Translation in English (original in Russian see below)
PRELIMINARY seminar programme
22 – 23 of September 2015, Minsk, Belarus
COOMET Seminar within the PTB - COOMET project
"Support of the regional cooperation between member countries of the Regional Metrological Organisation COOMET" (SC4.1)
Title: "Testing of software for measuring instruments"
1) Brief presentation of the current status in software testing in the COOMET countries
Daniel Peters, PTB:
2) Experience of EC in testing software controlled measuring instruments:
number of designated test centers in ЕС;
average number of personnel in test lab (i.e. PTB) and required qualification;
average time for conducting testing of software (type P and U);
average cost of one day testing;
procedure of collecting software under test from the customer;
minimal set of documentation supplied by the customer for testing;
procedure for software testing (cases: separately form a device and with device only);
assessment of algorithm accuracy (simulation of measurements, reference set of data, generation of random number sets etc.);
separation of software parts to legally and not legally relevant (experience of manufacturers);
checking of authenticity of software in a serially produced device;
identification of software (static, cyclic over source code);
storage of test materials in a lab (storage period and utilization, data storage devices used (portable), encryption of test data, electronic signature, laboratory’s guarantees etc.);
update of software (notification of developer, additional testing, allowance for update);
problems when dealing with customers.
Daniel Peters, PTB:
3) Organization of software testing
testing of software as a part of development process (saving resources);
approach to testing or accepting applied software developed by third parties for type approved devices (position of manufacturers and test centers);
training in software testing (special courses);
methodological materials and articles (additionally to WELMEC Guide 7.2).
Yuri Kudeyarov, Andrey Pankov, VNIIMS, and Alexander Danilov, Penza CSM:
4) VNIIMS and Penza CSM experience in testing software for measuring instruments:
particularities of testing in Russia (decentralized system of conformity assessment and type approval of measuring instruments);
test laboratories engaged (number of labs);
personnel and qualification required;
training (special courses);
average time for conducting testing of software (type P and U);
average cost of one day testing;
procedure of collecting software under test from the customer;
minimal set of documentation supplied by the customer for testing;
procedure for software testing (cases: separately form a device and with device only);
assessment of algorithm accuracy (simulation of measurements (model of data processed), reference set of data and reference software, generation of random numbers of reference data set, cross-validation etc.);
separation of software into legally relevant and none-relevant parts;
checking of authenticity of software in a serially produced device;
identification of software (static, cyclic over source code);
storage of test materials in a lab (storage period and utilization, data storage devices used (portable), encryption of test data, electronic signature, laboratory’s guarantees etc.);
update of software (only for type approved instruments: notification of developer, additional testing, allowance for update);
methodological support and articles;
problems (accreditation issues, training, standardization, coordination of testing activities).
Maksim Shabanov, BelGIM:
5) Developments of BelGIM in software testing prerequisites
Participants of the seminar:
6) Open discussing involving manufacturers of measuring instruments