·  When you were growing up, what was your family’s source of income? (Investments, public assistance, parent(s) salaries or wages, from what occupations(s)?

·  Describe your home(s) and neighborhood(s) growing up.

·  How does the education you are getting now compare with the education of others in your family, in the previous two generations?

·  How was your family’s leisure time spent when you were growing up?

·  Circle five values or expectations from the list below that seem to be most valued in your family. Then underline five that seem to be least important:

Conversations for Three by Chen, Chan, Brekken, & Valverde © 2000 by Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Handout 2

Ø  getting by

Ø  making a moderate living

Ø  making a very good living

Ø  gaining social status or prominence

Ø  open communication among family members

Ø  going to a place of worship

Ø  keeping up with the neighbors

Ø  being married and having children

Ø  respecting law and order

Ø  defending one’s country

Ø  staying out of trouble with the law

Ø  being politically or socially aware

Ø  recognition

Ø  community service

Ø  saving money

Ø  making your money work for you

Ø  enjoying your money work for you

Ø  getting a high school degree

Ø  helping to advance the cause of one’s racial, religious, cultural group

Ø  physical appearance

Ø  being a professional

Ø  being an entrepreneur

Ø  owning a home

Ø  being patriotic

Ø  going to private school

Ø  not being wasteful

Ø  having good etiquette.

Conversations for Three by Chen, Chan, Brekken, & Valverde © 2000 by Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Handout 2

Ø  Other values or expectations not listed above?

·  What do you appreciate or what have you gained from your class background experiences?

·  What has been hard for you from your class background?

·  What impact does your class background have on your current attitudes, behaviors and feelings? (About money, work, relationships with people from class/from a different class, your sense of self, expectations about life, your politics, etc.)

Conversations for Three by Chen, Chan, Brekken, & Valverde © 2000 by Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Handout 2