations of the proposal. The proposal (or a derivative) would be presented to clubs at the next Fixtures meeting and then to AGM for full discussion and voting.

The HP director has stated that for Irish rowing to progress and succeed the HP rowers, as well as club rowers, need to put in more miles in their training. He would also like to see the proposed Sept/Oct Championships becoming a preliminary selection event in the HP selection process. He is also keen to include the top HP rowers to be able to compete for the Irish Championships. Currently the World Cup II clashes directly with the July Championship date. There would be requests to hold regattas in the July & August months to expand the rowing calendar providing more opportunities to gain racing experience. It would also allow Intermediates and Juniors to compete in the Sept/Oct Open/Senior Championships.

The discussion was opened to the floor for comments and questions.

Q – It would be difficult for Universities to gather senior crews in Sept/Oct and if they were absent from the event how many entries would be left?

A – In last year’s senior events there were 45 Senior men and 55 Senior women but numbers were not available to answer. If the Universities did not turn up for the event then it would certainly be difficult. Clubs need to consider the wider benefits of the proposal. There needs to be a change of ideas and a change in the status quo in order to see long term benefits.

Q –Would the Sept/Oct Championships be a smaller affair?

A – All crews would be able to enter and get a ranking against all other Senior crews.

Q – With rowers probably not being able to enter in Sept/Oct would this not dilute the quality of bigger boats?

A – It would probably be the opposite as the HP rowers would be able to strengthen these crews.

Q – It would probably be a good idea to feed this idea into the rowing scene gradually and bring on more Championships into September?

A – This is mainly for Seniors; the Juniors are not affected by this proposal. There had been some discussion at board level and it was thought best not to move the whole Championships to Sept.

Q – This is a good idea as the British and other countries are doing it with some success, but we should not divorce the Juniors from the idea. Juniors would probably benefit more by bring their championships dates forward. Other sports like Rugby & Hockey have their championship event earlier in year?

A – The board felt that it would be too radical to change the complete format all in one go.

Q – If they are moved what are you going to do in the time between July & Sept to keep HP and club rowers active and competitive?

A –RI Board would need to go back to the regatta committees & secretaries to see if they would move their traditional regatta dates/ or add additional events. RI could also host an event possibly in Lough Rynn.

Q – Why not have Senior 8’s in July along with Inter & Novice?

A – No HP rower is allowed to enter as it is too close to their assigned World Championships event

Q – What would be an acceptable time distance away from the Worlds to have the Irish Championships?

A – World Cup II clashes directly with the July Championships.

Q – Why not bring the Championships forward by one or two weeks to be sufficiently far enough away not to interfere with the final peak training schedule?

A – Not answered

Q – Who else does this new format – what countries?

A – British, Australians, Danes and all have indicated that it has benefited their rowing in general. British events in July seem to have a more relaxed, fun and enjoyable regattas.

Q – Is it hard to get clubs to travel?

A – Summer regattas help to provide a fun event and in time will encourage people to join and try out in the better weather.

Con Cronin closed the meeting: -

This is a hard concept to accept, to have to change training programs, people’s lives, holidays etc. People are resistant to change and find it hard to accept change but there are good benefits to this proposal it just means we have to adapt. The RI Board do not intend to ram this idea down on the clubs but see that there is benefit. It does not have to be this specific proposal it could be an amended idea or a new idea.

Q – Why does the Board not just change the system and have done with it? Then all clubs & coaches would have to adjust their plans and have to work around the idea. People will eventually adapt.

Q – To Queen’s rep. – what does the only university in Ulster think?

A – First impression would be that universities have 3 years to train people. 1st year is as a Novice, 2nd hopefully as Club or Inter and then 3rd as Senior. If Championships are in Sept/Oct then this is after most of the students have officially left University. In the summer after graduation everyone is looking for jobs or will be starting jobs and will have no time to train so the Senior crews will be massively depleted.

Comment:- If leaving students flowed into the local commercial clubs this would bolster the local clubs.

General Comments:-

- There needs to be more integration of HP and other rowers, to develop & help bring on club rowers.

-An increased International High Performance participation increases the finance given to rowing from the Sports bodies and this is crucial funding.

Brenda closed the meeting by thanking Hamish and Con for attending and presenting the proposal idea and the concepts behind the idea. Brenda also thanked everyone for attending and for providing their views and to Portadown for their hospitality.

Signed / date


Brenda Ewing

Chair of Ulster Branch

Irish Amateur Rowing Union Limited Certificate of Incorporation : 361965