Digital Product Library

Purpose & Overview

The purpose of the Digital Products Library is to provide a single point of call for delivering all Street Hypnosis Products. Once a digital product is purchased, the customer will be directed to the login page i.e. where they can login and retrieve, view and download their purchased products.

Types of Products to Deliver

  • Single page downloadable or streaming media such as video, audio, pdfs and written content.
  • Multiple page downloadable or streaming media such as video, audio, pdfs and written content.
  • Member area offering all the above as well as having content and pages added on a continuous basis. For example: this could be a course that delivers new content on a monthly or weekly basis.


  1. Original Video of how Mind Valley deliver their content. We base our system on theirs.
    See :
  2. Visual Design Documents Located at:
    My Dropbox\161. SH - Digital Product Library\Planning and Specification
  3. Library Home Page: LibraryTemplate-MemberHome.png
    Design instructions sheet: MemberHome-Instructions.jpg
  4. Library Product Page: LibraryTemplate-ProductPage v2-kb.png
    Design instructions sheet: ProductPage-Instructions.jpg
  5. Library Lesson Page: LibraryTemplate-LessonPage V2-KB.png
    Design instructions sheet: LessonPage-Instructions.jpg
  6. Central Desktop original Task Specs

Technology Platforms

  • Infusion – CRM that handles product purchases & login info
  • Wordpress installation with the Latest Thesis Theme
  • InfusionWP – Wordpress plugin that enables different member levels. In our case, each level will correspond with a deliverable product, and will be available to he customer if they have access to that member level (product)

The Customer Experience

When purchasing a digital product the customer will be asked for an email address and login password through an appropriate infusion order form.

Once the product is purchased, the customer will then be directed to the product library login page. This will be at

All that will exist on this page is a big login form.

The Library Home Page

Once logged in, the customer is taken to the Library Home Page. Here they will see a short welcome message alongside a short welcoming video. Below this will be a list of all the products this customer has purchased and a link next to each their product pages and lesson pages.

The product list will also be available in the ‘Your Products’ dropdown menu.

Here is a snapshot of what the page will look like:

Next, by clicking on the Get Access Now button or from the dropdown menu they are sent to the specific product Page.

The Library Product Page

The librarys product page is essentially the Home Page of each product. If the product is a simple product, for example a single video file, this might be the only page for that product. In most cases products will span over several pages and for member sites, the pages will be dynamically added on an ongoing basis.

Here is an example of what it will look like and its various elements

The Product Lesson Page

This is where the lessons and their information will be delivered. There will be areas to deliver documents, areas for audio and areas for video.

1 Click Download

The 1 Click Download button, is a way for people to download all the lessons at once. It will be where we batch the lessons in a zip file so that they don’t have to go to each audio and video and download them separately.

Here is what it will look like. The design page is in the dropbox folder. (One-Click-Download Page.png)

How it will work

Each product we create, will be assigned a member level of its own in InfusionWP, and will have a corresponding tag in Infusion.

When the product is purchased, the customer will be tagged with that product tag, allowing them to login to the product library. There they will see the product in their purchased list and be able visit all the product pages associated with that product.

InfusionWP allows you to hide or display sections of code depending on your member levels access. We can use this on the Library home page and in the ‘Your Products’ Dropdown in order to show only the products this person has purchased.

Product Delivery

There will be 2 types of files hosted in 2 separate locations.

  1. All streaming media will be hosted on our Amazon S3 Account
  2. All download files will be hosted on

Here is how it will work:

All audio and video files that are watched by a visitor using a Flash Player in the library will be hosted in our amazon s3 account to support high volume access.

All downloadable content will be hosted on our server in the UK.

We've setup a domain there,, to store the files.

Here's the FTP info for that server:
User: vault
Password: jh@rtw1g


Files for each product should go in their own folder under the domain.

Some smaller products (Like a masterclass on building a hypnosis practice ) may also be bundled as bonuses and available as part of larger Products in the digital library.

However, every file or collection of files that belongs to a product or bonus should have their own folder on the web server.

Example: So if the CHPH program includes a Masterclass (consisting of 7 mp3 audio files) on building your hypnosis practice, there would be a folder on the web server for the CHPH product AND a folder that contains the 7 masterclass audios.

Any links do download one of those 7 audio files should point to the masterclass folder, NOT the chph folder.

What I want to avoid is hundreds of files in the root of the domain.

Every audio, video or .pdf doc should be in a clearly labeled folder on the server.

Comments on Product Pages

SCENARIO - Allow users to post comments at the bottom of product pages within the library

We want to encourage people to post comments and feedback at the bottom of any product pages within the library.

Comments should only be automatically displayed if the person posting has had another comment accepted (there's a setting for this in wordpress).


  1. How do we create free products that require registration?
    How do we handle new customers vs ones that have passwords?
  2. Customers who purchase a product through an Infusion order form will be asked to provide an email address and a password. This will be their password access to the product and library area. If they already are already in Infusion and have a password then the password field on the order form doesn’t show (and is populated with their original password. An email will be sent after they purchase with login info.
  3. Customers getting free products will be sent to a webform to register for that product. They will only be required to register with an email address. If they had previously been given a street hypnosis password that will be their password. Otherwise we will assign their email address as their password and have an api for them to go change their password within the mebers area
  4. We need to restrict the ability for users to externally link to product files and download them from outside without logging in. (Need to Find a solution)