France-Taiwan Scientific Foundation

Prize 2018

Application Form

PART A. Basic information

French Applicant / Taiwanese Applicant
Surname and given name(s):
Chinese name(if available): / Surname and given name(s):
Chinese name:
Date of birth: / Date of birth:
Position: / Position:
Research institution: / Research institution:
Phone number:
Fax number:
E-mail address:
Website: / Address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
E-mail address:
Date: / Signature:

PART B. Recommendation letters

Please refer to the noteat the end of the form, for important information on recommendation letters.

  1. Surname and given name(s):
Chinese name (if available):
  1. Surname and given name(s):
Chinese name (if available):
  1. Surname and given name(s):
Chinese name (if available):
  1. Surname and given name(s):
Chinese name (if available):

PART C. French Applicant’s career summary

  1. Curriculum Vitae (one page maximum)
  1. Main scientific achievements(one page maximum)
  1. A list of ten main publicationsin reverse chronological order
  1. Full text of the most important publication in PDF format (sent via email)
  1. Passport photo of the applicant, minimum resolution 300 dpi (sent via email)

PART D. Taiwanese Applicant’s career summary

  1. Curriculum Vitae (one page maximum)
  1. Main scientific achievements (one page maximum)
  1. A list of ten main publicationin reverse chronological order
  1. Full text of the most important publication in PDF format (sent via email)
  1. Passport photo of the applicant, minimum resolution 300 dpi (sent via email)

PART E. Previous collaborative activities and scientific achievements

Please describe the joint activities, joint funded projects, and joint achievements of the French and Taiwanese partners, paying special attention to the synergistic value of the cooperation. List the publications arising from this collaboration, if available. (Two pages maximum)

PART F. Proposal for future work

  1. Title: (please also provide the title in Chinese.)
  1. Proposal and Abstract: (please describe the main scientific objective, the work to be carried out, the roles/contribution of two sides, etc.) (one page maximum)
  1. Expected results: (describe expected results, including possible papers and patents, and the education value to the young researchers on the team, etc.)
  1. Other team member(s) involved with the French team: (please list the name, position, institution and major role of other members, who have participated in this research by working with the French team.)
  1. Other team member(s) involved with the Taiwanese team: (please list the name, position, institution and major role of other members, who have participated in this research by working with the Taiwanese team.)


  1. Application form
  1. Please fill in the application form as completely as possible and sign at the bottom of PART A. Please use the 12 pt Times New Roman font, single-spaced for the application.
  2. The application should be in two copies in PDF format, one submitted by the French applicant to the Académie des sciences, and the other submitted by the Taiwanese applicant to the Ministry of Science and Technology by June 29th, 2018.
  3. French applicants should send the application to:

Mr. César Manrique Milla

Division of Sessions, Prizes and Conferences

Académie des sciences,

Institut de France

23 quai de Conti, 75006 Paris

Tel: +33(0)1 44 41 43 94 or 44 61

Fax: +33(0)1 44 41 44 21

E-mail :

Taiwanese applicants should send the application to:

Ms Mei-Huey Hung

Department of International Cooperation and Science Education,

Ministry of Science and Technology

22 F, No. 106, Section2, Hoping East Road,10622 Taipei

Tel: +886(0)2 2737 7122

Fax: +886(0)2 2737 7607


  1. Recommendation letters:
  1. Please arrange for two to four referees to send their letters of recommendation to both the Académie des sciences and the Ministry of Science and Technology. Of the two obligatory referees, one must be an academician of the Académie des sciences, whilst the other must be an academician of the Academia Sinica. The optional referees must be either an academician of the Académie des sciences, or an academician of the Academia Sinica, or a former laureate of the Prize.
  2. Recommendation letters should be sent directly by referees either in PDF format via email, or in hard copy via post to both the Académie des sciences and the Ministry of Science and Technology by June 29th, 2018. In the title of the email message, please write “2018FT Scientific Prize: the last names of the French and Taiwanese applicants”, if sent via email.
  1. Photos

Please send one passport photo of each applicant to both the Académie des sciences, and the Ministry of Science and Technology via email. Please use the applicant’s name as the file name for the photos.

  1. Official letter(only for Taiwanese applicants)

The Taiwanese applicant should send an official document issued by the home institution to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

  1. Please check that the following documents have been included in this application form before submission:

□A. Basic information of both applicants

□B. French applicant’s career summary

□C. Taiwanese applicant’s career summary

□D. Collaborative activities and achievements in the past

□E. Joint research proposal and team members involved

□F. passport photos of both French and Taiwanese applicants (minimum resolution 300 dpi)

□G. An official letter issued by the home institution of the Taiwanese applicant (only for Taiwanese applicants)

  1. Please make sure that all of your referees have sent their references by the June29th, 2018.