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Introduction by Kieran Topping,
Service Director for Commercial Services
Welcome to the 2017/18 service plan for the new Commercial Service.
Our Services bring together a range of professional support services within the wider Customer and Support Services directorate in a new way. The Service covers a range of services from project management, procurement through to property and capital projects. The Service is instrumental in delivering the key Council objectives around Value for Money, efficiency and innovation.
The first year of this service will be focused on understanding and reviewing the various components of the professions and how to best bring these together most effectively. A number of the senior management posts have recently been recruited to and the service will continue to shape once these senior team members are in established over the coming months.
There are a number of cross cutting themes that all parts of the service will consider, including the Support Service Review and how we link into the wider Customer and Support Services Directorate. Quality Customer Service to our clients, both internally in the Council, to residents of Cornwall as well as those that purchase our services will be the key to our success.
Within specific parts of the service there will be other key milestones throughout the year, including the creation of a Property Strategy that takes a more holistic view of our current and future portfolio, a clearer position for our relationship with both our companies and our key suppliers, further development of the commercial strategy and a reshaping of our capital projects service.
One of the overarching objectives of our directorate is to bring a more commercial focus to the Council’s delivery, this does not mean always seeking income at any cost but bringing a model commercial minded focus to the services to maximise value for money, taking the whole life costs of services into account. This will require our Service to provide both leadership and training to the rest of the Council as empowering others to act commercially is fundamental to the change in approach.
Our Services are vital to the delivery of the Council’s business plan objectives of being ambitious, engaging, fit for purpose and collaborative. The Service has many of the levers needed to support the economic growth agenda as well as being the steward of many of the Council’s assets. The support and development of businesses in Cornwall is a key driver for the Commercial Services which will be beneficial to both the Council and Cornwall as a whole.
Overall the Service aims to be efficient, effective and innovative to both support and transform the Council’s delivery.
The structure and services we provide
Our Priorities for 17/18
Everything our Service delivers is supporting the Council’s Strategic theme – Being efficient, effective and innovative and our change priorities are set out below, which sit alongside our business as usual activity:
Ref / PriorityCS01 / Commercial Strategy
We will continue to develop and deliver the Council’s Commercial Strategy - inspiring a commercial culture across the council and the wider public sector in Cornwall.
CS02 / Property Transformation and Delivery Plan
This Programme will ensure that the Property Service of Cornwall Council is established with a fit for purpose Property Strategy, endorsed by Members and Senior Officers and the necessary supporting infrastructure (i.e. organisational structure, systems and processes) to deliver effectively.
CS03 / Supplier Relationship Management
We will create a Supplier Relationship Management strategy that encompasses how we will develop our own company strategies as well as our wide range of suppliers. This will include continuing to promote and develop our Supply Chain Development Programme to support and stimulate businesses in Cornwall in order to assist with the Business Rates pilot (Council Business Plan)
CS04 / Define our Service Identity and Offering
We will develop the Commercial Service offering for the Service that fits into the wider Customer and Support Services direction of travel and provides the best level of service to both our internal customers as well as the residents of Cornwall. This will include continuing to form ourselves into fully aligned and clearly defined teams throughout the service.
CS05 / Asset Management System
We will implement and maximise our new Asset Management System across all of the Council’s property services.
CS06 / Support Transformation and Complex Projects
We will support the Council’s key programmes and projects of change through a clear and consistent approach to project management and creation of a Programme Management Office.
CS07 / Professional Career Pathways
We will create clear progression pathways and developmental routes for the professional staff, including entry routes for apprenticeships and graduates.
CS08 / Social Value Act Policy
We will create a framework for evaluating our purchasing using the Social Value act to maximise the benefit to Cornwall of our contracting arrangements.
CS09 / Contract Management
We will define the approach and model for contract management in the Council and move into direct management for strategic and critical contracts.
CS10 / Living Wage
We will provide commercial support and advice to the Council’s approach to the Living Wage.
CS11 / Overarching Commissioning Framework
We will create, jointly with others, the commissioning framework to bring clarity to how the different parts of the commissioning cycle fit together.
CS12 / Capital Projects
We will define and agree the approach to all Capital Projects, in particular how and when the specialist team will be engaged and utilised.
CS13 / Shareholder support to Group of companies
We will provide the Shareholder support for Corserv (Group of Companies) and create a governance structure that reflects the need and commercial approach.
CS14 / Contracting position with CORSERV
We will clarify the contracting position with Corserv for our service specific contracts including: Leases / Facilities Management / Design / Construction
CS15 / Commercial Services contribution to Support Services Review
We will fully engage with the Support Service Review, including leading on key workstreams where agreed and reviewing/implementing any agreed Target Operating Model.
CS16 / Corserv Buyback & strategic direction
We will clarify and agree the position for Corserv to purchase Council services, including procurement, advice, project management support.
CS17 / Income generation (Business Development Manager)
We will implement and support the development of the income generation framework across the Council, as well as a focused area to test our approach for Service to Schools.
Our Budget
2017/18 Budget by commercial service
Gross Expenditure £39m
Income £12m
Performance Management Arrangements
The Service Leadership Team will monitor and review progress monthly against the priorities, its Critical Indicators as well as Strategic Risks. Individual SLT members will escalate exceptions from their team plans as they see appropriate.